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Show THE PAGE FOUR TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, The Times-New- HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Friday. January 8, s Published Kvery Friday by the Times Xews Publishing Company The Best Resolution (Florence Chase, reporter) A. School has commenced again after Subscription Kates: a very enjoyable holiday. We think everyone of the students have firmly resolved to accomplish more for the Six Months year 1926 than was the case in 1925. One Year If thi8 is done we are sure of a pepPayable in advance py and up to the minute high school. New Year's Resolution What Could Be More Sensible or more profitable for every member of the family, than the followAs A ing: to Start A Savings Account and Save Systematically I Resolve First National Bank NOTICE FOR PUBIJCATIOX (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that Horace H. Ellertson of Mona, Utah, who, on Oct. 19, 1920, made stock raising homestead entry, No. 01866 2 for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 E NE i , NW!4, NE4 SW14, Section 1 10, Township 11 South, Range West. S. L. Merid'an. has filed notice K.ennetn Judd was appointed as sistant yell master of the N. H. S. so we are sure of pep in our yells The pep iamily are designing a new pep book for 1926 with plenty snappy yells and songs. They will be on sale soon at the high school. Among the recent developments in the field of preventative medicine is the Schick Test. Thia is a test de signed to assist in the control and prevention of diphtheria, and if the claims of the investigators are borne out, it is conceivable that diptheria may cease to exist. Diphtheria is peculiarly a disease The faculty have arranged the program for the second term and we notice that the Kiwanis club is to furnish the program on February 22nd. and the Commercial club on March 24th. CARD OF THANKS take this means of conveying to our many friends and relatives our heartfelt thanks and appreciat ion for the assistance rendered dur ing the illness and death of our dear of intention to make three-yea- r mother. Also for the help that was Proof, to establish claim to the land freely given at the funeral. above described, before the Clerk of James R. Black and family the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 9th day of February, 1926. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN Claimant names as witnesses: Monday, January 11th, all stray Harvey Kay, of Payson, Utah, Aug- cattle will be gathered to Lunt's cor ust Peterson, of Santaquin, Utah, rel on 2nd West and 2nd South Lloyd Peterson and Tom Ellertson, Every person having stray cattle of Mona, Utah. should deliver them to the above named correl and assist in identify ELI F. TAYLOR, Register ing cattle. Juab County Livestock Association First publication, Jan. 1st, 1926. James H. Ockey, Secretary Last publication, Jan. 29th, 1926. EE EE We mm j -- 3 hi n full ON CHEVRO CAI EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1ST, 1926, THE Factory List Price Delivery Price Touring (Cord Tires) 510.00 641.b5 Touring (Balloon Tires) 535.00 661.65 Roadster (Cord Tires) 510.00 641.65 Roadster (Balloon Tires) 535.00 661.65 Standard Sedan 735.00 923.75 765.00 963.75 Coupe 645.00 830.20 Coacn 645.00 830.20 550.00 645.30 Landau Sedan , Chassis (3 1- -2 inch front tires Ut. Expr. Chassis (5 inch front tires) 595.00 3 detail. Our Prescription Department is presided over by the best, Registered Pharmacist and Chemist obtainable and in bringing your prescriptions to us, you can rest assured that they will be given the up-to-da- parents regard with great fear; for authorities on 1 I again becomes susceptible. With the new preventive treatment it Is different. It takes a longer time to immunize the individual, but once this is accomplished he continues safe for an Indefinite period. A second Schick Test is advised several weeks later In order to make sure that protection bs been conferred, making assurance doubly sure. The Times-New- s finds that these two measures have bern extensively employed In various large cities and th.il as a result there is being established in a definite, laree way a the person diphtheria-impiun- e popul- - Physician would wish. Please remember, too, that we are subject jto your call at any hour of the night in emergency cases. We are here to serve. Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. ? BSE 3S3 ation. The use of preventative meas-ures has passed all condition of ex periment, and such being the case, it would seem that the time is not far distant when they may become a part of the health regulations of every community Just as vaccination against smallpox is at the present CAKD OF THANKS - We sincerely appreciate the kind assistance that was rendered us at the funeral of our beloved mother. Especially do we wish to thank those who met the train when the body arrived here; for the cars offered, and time. ' the beautiful flowers that were sent us. Also we wish to thank the and those who rendered speakers, home returned E. Memmott Mrs. J. numbers. musical the visit weeks two Wednesday after a The Family of Mrs. H. E. Howell. with relatives in Loa Angeles. Reserve District No. 12 THE OF CONDITION THE REPORT OF Charter No. 3537 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BUSINESS ON IN THE STATE OF UTAH. AT THE CLOSE 1925. DECEMBER 31st, AT NEPHI RESOURCES includine rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts, sold with indorsement of this bank except those shown $664,599.40 in b and c) Total Loans Overdrafts, secured, NONE; unsecured ?5,89.J U S. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par $50,000.00 value) All other United States Government securities (including 125,00000 premiums, if any) Total Other bonds, stocks, securities, ets.: .... Banking House, $ None; Furniture and fixtures S3, 000 Lawful reseroe with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and amount due from national banks Amount due from State banks, bankers and trust companies in the United States (other than included in Items, 8, 9, and 10) Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank, (other than Item 12) ., 121,090.77 Total of items 9, 10, 11, 12. and 13 Miscellaneous cash items 3,753.33 Redemption fund with U. S Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer Other assets, if any T nno anil i UP 0 11 Tl tH 664.599.40 5,899.39 175.000.00 10,226.00 3,000.00 43,978 62 68.653.12 51,734 Total $ 15 698.00 '. 