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Show Millard County Chronicle The Millard County Chronicle PvOblishod Zrer Thursday at Delta. Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY B. H. (Bob) BIDING OWNER-PUBLISHEH INEZ BIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOR JOE STEWART PRESSMAN Entered as Second Class matter at the Postofflce at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year in advance; Six months, 52.25 Advertising Bates on Request ST 7ffTT TT"" il 111 M r K MBS. DORA ROSE Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carling and children from Salt Lake City were visitors of their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Brumley. Mr. and Mrs. John Wind returned on Saturday after a few days in Provo with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wind and Mr. and Mrs. Auer Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Thurmon Moody made a trip to Provo one day last week. They returned the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyman, Susan, Su-san, John and Karla Johnson attended at-tended the game at the Joseph Smith Field house on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted James visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clayton and with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen. Mr. James is a cousin of Mr. Clay ' 4 '-i '-i 1 1 F One at noon, one at night, One along the way . You never outgrow your need for Milk, Drink three glasses every day! AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH If fo JOHAf DEERE CREDIT PLAN help put a tractor like this to work for you this season! It's smart business to buy the Credit Plan way, and put that new John Deere to work for you now! Here's why A new John Deere Tractor will pay its way from the start! You'll farm more efficiently . . . more profitably . . . and you'll pay for your tractor out of increased income. Often your trade-in will cover the reasonable down payment; you p3y the balance by the month or seasonally, depending on your income. Property and life insurance are available if you want them. Arrangements are strictly confidential. confiden-tial. See us soon . . . and let's talk tractors! FARMERS' SUPPLY CO., INC. Fhcne 5531 Delta, Utah Thursday, March 24, 1960 NATIONAL EDITORIAL kpCTlgjN tons, and leases the old Ackerman place in Sutherland. These folks reside re-side in Denver, Colo. Mrs. Verl Woolsey, Marion and children Joyce, Charles, Eugene and Mark visited during the spring vacation va-cation with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen. Mrs. Woolsey is the daughter of Mrs. Jensen and these folks are from Newcastle. Mr. Richard Henrie from CSU and David and Lyman Henrie from the Y spent the weekend with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dalton and little boy visited also with the Henries. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thornton, Mr. Taylor Thornton Wayne and his son Luke, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Thornton Thorn-ton from Salt Lake were visitors of Mrs. Jennie Thornton and May. Mr. and Mrs. Richard May and 1 PI m i "M , j A S l lip' children spent the weekend with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Bishop of Delta, and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan May of Sutherland. The Mays had the misfortune of having hav-ing their car smacked into by some careless drivers the other day. From reports, their car is beyond repair. Mr. Clyn Bishop spent the weekend week-end with his folks Mr. anu Mrs. end in Sutherland with her folkr, re:i from California spent the weekend week-end with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bishop. He attended also the homecoming report of Elder Philip Moody. Mrs. Myrle Watts and children spent a few days visiting with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Avon Barney and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young' visited in Abraham with their folks and in Sutherland. Thhey were present at the mission report of Eleder Moody. They live at Murray. Mrs. Pat Barney took a group of young people to Provo last week. Many from the area played in the band at the Delta games. Mr. Hal Young and his fiancee, Miss Bushnell visited also with the Youngs and were also in attendance attend-ance at the Sunday night mission report. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hardverger and their little son, Tommy visited on Saturday with the Heher Roses. Visiting also with the Roses were their children, Mr, and Mrs. Melvln Hepworth from Cedar City and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson and child-' from Provo. Mr. Ken Hodgskinson also from the Y at Provo, was a visitor vi-sitor there. Mrs. Marjorie Burr and her child-Grant child-Grant Bishop. He attended alsq the Thurmon, Phil and the families, j Mr. and Mrs. Dave Calvert and children came from Denver, Colo, to be present at the mission report of Phillip. Miss Arlene , from California spent the weekend with the Moodys, i Miss Linda Walker from the U-of U-of U. spent the weekend with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Walker and Venna. I Some of the people who attended the homecoming of Elder Moody were from out of town: Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Callister, Mr. and Mrs. ' Avery Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Merril, Mrs. Arlo Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephensen, (Lucille Moody) from Delta; Mr. and Mrs. Don Croft, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Erlckson, Mrs. Dewsnup, and Lavoy Erickson from Deseret; Mr, and Mrs. Ron Faulkner, Faulk-ner, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hilton, Mrs. Lulu Cropper, and Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper from Hinckley; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson John-son and Ross, from Lynndyl, also Patriarch Hogan from Lynndyl; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson from Hinckley; .Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Petersen, Sharlene and Warren from Abraham; Mr. Bob Calvert from Beaver, Utah. Mrs. Lizette Erickson returned home after a stay with her children, child-ren, Mr, and Mrs. Orland Ogden and children. (At Kaysville.) Mr, Lorj Jackson from Logan spent the weekend spring vacation with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ber-nard Jackson, LeRay, Stephen and Barbara. Mr. Kent Gardner and the Chris-tensen Chris-tensen twins visited in Sutherland on Sunday. Mr. David Moody attended the mission report of Elder Phil Moody. CHURCH ACTIVITIES The mission report of Elder Phil Moody was held Sunday night with a very large crowd in attendance and a program consisting of talks given by Dave Calvert, brother-in-law of Phil; a trio sung by Annette and Karen Moody and Mrs. Kay Calvert. Mr. Calvert centered his talk on "Being Honest With Yourself" Your-self" and Elder Moody expressed his appreciation of having filled a mission and having had the privilege privi-lege of gaining so many friends in the Islands. He stated that the itija'ioille Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen and Ross made a trip to Phoenix, Ariz, on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen and small baby, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jensen and family, they will return re-turn on Tuesday. Mrs. Agnes Strickley, Mrs. Ruby Spiers and Mrs. Mary Cottom from Salt Lake City came down Thursday Thurs-day to visit with Helen Hersleff, Henrietta and Marie Barben and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis. They returned re-turned to their homes Sunday afternoon. after-noon. Steven Terry visited during the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Terry and family. He is working work-ing in Ely, Nev. at the present time. . Miss Nola Shields from the USU Logan is home visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Shields and family. Sunday night a fireside chat was time flew by so fast while he was in the mission field that he would like to recall some of it. Phil plans to attend spring quarter at the University Uni-versity of Utah and then go to California Cali-fornia for the summer where he has employment, Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Moody and Mrs. Manae Moody made a trip to Indiana to be with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yundt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Moody. The Yundts were making plans to attend the mission report of Phil but like a thief in the night, the unexpected snatched the life belonging to John Yundt, their fourteen year old son and. only child, changing plans and conditions con-ditions considerably. It seems that John's parents were visiting their brother,' Gorden when the accident occured. Miss Verlyn Moody, an aunt to the young boy, was caring for him in the absence of his folks and was able to reach them before death came to the boy. He was hit by a car while stepping off the school bus by his home. In acquiring memories of their son, these folks will have memories of a wonderful little son, who held his standards high and lived by everyone of them; and though his life was very short here, John has prepared himself for a lpng journey, jour-ney, an everlastingly long journey; for at the moment when the Lord said he had lived hia length of mortal life, there was a seperation between what John could take with him into Eternity and what he had gained only for time. The love, REX WOOD Branch Mgr. Utah Poultry 2i Farmers Co-op for your fertilizer needs mA (USS) Nitrogen Increased How docs a farmer know what fertilizer does for him? One method is to leave a test strip unfertilized. Leland It. Harris, successful Tremonton, Utah, farmer, did that last year. The result: land fertilized with up to 100 