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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 24, 1960 From the Office Of the Principal It's here Spring! It's in the air. You notice it in the green grass that's starting to make its appearance. The tirds and bees are announcing its arrival. It is evident in school teachers and students are all looking for opportunities oppor-tunities to get out and sun themselves. them-selves. Even our Principal has the "1-a-z-y" feeling. Spring is, also, an awakening of new life the "freshning up" of the old. the revival of the new -everywhere. In school we give evidence of spring by such activities as the Jr. Prom, the Operetta, and spring sports such as track, tennis, and softball. And today we have been preparing for the close of school by getting ready our diplomas. It seems but a short time ago that we were registering and making mak-ing ready for our 1959-60 school year. How time flies! Should we stop to eveluate or should we just enjoy spring fever? Marlene Bogh David Crafts Is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Crafts. He has been in Fort Ord, Calif, where he has completed 6 months course with the U.S. Army Keserve. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fredricksen (Ardith Shields) were home over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Shields and Carla. While here they attended the Har-dy-Sorensen wedding reception. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Terry of Provo were visitors here Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mcintosh of Provo spent three days at their Hinckley farm this week. SET THE STAGE FOR ,m,. 1 l J ; CUSTOM REMODELING It 8. A nk AT SUPERMARKET g PRICES Good Things Come In Small and large-Packages ! Pre-assembled wall and roof panels, pan-els, roof trusses "packaged" product pro-duct for any kind of construction. Devoe WONDERTONES Ml Iff DOG HOUSE $19.95 Give Fido the pride of home ownership own-ership with this easily assembled dog house. Pre-cut for accurate fit from 34 in. plywood. Vinyl Wondertones cover virtually vir-tually anything in one coat. Easy to apply with brush or roller and is dry in 20 minutes. min-utes. Scrubable. Choose from a host of the latest decorator colors. Gallon $5.95 VINYL FLOOR TILE 20 DECORATOR COLORS So easy to install ... so easy to care for. Wears wonderfully well because colors are solid clear through. Stays shiny bright requires j minimum - J upkeep. Y 3 V 9"x9" TILES ONLY LI s3 REFRESHMENT BAR Prg-cut from 34 in. plywood. Features Fea-tures large storage area with sliding slid-ing doors and formica counter top. only $39.95 EASY TO ERECT PATTY-O-FENCE All materials complete! Includes In-cludes cedar boards, rails and 8-ft. posts. Be the first in your neighborhood to have this handsome, new vertical Patty-O-Fence. Per lineal foot only $1.10 Extra End Post to Complete Section $2.70 BESTWAY PACKAGED FARM BUILDINGS A full line of practical, easily erected erect-ed farm buildings featuring Best-way Best-way Steel Span or wood truss pre-assembled pre-assembled wall panels, maximum usable floor space (post-free). See us for estimates on loafing sheds, barns, storage sheds, etc. ROLLER & TRAY as low as SETS MM STEPLADDERS $3.95 -3 A IB $5.95 fW fORMtUY "1 Less Than $1.00 per foot! Selected ladder lad-der stock. Safety steel bracing. Safety Safe-ty treads. 16 ft. HANDI-HOME EXTENSION LADDER Only . . $15.95 Ornamental Lawn Fence 36 in. Only 30c lin. ft. Tough, Long Lasting Galvanized Eve Troughs linear foot . . . 7) A 19c SATISFACTION A GJNY GUARANTEED A DIVISION OF BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION Delta, Utah Phone 4341 CLASS FIED ADS Miseel hi neons CLASSIFIED RATES: 2c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads. 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra pe r insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEEK. For Sale PLASTI-KOTE Spray Paint. No brush, no mixing, all colors, plus clear. No muss, no fuss, just spray it on. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. tf RADIATORS repaiied, recovered at Giles Garage, west of telephone office. BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP tf AUTO SAFETY GLASS Cut to Fit. L.O.F. Glas. KELLY SERVICE Delta. l23tf FOR SALE: DW-10 Cat with Hancock Han-cock 11 yr. caryall. Can finance. A-l condition; also, John Deere R, just overhauled; 1 forge with elec. blower; also, jack-hammer, corfi-plete; corfi-plete; 1956 DeSoto station wagon. Paul Theobald. 