3,753.33 2,500.00 3.873.84 1,033,921.35 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits 14,637.97 Reserved for Dep. U. S. & other bds 9.310.96 23,948.93 None Less current expenses paid Reserved for taxes, Interest, etc., accrued Circulating notes outstanding Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States and foreign countries (other than included In Items 22 or 23) Certified Checks outstanding Cashier's Checks outstanding Totals of Items 22, 23. 24. 25. and 26 36.941.04 Individual deposit subject to check Certificate of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than tor money borrowed ) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by oledee oi assets or mi. bank or surety bond iiviuriiiis uuuaia Reserve Items. 27, 28, 28. 30. 31. and 32 i7s 8R?"Jj Certificates of deposit (other than for monev borrnwrt Other time deposits ' Total of time deposit,- suhiert - - tn n.lVJl! ' wv, i r " 111 34. 35, and 36 $ . flat.u, Vumny . Ul B '.''J O $ 50.000.00 50,000.00 23.948.93 6.000.00 49.097.50 32.646.46 73.00 4,221.58 222 447 20 5,754.92 ! ten 5.000.00 77.540.00 283.541.54 , 361,081.54 Total StatA " I 1,033,921.35 Juab, SS awear Corrert Attest: Subscribed O. M inn W. ... "in My commission expires C. belief. ANDREWS. Cashier. anerman Armstronsr. Eurnno and sworn to before me this le 23 te thorough attention that your statistics, diphtheria the children of the age group between one and ten years contribute most largely to case incidence of diphtheria and to the mortality from it. After the tenth year, the danger gradually grows less. For years physicians and scientists have been experimenting to discover some way or ridding the world 01 this scourge to young childhood. This difference in susceptibility suggested to them their line of investiIf there were some means gation. of identifying those who are safe from those who are not, much progress might be made in checking the spread of diphtheria epidemics, and if in addition, those who are not safe could by some method be made safe the goal of diphtheria extinction might be reached. We are told that their efforts have been rewarded in a remarkable man ner, that as a result it is possible to sav with certainity mat uipnmena can be prevented and that not many years heme there will be a8 little diphtheria as there is smallpox, provided of course that preventative measures are universally adopted. It is the purpose of the Schick Test to find out whether a child is liable to catch diphtheria or whether it is not. The test is performed by injeci- ug into the skin, usually of the right forearm, a very small amount of the test solution, and then watching care a red spot comes fully to see whether . n. i um i i . on the arm in a iew nays, comfort of the injection may be corn ered to that felt from a mos- ouito bite, or from a pin prick only n this instance the pin a clean one It does not hurt as much as vaccin ation for smallpox, and it ig said that he patient never becomes ill from it. It is harmless, simple ana very successfully combating diphtheria In ml in preventing the disease those Immediately exposed, the pro nation afforded in either case is very hort lived, not longer than two or three weeks at the most, and then NEPHI, UTAH your needs and to serve you to the smallest all of them know how serious it may become. Until the children are well along in years, this dread is an ever E2 present one. Yet experience during epidemics hp- - shown that not all children will contract diphtheria even if they are all directly and exposed. Moreover, thi8 suscepas the tibility or case may be, appears to run throughout the family. There is a marked tendency for all the children to show susceptibility to the disease or all of them to show safety. When variations do occur, it will be found that the younger children are the ones who are subject to the disease. This will be better understood when It is remembered that according to the n 695.30 The Confidence you place in us enables us to serve you better, to keep an adequate stock on hand at all times, to take care of adults umber of years. . ' This is an important advance in irdlcinc scarcely less so than the lcovery of antitoxin which cut own (lipntneria i percent, its re- ulls indeed would seem to be more for while diphtheria ntitoxin Is still the supreme remedy GRACE GARAGE CO. i2E young children, although Im ALL CHEVROLET MODELS: . are not entirely free from attacks. It is, too, one of the illnesses which . LIST PRICES AND DELIVERY PRICE WILL PREVAIL.ON Ut Expr. of efficient. in a day If the red spat shows up . w nr so. tne nerson may, u u i ooHed to diphtheria, get it. If such not does not appear, he is safe rom an attack, no matter how intl r urinermore, ne mate hia exposure, safe for his whole life, for the test irrles almost as much assurance for he future a8 for the present. Thoe who are shown by the test to he susceptible may by means of the second ereat discovery be made as afe a8 the others, by three hypoder mic injections given at weekly Intervals, which will "vaccinate" the child The protective gainst diphtheria. nfuence of this vaccination seems to ie permanent, or ai leasu 11 iais FOLLOWING The Confidence we have in one another makes for a better understanding-- EDITORIALS DIPHTHERIA PREVENTION. The girls of the N. H. S. challen ged the boys of the the high school for a competition in who can arrange and give the best program. ng- is at your command. $1.00 $2.00 A forty five minute period was taken Wednesday morning during which time the yell master put over a lot of practice yells and songs with which they intend to make noise for the big league game Friday night in the N. H. S. gym. Mr. Sperry and Mr. Durham have offered four dollars to the one com posing the best yell. The pep fam ily are giving a .prize of $1.00 for the second best, also a ticket to a basket ball game and a pep book for third prize. A good place to start your Thrift Account is this strong Bank, where every convenience for savi- CONFIDENCE GIBSON, Editor and Manager 15. 1926. 10 May, 1926 nn. directors Cth d.,v f , u. noyi, Notary Public Itesidlng at Nephi, Utah |