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Show jtf-1 y.T"tJ " ILL fJi "' Orem-Geneva Times July 10. 1975 r7 7Pj 37 Tr SIT) Dial 225-1M0 7 i And PLce Your Ad 7 n 7- 7 r ? r7-Sr 4v . tit "x 7 7 7 J r 7 ri r n i r' i i i if t fit f J LJ J n I J I J rT7 m f f r- y 1 t f fi ,, , J I QUALITY 5From Legal Notice NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with theState Engineer to change water in Utah County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations inSLB&M. a-8407 (55-3714) M. Kay and Lynda K. Holdaway, Rt. 1, Box 412A, Provo, Utah 84601, proposes pro-poses to change the point of diversion di-version of 0.446 sec. ft. of water as evidencedbyUndergroundWa-ter evidencedbyUndergroundWa-ter Claim 18077. The water has been diverted from a 4-inch well at a point S. 1185 ft. and W. 1850 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 20, T6S, R2E; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. . 31 for the irrigation of 20 acs. in NE 14 NE 14 Sec. 20, T6S, R2E. Hereafter, 0.446 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a 12-inch well, 100-300 ft. deep at a point S. 305 ft. and E. 640 ft. from N 14 Cor. Sec. 20, T6S, i K I C c v m j Installation c c c t 1 l i ij$ f ree Pick-up rtr-! We loke (are vfc insurance K v7 J AHLANDERSJ 9 4SVUiiivtril - fnw t mtm m mt ftk - HEATHMANBROWN CHEVROLET - 75 NOVA $3795 SS 2 Dr. Air cond., less than 16,000 miles. 73 BUICK ...... $2395 leSabre 2 Dr. Hdfp. AT, vinyl top, air cond. 74CHEV. $3395 Impala 4 Dr. Hdtp. AT, PS, air cond., power windows. 7 rte 74 CHEVELLE . . . $2895 Malibu Classic 4 Dr. Sedan, low miles. " " 72 MAZDA .... $1699 4 Dr. Sedan. 4 sp. trans., air cond. 74 PINTO $2495 Runabout, large engine, air cond. 74 PINTO $2295 Runabout. Radio. 74 VEGA $2195 Hatchback Coupe. Radio. " 1 73CHEV $2995 Carryall AT, PS, 9 passenger. . . 70 FORD $599 Station Wagon. Luggage rack. 72 BUICK $2199 Estate 9 passenger Wagoh. loaded with equipment. TRANSPORTATION CENTER If HEATHftlANBROWN IM, Optl ftUeeDepl. . Service Dept. l:0Ol.m.U OALfcs) 1:00 .m. to 6:00 p.m. S-UVlLU I: OO i.m. lo 1 p.m. lBASINOSi'",T BATTY'S OREM AUTO "2 600 North State, Orem - 225-4118 C CAR CARE SERVICE and REPAIR Tune - ups To Transmissions f R2E (1.0 mi. south of Geneva Steel Plant); and used for irrigation ir-rigation same as heretofore in NW 14NE 14, SW 14NE 14, NE 14NW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Sec. 20,T6S,R2E. a-8418 (55-420) W. R. Hold-away Hold-away and Son, co Robert E. Holdaway, Rt. 1, Box 415 A, Provo, Utah 84601, proposes to correct the point of diversion, place of use of 0.918 sec. ft. of water as evidenced by Underground Under-ground Water Claim 6846 (55-2416)," (55-2416)," 20804 (55-3917), Appl. No. 19610, a-6651. The water has been diverted from a 6-inch well, 105 ft. deep at a point S. 850 ft, and W. 965 ft. from N 14 Cor. Sec. 20, T6S, R2E; and used for domestic purposes of one family; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 93.72 acs. in SE 14 Sec. 18, SW 14 Sec. 17; NE 14 Sec. 19, NW 14 Sec. 20, all T6S, R2E. Hereafter, 0.918 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from two existing wells: (1) 6-inch well, 105 ft. deep: (2) 4-inch well. 226 hile you Wait. ond delivery. ol your claims tee. - PhM7.MJ ja w BUICK '7irnFV fwoo " IT dc Impala 4 Dr. Sedan AT, PS, air cond. 74 CHEV $3399 lmPala Cus,om, CouP- AT- pS, air cond., radio. 74Chev .. $2795 ps air ond. 75 BUICK $4195 Skyhawk. 4 sp. trans., radio. . 74 AMC ...... . $2695 mbassador. AT, PS, air cond., vinyl top. , EARLY BIRD SPECIALS . . 57 DODGE ... .$ 99 oronet 2 Dr. Hdfp. Chrome wheql- . ?Q pQmkC $ m Bonneville 4 Dr. Hdtp. Loaded. 69 0LDS $ 899 98. Real sharp. Loaded. $ Loaded with equipment. 53 QLDS $ 399 98 4 0r Sedan load,d SeVoVsn. " - Z ft. deep at points: (1) S. 791.88 ft. and W. 988.25 ft.; (2) S. 40 ft. and W. 35 ft., both from N 14 Cor. Sec. 20, T6S, R2E (1.0 mi. SW of Vineyard); and used for domestic do-mestic purposes of one family; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for irrigation of 89.96 acs. in W 12 Sec. 20 E 12NE 14 Sec. 19, SE 14SW 14 Sec. 17, all T6S, R2E. Protests resisting the granting grant-ing of these applications with reasons re-asons therefor must be filed in duplicate with theStateEngineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt LakeCity, Utah 84114, on or before August 2, 1975. Dee C. Hansen, State Engineer Published in Orem Geneva Time June 19, 26, July 3, 1975. Legal Notice BEFORE THE BOARD OF OIL, GAS, AND MINING DEPARTMENT DE-PARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RE-SOURCES in and for the STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF ADOTING IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADMINISTERING AD-MINISTERING THE MINED LAND RECLAMATION ACT. NOTICE OF NO. 43-000 HEARING CAUSE THE STATE OF UTAH TO ALL OPERATORS, TAKERS OF PRODUCTION, PRO-DUCTION, MINERAL AND