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Show 3 Oak City News MRS. MAE H. SHIPLEY It is such beautiful spring days just now; many enjoying riding and working. Sunday many went to the conference at Delta. There was no meetings except Junior Sunday Sun-day School and fireside chat in the evening. Many were at the sessions of Conference and the Saturday Sat-urday sessions and they report enjoying en-joying Quarterly Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Lovell and son, Randy and Mrs. Merlene Good-looking hfg h -yfeldfng W v 'f iM Smutz and children spent a few days here from St. George. Mrs. Mary Finlinson spent a few days visiting in Fillmore with her children, Edward and Mclva and their families. A large crowd came out to enjoy en-joy the Oasis play last Tuesday night. I didn't find out what the name of the play was or who was directing. Anyway come again Oasis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson and sons, Newell, Moyle and Byrant were Salt Lake visitors Friday. Fri-day. Tracy Williams spent several days in Oak City visiting at the home of Lyman Finlinson. He lives at Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence East visited vi-sited in Oak City with their daughters, daught-ers, Arlene and family Friday and Saturday and at Delta with daughter, daught-er, Eldula and family. Mrs. Amy Faust has been visit Ing with hor mother, Mrs. Mary Finlinson. Monday she went on to California with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mar-vin Finlinson. They plan on being gone about a week. Wilma Wixom and Maryanne Dutson were home over the weekend. week-end. Wilma returned to Salt Lake and Maryanne will remain a longer time with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor (Ruby Roper) Rop-er) and children were visitors in Oak City. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roper returned home with them. They have been visiting with their children for a week or more. Claudia and Muriel Jacobson spent their spring vacation from Dixie College with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Jacobson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dewsnup came Friday from Logan. They will visit in Oak City and Deseret this week. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finlinson and baby, Joe Chris-tensen Chris-tensen from Salt Lake, Merritt Christensen from Provo. Most all the students were home for the spring vacation, nice to have them. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Lovell, Willis Wil-lis Dutson, Esdras Finlinson, Bruce af8 n ' 1 ist. t ' LONG, BROAD leaves that fill in the rows that' what you see in field of Kingscros Extru leaflness that helps "build" those uniformly large, well-filled KX ears. Whether you want high ton-age ton-age of green feed or good yields of grain leafy Kingscrost is your best bet. Feature-balanced, too. Has all the features needed to make the most of any season. Why not place your seed order today? We have the maturityforyour growing conditions. Plant oaf) KINGSCR Anothtr Quality Product of NORTHRUP, KING & CO. REED TURHER OST in the rapidly growing self-service, coin-operated laundry laun-dry business which shows large returns and requires very little of your time until you THOROUGHLY CHECK DAY-MITE LAUilERCEiiTERS No one else offers all these exclusive features which give you the greatest competitive advantage . . . PRICING Wash 15c, 2 loads 25c, Dry 5c 5 minutes. EQUIPMENT Only Philco-Bendix makes a complete line of commercial laundry equipment. Don't dictate let your customers choose from exclusive ex-clusive DOUBLE-LOAD washers, newest and finest top-loading agitators, most reliable extra-capacity extra-capacity tumbler washers, largest most efficient commercial dryers. FRANCHISE Protected territories throughout Utah, Idaho and Nevada. ADVERTISING Volume constantly increases by continual TV, radio, newspaper, and direct mail promotions. FINANCING Lower down payments, longer maturities, bank interest. Select from our NEW merchandising program the Day-Nite Laundercenter package which best fits your town and pocketbook. Call or Write Mr. Austin S!eywcod 795 W. 200 South, Cedar City, Utah Phone JU 6-4233 LI CLARA JOHNSON Heammcton . . . j Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holman and home over the weekend were Mr. children visited Mr. and Mrs, Clin- and Mrs. Elwood Dutson and fami-ton fami-ton Nielson Sunday. ly of Grantsville, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hanson and Merri11 Dutson and family from children spent the weekend visiting visit-ing in American Fork with Mr. and Mrs. Bell IxHiis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Nielson report re-port that daughter, Mrs. Janice Larson Lar-son of Carson City, Nev. has been very ill and in the hospital, but the last report is that she is improving. im-proving. Miss Annette Bunker spent the spring vacation in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bradfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradfield spent Sunday Sun-day in Fairview visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Clement and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Clara Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson spent Sunday visiting in Leamington with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Clara Johnson 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dutson spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson. Visiting at the Rulon Dutson break out the best Lovell, Gayle Nielson and others went to Provo to see the ball games, especially Delta High. Many of the high school students were in Provo for the games. Dr. and Mrs. Rymol Williams and children from Cedar City and Mrs. Clara Atkins and daughter, Jill from Welton, Ariz, were Oak City visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prisby and sons visited Saturday and Sunday I from Salt Lake, with their parents, I Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and other relatives. Mrs. Ada Jacobson and daughters were visitors in Salt Lake Thurs-lay Thurs-lay and Friday. Visitors from Granger were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and their six sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finlinson and Mrs. Joseph Finlinson attended funeral services in Salt Lake for Mrs. Hazel Trimble. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen and children from Provo visited Saturday, Sat-urday, especially with his father, Lafe Olsen. Bishop M. J. Roper went to Cedar City where he will teach school. He left Monday morning. Mr. Leo Finlinson went to Cedar with him, from there he will go on to Arizona with his daughter, Clara and family fa-mily for a visit. Mr. Ivan Shipley took his primary pri-mary boys to Ephraim to swim Saturday. The boys report enjoying this trip. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nielson received re-ceived word of a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nielson Niel-son at Fillmore. Three sisters will welcome the little brother home. Congratulations, Robert and Afton. Mr. Thomas Pratt took scout boys to Provo for scout classes and instruction. in-struction. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Lovell visited Saturday and Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Roper were also Oak City visitors. Fillmore and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Banton and girls of Orem. Students home for the weekend were Jack Nielson, Max Nielson, David and Roger Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lovell and family spent the weekend with parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lovell Lo-vell and Mr. and Mrs. Bud McCarm. Visiting over the weekend with Mrs. Margaret Bradfield were her grandchildren, Miss Sharon Parsons and David Parsons of Paso Robles, Calif., who are now going to the BYU. With them was Miss Parson's friend, Lauren Buford. They told their grandmother of the'.r engagement. engage-ment. They will be married in August. Au-gust. Sharon will teach school in Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 24, 1960 Paso Robles this next winter. With them also were friends from Los Angeles, Sherie Peterson and Karen Peterson. Other visitors at the Bradfield home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradfield and children, Don and Lourene and Rama who came from Salt Lake City where she is employed. A lovely turkey dinner was enjoyed by all. The Leamington Home Grounds 4-H Club under the leadership of Wanda Nielson met Friday at the church to clean and prune the rose garden. President of the club is Glen Lee Roper; vice president, DeAnn Nielson; secretary, Ethel Lovell; reporter, Joyce Grygla; party par-ty committee, Mary MacDonald, Gayle Nielson and Phil Lovell. Other members are Mark Johnson, John-son, Marcia Hanson, Karla Nielson, Pat MacDonald and Jacky Roper. AUCIIOH AUCTION 1ARCI1 25, 1960 - 2:00 P. M. AT MRS. VI ROBISON'S HOME FARMALL M Tractor FARMALL C Tractor JOHN DEERE ELEVATOR, with motor INTERNATIONAL-HARVESTER THRESHER MANURE LOADER MANURE SPREADER AND OTHER PIECES ( , '-' A V ' 1 if 1' i t .f i- as"" s -without breaking the bank V v The bright light of the bourbons. Matchless in pleasure. From the same stock as Kentucky's finest premium sour mash. Pour it for friends and you're in! They'll love it. You, too. It's Bountiful! o Glcmnop Mil ViCIt D SnUUtS M. "n total l Proi.cl a Tn;-,':" ICSTILLt. V.VZZ11 Your Bright Buy in Light Bourbon OLD GLENMORE 1 Al It I TfMl t - vi- brand new 1960 dUM IKiffl console TV Handcrafted Quality in P1F0HIOW j s i mm yIJL' J : 1 r V"- ! T if V - ' (JO.OOO VOLT CHASSIS ' FOR SUPSR BRIGHT i PICTURES) 1 wrw"""" ' Only ttandard handcrofled fi circuitry It wied In Nw Super H 20 .1 ( Horizontal chassis for mora t operating deptndabllily and r lest service headaches. I- '- THI SHERMAN Model D2345 21' overall diag. meas. 262 sq. in. rectangular picture area. In grained Walnut, Mahogany or Blond Oak colors. only 279.95 In Mahogany FULL POWER TRANSFORMER SPOTLITE DIAL "CAPACITY-PLUS" cernpenenfs "SUNSHINE" PICTURE TUBE CINEIEUS PICTURE CLASS "FRINGE LOCK" CIRCUIT TONE CONTROL 1 aifloii Sm TIii Oiuh Stioi Chtvy Show m color JuilrV MC TV-Om M Soon ChT Mmm vttklf . ABC-TV. Air Condi HwiJnf ttmpvilaris mi lo erdr-4or ill-wtri)f comfort. Get dHmmttrallonl f "Hey, Sweetie, how'd you like a new Chevy?" "The dealer's got just the model we want, Sweetie. Right color, right everything." ii if fi ti un.rreaaie isuni ' I U "Oh, Freddie" (sigh) ; "Oh, Freddie" (sigh) j In fact he's got the biggest selection I ever saw. No problem at all to find what you want." -,v.' f "It's got that V8 in it ! ' I've been talking f , " ,- about too. What an I s ,f , - . ,. V " .-' rnrW that .'q " I t wi,i-icuaic Vlju; :; I ' ; ':. Mini m wiu.- I. ,' ' vv;; , X ' T . t I - -vV-'V- . j "And deal! ; Sweetie, wait'il i I tell you the fi i 1 ' deal they've offered me. This li : UilCJ CU UiC X - .. : is the time to n s " buy all right" U WelI, don't ! . .J- g : .,..1 , ; v H there, Freddie. 't - r Go ahead ' J : and buy It." I i - - 1 t s.' lotfala Sport St Jan Drive it it's fun-tastic! Sec your local authorized Chevrolet dealer 13"'": I? for economical transportation PACE MOTOR COMPANY Delta. Utah 324 Main Street |