324 MAKE D. Stevens Co. your headquarters head-quarters for Garden Supplies, Seed, Fertilizer, Spray, Hose, Tools. Buy them today. D. Stevens Co., Hdwe Dept. CALLISTER Ranch For Sale (or cash lease); $118,000. $15,000.-$25,000. down; bal. 20 years at 6. 588 AC. Newly Fenced at McCornick, will "summer" 120 stock cows; $25,000 improvements. 348 AC. Irrigated by Electric Pump Well with overnight storage pond. 201 AC. Alfalfa, 87 AC. Crop Land, 60 AC. Irrigated Crass Pasture (Partitioned). Electric Elec-tric pumping cost less than $2 PER A C. FT. 240 AC. Adjoining Range Land, with new flowing well. 2 Modern Farm Houses (3-room and 2-room). (924 Ac. Semi-Range Land at HARDING also available) Leland C. Callister Ph. 4701, Delta, Utah Batteries for Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line Including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop. Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. All adjustments maele by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, tf FOR SALE 1 saddl with blochet, horse banket,, spurs, bridle and halter; 1 H.D. Vj hp electric motor; mo-tor; 3 mink pens suitable for rabbits; rab-bits; 2 welded rod pens suitable for rabbits; 3 spools barbed wire. See these Friday and Saturday and make an offer. Roy Steele home 2 miles east on Fillmore road. tf FOR SALE: Hospital bed. used very little. Call Clair Gardner at 4112. tf FOR SALE: Upright piano. Ideal for young beginner. Fine tone, good finish, $75.00. Glen Swalberg, Ph 4251. tf MARINE Supplies: Boat Paint Hardware, Life Jackets, Boat Registrations. Reg-istrations. D. Stevens Co., Hdwe Dept. PIANO FOR SALE: Beautiful spinet to be picked up in Millard County; reliable party may purchase for balance due. Contact Daynes Music Mu-sic Co.. 15 East 1st South, Salt Lake City, Utah. 331 LOST: in the vicinity of the South Tract, 3 Hereford cows, branded left hip. Notify Elwin Pace. Phone 2291, Delta, Utah. tf BUY from our new Spring Stocks of Wranglers. Buy Blue Bell Wranglers Wrang-lers for men, boys, women, girls, at D. Stevens Co., Gent's Dept. FOR SALE: aeon 1958 Plymouth, very good condition. Phone 4611 or contact John Day. tf FOR SALE: One fresh milk cow. Contact Avon Barney, Sutherland. FOR SALE: One bedroom home, to be moved; bedroom, kitchen, bath, front and back porch. Reasonably priced. Call 5021. tf FOR SALE: Electric range: good condition; TV converter. Call Cecil Olsen, 3722. tf 36-MONTH AUTOLITE BATTERIES 6-volt, $13.75 12-volt, $18.95. All sizes on hand. KELLY SERVICE. DELTA. tf WILL SELL to highest bidder, one 1957 Chevrolet pick-up. See N. S. Bassett. tf For Hent BUY U. S. Keds for the whole icrra-ily. icrra-ily. See our new Spring Stocks, New Styles, New Colors. Buy Keds at D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. FOR SALE: 200 railroad ties and 7 switch ties. 75c straight through. Calvin Skeem, Hinckley. FOR SALE: One used chrome high chair. Belle Bohn. Ph. 343J1. KEEP the carpet cleaning problem small use Blue Lustre on your wall to wall. Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: A beautiful formaL new, size 15, $20. Ph. 5711. FOR SALE: Velvon seed barley; 20 ton feed grain, barley and wheat; 20 ton 1st crop hay, also a good saddle horse, a yearling quarter horse colt and a horse trailer. See Harry Meinhardt, Woodrow. 331 FOR SALE: Studio couch and chair to match, dinette set and baby crfb. All in excellent condition. For further details call 495J1. 3:31 FOR SALE: 3x5 executive desk Singer button holer with nine templates. tem-plates. Call Mrs. Gilbert Searle 3171. FOR SALE: Spinet organ, home size, this area, assume balance of contract. For more details write: Credit M.G.R.. Box 148, S.H. Station, Sta-tion, S.L.C., Utah. 41 LIVESTOCK QUOTES Mdrch 22, 1960 By Win Walker Cattle saleable, 525. The market was strong on feeders feed-ers and dairy cows for slaughter. Fat heifers showed some gains on extra choice 25 head standard cow. The top for today was a 950 lb. heifer, fed "by Bishop Max Johnson John-son of Sutherland and purchased by Joe Dockerman for $25.90. Choice heifers brought $24.50 to $25.80. Good. $23.90 to $24.35. Commercial, Com-mercial, $18.50 to $22.10. Holstein, $17. to $18.50. Feeders, $22.50 to $27.00. Carload, Car-load, $25.90. Stock springers, $18.50. Heifer-ettes, Heifer-ettes, $17.70 to $20.10. Choice steers, $24.50 to $25.10. Good, $23.90 to $24.10. Feeders, $22. to $28.50, depending depend-ing on size and grade. Holstein, $1S.50 to $23. for light ones. Cows, standard. $16.60 to $17.40. Commercial, $14.50 to $15.75. Dairy cows. $15.20 to $17.70. Jersey Jer-sey kind, $13.80. Canners, $S.75 to $13 80. Springers, by head, $215. to $220. No bulls on market. Sheep, ewes, pairs. $14. A'.faifa hay, $23.50, baled U. S. No. 1. Barley, $2.10 per 100 lbs. Milo, $2.10. Mr. Jess Lee has been hospitalized hospital-ized in the Salt Lake LDS Hospital far the past week for observation. Mrs. Lee is staying with Mr. Lee's nephew, Marion Kessler and his family while fcer husband is hospitalized. ELECTRIC MOTORS: Electrical supplies, bronze bushings, Black & Decker drills, grinders, and emery wheels, Sickle grinders Delta AUTO SUPPLY. tf FOR SALE: 30 ft. 