ROYALTY ROY-ALTY OWNERS, AND PARTICULARLY PARTI-CULARLY ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN-TERESTED IN MINING OPERATIONS OPERA-TIONS WITHIN THE STATE OF UTAH. Under the provisions of House Bill 323, Effective May 14, 1975, the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining, Min-ing, is given authority to make and promulgate rules and regulations re-gulations for the proper administration adminis-tration fo the Mined Land Reclamation Re-clamation Act. Notice is hereby given that the Board ofOil,Gas, and Mining, has prepared a tentative set of rules and regulations governing mined land reclamation. A hearing will be held onTuesday, July 22, 1975, at 10:00 a.m., in the Executive Conference Room - Holiday Inn, 1659 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of adopting said rules and regulations. re-gulations. Anyone interested in the adoption adop-tion of, or the changes and revisions re-visions thereto, shall appear and be heard on the above date; or shall forward said written suggestions sug-gestions to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, 1588 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, prior to the hearing date. (A copy of the proposed rules and regulations and the Mined Land Reclamation Act may be obtained from the Division upon request) DATED this 25th day of June, 1975. . STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD OF OIL, GAS, AND MINING MIN-ING Sheree Wilcox Secretary to the Board Published Orem-Geneva Times July 10, 1975. Police Search For Lost Dog An 11-year-old boy lost his dog after he and his father were involved in an accident on the freeway recently. The dog was picked up by an Orem Police officer at the scene of the accident. The officer took the dog to the ambulance garage at the City Center. Someone Some-one let the dog out, and now he can't be found. The dog is a blonde short-haired short-haired Terrier, about one foot high and weighs about tenpounds. He has a brown collar with a red Salt Lake City dog tag. The dog has a curled tail and answers to "Dufus." If anyone knows the whereabouts where-abouts of this dog, please contact con-tact the Orem Police, so he may be returned to his heartbroken owner. rat New Development 200 South S00 East-Orem Will build y our plan or our plan. All new except the fruit trees. Lowest interest quality is our guarantee. Close to school, church, mall, City Center. In Payson, a nice 2 bedroom brick home. 1 12 baths, 1430 sq. ft., carport, block storage shed with 12 basement. 5 acres of fruit trees with plenty irrigation water. Chicken coops and implement shed. Call for full info. Also in Payson an older home with 3 apartments. Income $230 per month. Close to town. Owner leaving state. Call for particulars. Mitchell Real Estate 279 North Phone REALTOR' Clay 225-0696 Dick 798 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be re-cieved re-cieved by the Utah Department of Transportation, Room 608 State Office Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, until 2 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 1975, and at that time publicly opened for construction of Traffic Signals in Utah County, the same being that section of U.S. 89 at the Intersections of 8th North, 4th North and 4th South in Orem identified as Federal Aid Project No. HHS-3069 (2). The length of road to be con- stucted or improved is miles, and the principal items of work are approximately as follows: fol-lows: ' 2745 Lin. Ft. of 1" Galvanized Gal-vanized Rigid Steel Conduit, 1010 Lin. Ft. of 2" Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and 24 Each Pedestrian Pe-destrian Signal Heads. The project is to be completed in 50 working days. Prequalification of bidders is required. Prior to any bidder's receiving plans and specifications, specifica-tions, it will be necessary that the bidder have on file with the Utah Department of Transportation Trans-portation completed and approved, ap-proved, the required Prequalification Pre-qualification Statement pertaining per-taining to contractor's experience ex-perience and financial condition. The attention of bidders is directed totheSpecialProvisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. In conformity with the Federal-aid Federal-aid Highway act of 1968 the U.S. Department of Labor has certified cer-tified the wage rates for this project which are the minimum wages to paid on this project. These rates are made a part of the contract documents. The attention of bidders is Kirby Building go up in weeks instead of months. Imagine what you save in Dell Construction Co., Inc. 785-5120 (collect) Pleasant Grove, Utah FRANCHISED BUILDER n ? n. BUILDING Main, Spanish Fork, Utah 798 - 3573 -489-4317 - 2186 Sandie 465-2163 directed to the fact that this Commission has been advised by the Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, that contractors engaged in