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Show THE 8, 1926 Friday, January 1 TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH S, THE FEATHERHEADS i i'NG GOOD T CLOTHE ST'CK N AMD TAKE 3 By WM A ( STROLL V miX CERWIMW MILLIONAIRE LOOKED LIKE HE VWEN L P. Van VU A STEPPED OUT VEST J II Zetra J I I II II PAGE SEVEN MEXT To I TIME WEAR MY VQQI CO OUT IM ffOING - rr nnruF niTi Do Clothes Make the. Man? i I I 5000 -- PROSPEROUS REAL " " F?l SALESMEN ESTATE r 11 ' &W ., B$flr MICKIEf THE PRINTER'S DEVIL . w ISvweOUTtsAT W Ju5?V wq, Mtwe,SHE T&ttftX tl t JW , ifL. WEB.BR.IDSEeUlBSO WCkHT A9 WEU PUN AUO VJUEU OHE KUEVU) MV J jfr fJ 2ff Nou see, those ladies A V AWAN. I ' GETS f A AHEAD, DOES MOOR. WIFE TAKE TO jf THE OTHERS OOUTWAUT She Loses ClSSA fV BFUOaE? J v INDEED SHE; j SVAE. ) iBtfl SeM fAOflS TAKES TO IT THAU SHS ' BOTH MISSED II i j - "I thought H r ii(LL 1 you were, EXERCISE DE LUXE ViJiifi' r Algie Reggie has adopted reaUy strenuous system of exercise. Jknow. 11188 Sharpen I haven't noticed It If I o- . I I good shot.' V4 T M' 'ip y" y 53 SSgS ) "Dear, are we going to take anj he',as- souvenirs home to remember thli Algie Oh, yas twirls his stick now I Mr. Huggins Can't think why Dorothy iu n.ad at me. place by?" when lie walks and sits farther from "I don't need to take anything homf Miss Neesel She said something about you trying to kiss her. the hearth so there'll be a greater Mr. Huggins Now, that must be It I did make a desultory try at It to remember It by, I can remember it distance to throw his clcnrette ash. ' but I quit without kissing her. hy what I leave here. j THE VERY MAN OF COURSE SOUVENIR NOT NEEDED SHE HATES A QUITTER rt A SUBMARINE ACCIDENT A DEADLOCK tai Drumstick I'd think you'd have a terrible headache after the beating you've had. Prum I have. ting open. As for reasons for bobbing one's hair. If a womnn wants to bob it no other reason matters. Physician Patient I'm This medicine Is to be taken on an empty stomach. Just the man to take It, doctor; I live at a boarding house. i If I "1 iBWSS Ol W II HOMeV Jl. III l LAM' I 1 lf5L-- vJ Lit- -' J A girl Isn't necessarily an angel cause she Is flighty. First Fish be- Second Fish Goodness, what happened Got kicked by a to youT sea-hors- C) fQ) HOME WANTED FOR A BABY - Vo'S LlC Ftf UH'5AKEJ rp: SAKPfi AUVfci She If I knew you'd never kissed another girl, I'd let you kiss me. He If I'd never kissedt one before I wouldn't have the nerve to usk you. 31 My head's Just split- HEAV1T.' rs. $K2 "aka' L ul ru Am' come ) Bwe.w I I I i i 2mi S ' Svn - . Be? -- . 6ffcl l ) 0m iswa.cwu-7- o , I 4 l The Clancy Kids By S' r I'M I It (TJ :.' v303rTi I y I Just Their Sway PERCY L. CROSBY WANT THAT 1 httt TRAIN. JfZf xii I - Vcwje m6: i II Vi vi Aw,(TANiJiAy; I PARDON I HAvnYTimP. fo foif rsorr |