'American' House trailer. Walter E. Rowley, Oasis, Utah. tf GENTLEMEN: See our new Stocks of Red -Wing Work Shoes. Buy Red Wing Shoes at D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. FOR SALE: in Oasis. 115 acres excellent ex-cellent ground; Certified Ranger and Grimm; 250 shares Deseret Irrigation Ir-rigation water stock; 2 exceptional flowing wells. In Deseret: 180 ac. very good seed area; 5 days each month Conk Ditch river water. This ground has produced as high as 1100 lbs. cleaned seed per acre in one year; 80 acres just re-lev eled. New John Deere, 1959 model 55 combine with blower. Phone 469J1, Stan Dewsnup. tf IT'S PROM TIME again. Order corsages cor-sages now for choice of flowers. A.D.C. Flower Shop. LEATHER Goods, Saddles, Grooming Groom-ing Supplies, Combs, Brushes, Halters. Hal-ters. D. Stevens Co. Hdwe Dept. FOR SALE: 3-bedxoom home on 40 acres, auto dish washer and disposal, dis-posal, oil furnace, fully carpeted, corrals, sheds for livestock operation. opera-tion. 2 miles E. of Delta on Fillmore Fill-more road. Call 413J1. tf FOR SALE: 160 acre farm, Ui mi. Southeast of Delta. 100 acres instrument in-strument leveled; over 100 acres of alfalfa; 15 acres fall wheat; 30 acres pasture; two flowing wells. Phone 4431 or 4432. M. H. Workman. Work-man. 3131 FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home on 1st of April. John A. Day. tf FOR RENT: 1, 2-bedroom modern home furnished or unfurnished. Call 4432 Meltire Workman. tf Wanted WHOEVER BORROWED my John Deere "A" frame, please return top link and ball. Taken from Clark place in McCormick. Please return. Morris Bros. tf One-Stop Service Front End Alignment Wheel Balcmcing and Brake Service AT KELLY SERVICE Phone 3791 WE NOW HAVE the facilities to render lard for our customers, who have their pork processed at our plant. We also have the finest hickory smoke sugar cure for your hams and bacon. This complete process now takes less than ten days. TALBOT PACKING COMPANY D. Stevens Co., Meat Market HOTPOIHT APPLIANCES AT GEORGE VAN'S JEWELRY DELTA, UTAH LET US QUOTE YOU A PRICE YOU CAN'T TURN DOWN WANTED: Caretaker for Delta Cemetery for 1960. Contact Glen Stewart for particulars. tf WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Feb. 3, Feb. 17, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION, tf GENTLEMEN: Be sure to see our New Stocks of Spring Suits, Sport ! Coats, aJckets, Shirts, Ties, Belts. J Buy New 1960 Spring Merchandise at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. , v ; .!.-. - . j JAMES CROW created the first modern bourbon 1835 of historic America's preferred bourbon Light 'Mild '86 Proof KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY OLD CROW OLD CROW DISTILLERY CO.. FRANKFORT, KY.. DISTR. BY NATIONAL DIST. PROD. CO THINKS BIG THE LARK IS THE SHORTEST COMPACT, BUT LOADS BIG. Combines Com-bines more head-shoulder-hip-leg room for true six passenger comfort. THE LARK HAS BIG PERFORMANCE. Take your pick: hustling Six or 180 hp. V-8. Both famous for combining zip with outstanding gas economy. THE LARK GIVES YOU BIG SAVINGS. Proven to save up to 33 on gas and up to 23 on maintenance (loads of saving facts on request). THE LARK HAS BIG PROOF. More than a billion owner-driven miles. Proven also in over 1000 business and governmental fleets. THE LARK HAS BIG VALUE. Official used car guides prove that The Lark consistently holds its value better than the average low-priced car. Pi THE LARK HAS THE BIGGEST SELECTION . . . unquestionably. Six stunning styles; two proven engines (V-8 or Six); three transmissions; seven axle ratios; optional like Twin Traction, Hill-Holder, head rests, reclining seats a list as long as your arm. Visit your Sludelaker Dealer and see the biggest iwlues in toum. T he Compact without Comprom iscjije i MM EJ JIZJMJL I MEYSTUDEBAKER VAX'S MOTOIt & SUPPLY CO., 321 3IAIX STREET, DELTA, UTAH SEE THE NEW STUDEBAKER CHAMP PICKUPS-HANDSOME. HUSKY, LOWEST-PRICED TOO! |