pounds of available nitrogen per acre yielded 35 bushels more per acre than the unfertilized un-fertilized strip. Nitrogen ?2 eivs VENICE DAVIS held at the home of Eishop and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz. A record was played of a talk by Harold B. Lee on "Courting and Dating." Refreshments Re-freshments were served by Stella Shurtz and Inga Mae Shurtz. A large crowd attended. Rufus Clark went to a Salt Lake Hospital for an operation. We hope he will soon be on the improve and be able to come home again. Word has been received from Curt Shields, he is out of the hospital hospi-tal and will be coming home soon. Thursday night the Relief Spciety gave their program and pot luck supper in celebrating their Annual Day. A very good program was given, "The Children's Hour" was the theme, by the young married girls. The oldest members in the Relief Socity were honored and given gifts. A tribute to the past presidents was given by Norma goodness and purity John had laid up in his life will leave a memory everlasting and beautiful in the minds of his loved ones. Our heartfelt heart-felt sympathy goes out to those dear ones. Mrs. Delilah Ogden and her daughter, Lorraine spent their vacation va-cation visiting in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ogden and in Kaysville with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Ogden. Both are sons of Mrs. Ogden and both have little new sons of their own. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Anderson, their daughter Luana and their son, David spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting with the Andersons Ander-sons daughter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rigby and their little lit-tle son. The Andersons and the Rigbys were able to see the spectacular specta-cular film of Ben Hur and stated that it would be worth anyone's time and effort to see this production. pro-duction. , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and family made a trip to Salt Lake last week. They left Elouise at Spanish Fork to visit with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth May and their children, child-ren, a sister of Elouise. Mr, and Mrs. Reid Tippetts, Principal Prin-cipal and Mrs. Leslie Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robison, Mr. Grant Bishop and many others attended the tournament of last week. Miss Gayle Johnson and J. Grant Moody accompanied the Tippetts. Mrs. Hugh Judd (Dorothy) and daughter, Elizabeth from Las Vegas were visitors at the home of par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Brumley, ( Hill J DILI CO., 10IOTOE, KT DCTE .V v. Y A: iWt . Wheat Yields 35 Bu. An Acre "In dollars and cents, thats an important difference," dif-ference," says Mr. Harris. High yields go hand in hand with proper fertilization. ferti-lization. Realize the most from your land this year with USS Nitrogen Fertilizer: USS Ammonium Nitrate Ni-trate (331'2 N), USS Ammonium Sulfate (21 Nitrogen and 24 Sulfur), and USS Anhydrous Ammonia (82 N) are made in the west for western farmers. Insist on USS Nitrogen Fertilizers this year and follow recommended fertilizer practices for top farm profits. Fertilizers Poulson. A good hot supper was enjoyed by a large proup of mar-ne mar-ne 1 folks. Sister Inez Mooiy was our Stake officer present and gave us a greeting. We wish to "congratulate" Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall (Patricia Greene) on their marriage. They left for Mesa, Ariz, and will make their home there for the present, as he is employed there. Mr. Virgil Lawsor. from Twin YouVe Probably Been Lucky So FclT but any day or night your irreplaceable valuables may be lost through misplacement, theft or fire. Wow is the time to put your valuables in a 5f You'll find it will pay you many times over to keep such valuables as these in a Safe Deposit Box: Insurance Policies Marriage Certificate Birth Certificates Stock Certificates U. S. Savings Bonds Deeds FirtI Security Bank of Idol.o, N A. Finl Stivrity Bonk The man's drinks the Kentucky HI I. and HE ILL Kentucky's Famous Sour Mash Bourbon, a favorite for more than four generations. W: MAIICfUl DISTlLtQIS P8DB.C0.-8S PSCOF I Leland R. Harris Box 408 Tremonton, Utah - - asSl, : Falls, Idaho came here with his friend Jim Hall and will find employment em-ployment in Ely, Nevada. Miss Nedrct Fullmer was a weekend week-end visitor in Delta with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Fullmer. She returned Sunday to Inglewood, Calif., where she, Lorene Black and Judy Bishop share an apartment, and are keeping numerous singing engagements as the DelTones trio. fire-proof, ihefl-proof SAFE DEPOSIT Family Heirlooms Car Titles Contracts and Leases Your Will Military Service Records Bills of Sale of Utoh, N.A. Fittt Security lank of Rodt Spring! man light bourbon I j - v. it 10 Pip STRAIGHT " ; BOURBOM M 4 . l - v., - . , :: fet |