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Show Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dalton left Wednesday for Las Vegas to visit -with Mrs. Dalton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pace. They returned to Delta Sunday. faster GAINS hotter FINISH on Liquid Feed Let us show you the revolutionary revo-lutionary new liquid feed program that is building profits for thousands of cattle and sheep feeders and dairy farms. Stop in today! MOREA liquid feed available for immediate delivery from Wasatch Chemical Co. HEADQUARTERS for INSECTICIDESFERTILIZERS INSECTI-CIDESFERTILIZERS WEED KILLERS and FEED SUPPLEMENTS 2225 SOUTH Sth EAST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH GET THE FACTS ! Mail this coupon for information on ( ) Beef Cattle ( ) Sheep ( ) Dairy Cattle ( ) Have representative call on me to explain this profit making new concept of feeding. Name Address '. City State DESERET MRS. EDNA CHRISTENSEN The Deseret Ward play was presented pre-sented to a large crowd Tuesday night, March 15. It was titled, "Where's Grandma" and the cast all took their parts real well. It was very good. A number of people peo-ple from Oasis came down to enjoy it with us. After the play the primary pri-mary officers sold candy and pop com balls. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Elack celebrated cele-brated their wedding anniversary March 16 by going to the Manti Temple. This is an annual excursion excur-sion for them. Later in the day they went on to Orem where they spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Maylon Erickson. They got to see the new 'baby. They went on in to Salt Lake Thursday and returned home Thursday evening. While they were gone Grandma and Grandpa Erickson and Uncle LaVoy took care of their four small sons. The Relief Society held their annual an-nual day party Thursday afternoon, March 17. A large crowd was in attendance at-tendance and thanks to Lucille Sam.pson a nice program was enjoyed. en-joyed. She had the program in charge. It consisted of a vocal trio by Martha Mace, Jean Allred and Dorothy Croft; a skit by LuAnna Jensen and Beverly Eliason; a vocal vo-cal solo, Carol Cropper; a reading, Mable Black; a vocal duet by Le-nore Le-nore Bunker and Francis Black; a skit by Lucille Hales and Beatrice Erickson. Jackie Black played the piano for all the songs. A lovely lunch was served after the program. pro-gram. We were happy to have several se-veral of the older ladies present. We were very grateful to Ann Fin-linson Fin-linson from Oak City for bringing one of our loyal former member, Lucy Cahoon from the Oak City Rest home to join us. It was nice to see both of them and we hope they can come again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Don McDonald went to Spanish Fork Thursday. Mrs. Keith Moody and daughter, Kathy went to Ogden on Monday to be with Larry. They returned home Friday night. Sunday morning all of the family went up to Ogden. Og-den. Venice was able to make the trip with them. They came home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Schmutz from St. George spent Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garold Moody. Gerold and Elaine accompanied them to Salt Lake and back Friday. Mrs. Schmutz had an appointment with the doctor. The Schmutzs returned to their home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Western visited Wayne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western over the weekend. week-end. Paul Peterson and Ray and Douglas Doug-las Western were home from school over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson returned re-turned to Pittman, Nev. Wednesday While here they planted some grain and attended to 'business matters. They must live right. They planted the grain one day and it rained the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Ormus Dutson and son, Gill attended the basketball tournament in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conk and Mrs. Evah Conk spent Monday in Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dewsnup spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Deseret and Oak City. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen and family went to Salt Lake City Thursday to visit Rae's parents, and Mrs. Victor' Roberts and other relatives. They returned home Sunday Sun-day night. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood from Holden visited Wednesday with Clyde's sisters, Millie Dewsnup and Arlean Bennett. Mrs. Genevieve Larsen and children child-ren spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Lois Eliason. Mrs. E-liason E-liason isn't feeling very well. Harmon Dewsnup had his daughter daugh-ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stanworth and children visit with him for several days. We are sorry to hear that Carla Jensen is on the sick list. Her doctor doc-tor has ordered her to stay down for a couple of weeks. Others who have been sick are Eliza Cropper and Louise Cropper. Hope they are soon better. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erickson and LaVoy Erickson spent Saturday in Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis from Fillmore visited Mrs. Lois Eliason on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dewsnup visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace ami family at Fillmore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Faun Western went to Salt Lake today (Monday). They expect to return tonight. Earl Christensen had to go on crutches a couple of days as a result of an injury to his knee, suffered suf-fered Friday. Norma Moody is visiting in Salt Lake City with relatives. Maesa Cropper had quilting par ties at her home on Wednesday and Friday. j Visiting with Lucille Hales and family Saturday were her sister, Ethel Mathew and daughter from Nephi, her sister-in-law, Margaret Roper from Oak City, Margaret's daughter Betty Morris from Hinckley, Hinck-ley, Lucille's sister, Lemira Dutson and daughter from Oak City, her sister Mary Jeffery and Mary's daughter, Marjorie Riding and two daughler-in-laws from Delta. I think they were celebrating one or two of the ladies birthdays. David Hales spent Thursday, Inland Inl-and Saturday in Provo with Douglas Doug-las Torrens. They came home Saturday Sat-urday night and Douglas spent Sunday Sun-day with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torrens. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Bennett left today for a visit with their children child-ren in Las Vegas. They will be gone about ten days. Fireside chats were held Sunday evening at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rowley and Mr. and Mrs. James Sampson. Bryce Knight spent the weekend visiting with his parents and sisters. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Newell Ne-well Knight and is going to school at the BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Cuman Cropper spent Sunday in Meadow visiting with Maesa's mother, Mrs. Lavinia Stott and other relatives. Mrs. Cuman Cropper will leave Tuesday for Salt Lake City for medical me-dical care. She doesn't know how long she will be gone. She hasn't been very well for some time, hope she gets better soon. CORRECTION It was stated in last week's Chronicle Chro-nicle that Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Black had just returned from Provo after spending several weeks with their son. Max and his family. The article arti-cle was entirely wrong. Not only is Max not married but they were in California not Provo. While in California they visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edwards who were recently transferred from Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. Black visited in Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Black and in Los Angeles with Mrs. Laura Peterson Peter-son and with Mrs. Nora Nisonger in Long Beach. They were gone from Delta approximately five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Irish Anderson accompanied ac-companied Mr. and Mrs. Garland Johnson from Abraham to Salt Lake City and back on Monday. Small Appliances MAJOR APPLIANCES Stuves Ironers Refrigerators Dish Washers Dryers Washers R.C.A. Television MORRIS SUPPLY Hinckley, Utah Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 24, 19C0 Julia Bogh, who has been attending attend-ing BYU at Provo, spent the weekend week-end In Delta with hex parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bogh. With her was her cousin, JoAnn Bogh, of San Bernardino, Cullf., also a EYU student. stu-dent. Monday JoAnn returned to Provo, and Julia went to Cedar City, where she will resume college studies stu-dies at CSU. asseu je'iqusoit JUBILEE BOHUS 7tL ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW MF-65-TRACTOR $150.00 Paid by Check Direct from Massey-Ferguson ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW TO-35 TRACTOR $100.00 Paid by Check Direct from Massey-Ferguson THIS OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 25th CONTACT HAROLD DONE DOME EQUIPMENT COMPANY handsome! our way! Own a styled-to-stay INTERNATIONAL Pickup with 25 extra-capacity Bonus-Load body. Extra-power, true-truck V-8 engines are now standard equipment LOVELL a JEFFERY, Inc. DELTA, UTAH inn INTERNATIONAL Jiiih trucks MEN'S MEN'S DRESS I RACK LADIES' GIRLS' SPECIAL c,r PANTS DRESSES PEDAL PUSHERS ZZTZ, WORK SOX ac NIGHTGOWNS PRICES CUT TO Nylonized Acetate 4 pr. 1.00 10.98 up HFJSE ??!"-, . onlyW8each MMWMM tfMMMwaaMB MMBMMIMMWM NEW NEW SPRING LADIES SEEMLESS SPECIAL 17 BEAUTIFUL POLISHED COTTON . m.r for this SALE ONLY D.H.S. Graduate SLACKS Tack" " eni" FORMAL DRESSES u,s, stys a, c.,s SPORT SHIRTS 01 SSc c"d' NYLON HOSE clos.no out- only 4.95 pr. 2.93 3.93 4.98 69c pr. Jll$t, AT HALF PRICE Reg. 79c pair NEW VANHEUSEN COMPLETE STOCK NEW SPRING WHITE . RIlMHAfi? STRAW HATS WHITE SHIRTS . ACME BOOTS LP0.L cbC rlLII J 1 1.73 Latest Styles n , c. Dress and Western Both short and long sleeve , , . ,jne 01 aix , (and up) Ex-Scoutmaster n Art . - rt nnvc a no S 9R - 4 9R everything priced Aiz icnn BOYS 4.98 i' to sell out i.YB up Ud ana u.uu (and up) I D YD - 6 70 I DURING THIS SALE NEW SPORT Complete Stock CHILDREN'S GIRLS and LADIES' CUPPTC (3) CANVAS JliLLIJ men's KEDS OXFORDS 80x103 Size JAUEli WORK GLOVES RED AND BLUE White Nayy and Elack CANNON-REG. $229 All Sizes 4.93 8.93 8?c up 2.98 S 3.29 2-s8 Pr- on,y MMiMMril,MMi Mq WMMMMMMMWMI MAMKMMMMn MEN'S NEW SPORT NEW LEE RIDER LADIES' LADIES' PERCALES yd. 45c ,A.Tc rZr KEDS KEDS CRINKLE CREP .. yd. 49 LOaTJ WUKfi rANTj S eye-tie SLIP-ON Matching Jackets ORANGE AND BLUE Red - Black PRINT Circlet Pongee MANY NEW SKIRT 23.50 up PANTS - 4.98 ,.0n. Aft I SPRING PATTERNS JACKET - 6.98 iAi pr " P Department Delta, Utah Bananas Fresh Radishes West Millard Beauty Cut Green Beans String, No. 303 Can 15 c Pound 5c Bunch 6 for 1.00 Peas No. 4 seive, No. 303 Can Standby Corn 6 for 1X3 6 for 1.09 Cream Style or Whole Kernel, No. 303 Can Pineapple Juke 6 for 1.G0 Standby, No. 2 Can Oranae Slices 10c Can |