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Show THE Friday, January 8, 1926 TIMES-NEW- In California They Don't Know It's Winter Miners on Strike Getting Their Own Coal t i PAGE THREE NEPHI, UTAH S, -- 4 " - ff w 4 - yv. - c ? i i , I, r :V? ':iff i feS 3 t' v. 'Si' " ' A(tlM.tt( A jfJttW-s- wily tTSv Though they are on strike, all the miners at Shamokln, Pa., are not idle. Many of them are at work digging out ot the hills enough coal for their own use. The companies know they are doing It and. though technically It la theft, wink at It provided the men do not sell the coal. Christian Cross Replaced in the Coliseum Here is pictured a general view of the ceremonies In the ruins of the old Roman coliseum marking the dedication of the cross by the church on the pot where the early Christians died. Centuries ago the first cross was placed there but when the popes lost the temporal power It was removed. Now it has teen replaced by Premier Mussolini In deference to the wishes of Pope Plus. nr : 1 " hs k vfe Wrftl 1 F & r"ri vVi Out In California the weather Is so fine that the members of the Beautlflcatlon association are transforming the rolling hills of the San Gabriel valley Into beautiful flower gardens as one means of expressing a welcome to the newcomer to southern California. Our photograph shows a number of members of the association at work. Arica Boundary Obscure When This River Goes Dry fc 4 - r i tit nnrtwn1 " rmnnnri fj iiiMiMtiMtnr---- ' The ubove photograph was taken near the source award, between Tarata and Tacna, Arica. Unfortunately commission headed by Gen. Jay J. Morrow, a distinguished governor of the Panama Canal Zone, is finding considerable ttm What's FOR SAFER AIRSHIPS Sub-Zer- Weather to Them? o J 11 ma e 9 $ To y K " x est ,- " - i.'.if, " M, rrmmr-- n of the River Sunid, the boundary line, according to the the river was dry In so many places that the boundary member of the United States engineer corps and former difficulty In placing the exact boundary. FAILS; IN PRISON 5 i j J' 'A AW s ; ' Two Treaties With Mexico Signed 5 t . : . r . SS fl V ' tfcvW 5. Itadlcal revision in the designs of airships to be constructed In the future has been recommended to the navy board Investigating the wreck of the Shenandoah by Prof. W. - Hoov-gaar- noted civilian dirigible expert who has made a thorough Investigation Into the Shenandoah disaster. Ills suggestions Include construction of airships with a smaller ratio of diameter to resist bending forcei. ships of from 6,000,000 to 1,000,000,-00Weather means nothing to some people. Ethel Coles and Marilyn Rein cubic feet, and control cars built In one with the keel to prevent cars mailer of Chicago could not bathe In the lake on account of the heavy tee and snow, but spent a few momenta In Lincoln park when the therinoinet3r tearing loose. registered 3 degrees below zero. 0 GEM SWALLOWER? - Ford Is Given i an Two treaties with Mexico, one to prevent the smuggling of the border, the other 'to provide for extradition of criminals, nt the Stnte department. After a brief ceremony, signatures by the Mexican ambassador, Manuel Tellez (left), and the state, Frank IS. Kellogg. Walter C. Ktppberger, real estate banker of Elgin. III., whose firm has aliens across failed with losses of probably $1,000,-00td the great distress of thousands were signed were affixed of persons who had entrusted their secretary of savings to It. Rlppberger la In Jail on charges of forging the notes of prominent Elgin business men. 0, Plan Alaska Photography Flight I Ancient Mill VC'J RUM SCANDAL FIGURE I .;:.) ft. i i ,"" ' .' 'J j'ji-'"-'' iS U v' nl til' iini inn 'J ' ' ' " i Mil ' '.. mi "fin '.77 tn. . fra Joan Peyton, of many aliases, who according to tha police can do all kinds of Jtigtrllng with a diamond, Is accused In Chicago of stealing a $1, 000 diamond mounted with emernlds Store counter. Pursued by a from clerk, It Is alleged she swallowed the precious stone. Jv wfttn in i 4 if ill mituM IMluiy Ilnrton. part time Inatriic-toof Knglish at Ohio Ktnte universiljr, who has been arrested on a charge of Illegal manufacture of Intoxicating liquor. A search of his home revealed. It Is said, a list containing his cusNavy flyers ore nhorlly to make sn airplane flight to Alacka to photo-f-.','thiil territory froai the air. This photograph shows Lieut. W. M. tomers that Included members of the I'I'.li'D. X'. S. N., who ilans to make the aerial survey cf Alaska, with Lieut. faculty as well as many prominent cm-KeI ii'.ii; II. fViiirmt of the flight division of the bureau of aeronautics, looking of Columbus whera the untversitj la located. imr tl'o territory to be surveyed and photographed. tmmmttumMitii - t .... , Ili-rAIs pictured the old mill at Atkinson Depot, N. II.. vliii lbert W. Harrows has Jut given to Henry i'ord after hi agi-n- t had f.iilil buy the property from her. The mill was originally a woolen mill with a crystal stream purring a song through the sluice to the great puU lle wliotl e |