highway construction work are required to meet the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, (52 Stat. 1060). The UtahDepartment of Transportation, Trans-portation, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the Department of Commerce (15 C.F.R, Part 8), issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that the contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement advertise-ment will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination dis-crimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin. The Utah Department of Transportation Trans-portation also notofies all bidders bid-ders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered en-tered into pursuant to this advertisement, ad-vertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration con-sideration for an award. Proposal forms, plans, and specifications are on file in the office of the Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, and the office of it's District Engineer at Orem, Utah where they may be reviewed by prospective pro-spective bidders. Specifications, proposal forms, and plans maybe obtained only at the Department Offices at Salt Lake City, upon application and payment of a fee of $5.00, no part of which will be refunded. Each bidder must submit a bid bond from an approved surety company on formsprovidedbythe IS labor cost s. SYSTEMS 11 UJ Ace Rents We rent almost anything BABY CRIBS ROLLOWAY BEDS POWER TOOLS SPORTS EQUIPMENT 1745 So. St. Orem Ph. 225-4816 Department; or in lieu thereof, cash, certified check, or cashier's check for not less than 5 of ttie total amount of the bid, made payable to the Utah Department De-partment of Transportation, as evidence of good faith and a guarantee that if awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and furnish the contract bonds as required. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Any additional information may be secured at the office of the Utah Department of Transportation. Dated this 5th day of July, 1975. UTAH DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION. TRANS-PORTATION. Blaine J. Kay, P.E., Director Published July 10, 1975 Orem-Geneva Orem-Geneva Times. YOU CAN HOW have your lawns professionally maintained by Aspen Nursery. Complete Garden maintenance service including mowing, edging, pruning, pru-ning, spraying, weeding and watering. Free estimates. Call 375-4844. tfb THE GRAPEVINE Utah county's unique buyersellers service can help you find or sell that real estate, auto, truck, mobile home or motorcycle. Call now for details! 375-4060. J12,19,26P FOR SALE 1974 KAWASAKI 100ENDURO. EXCELLENT condition, just like new. $450. 225-5393. , SStf HOUSE PAINTING: Interior and Exterior. Quality work at reasonable rates, call Rich or Greg 377-7539. J1-3-10-D- LARGE 3 -PIECE sectional sofa. Brown freize nylon. Good condition. Excellent for family room. Call 225-590C after 5 p. m. J. 26,J.13.10p. UTC Students Win Honors At "Olympics" Three students from Utah Technical College at Provo won high honors at a recent VIC A (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) U.S. Skill Olympics contest held in Washington,D.C., according to Don Pendergrass, VICA faculty advisor. Otto Kilcher, Homer, Alaska, won first place in the nation in Machine Shop. Linda Fegel, Orem, won third place in the Prepared Speech division. Gary Hone, Payson, won third place in Architectural Drafting. The winners from Utah Technical Techni-cal College at Provo competed in a nation-wide, post-high school skills Olympics contest. Representatives Rep-resentatives from colleges, universities, uni-versities, and technical colleges from all over the nation met in three days of rigid competition. Post-high institutions from Utah totalled enough points to place Utah in third place in the nation. Seven students from Utah Technical College at Provo competed in the national contest. The students traveled to Washington, Wash-ington, D.C., on Utah Tech's bus. The students paid their own way to the competition in the national nation-al contest and no state funds were allocated for the participation participa-tion of Utah Tech students. Faculty Fac-ulty advisors who accompanied the students included Mr. and Mrs. Rex Losee, Mrs. Karen Swendsen, Mrs. Rux Plott, and Mr. Don Pendergrass. Advisors reported that they have never met with a more career-oriented group of students then were competing in the VICE Skill Olympics. People in narcotic and or alcohol al-cohol treatment may qualify for food stamps. Call 1-800-662-5431 statewide, toll-free for information. Miscellaneous r'OR RENT A & W Travel Trailor Rentals, Ren-tals, 165 W. 400 N. Orem Call 224-2316, 225-4745. tf CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY Even if You're behind inpayments inpay-ments or forced for closure on your home or acrdge. Great-M Great-M Enterprises. 224-0879. tf. ALCOHOLIC Anonymous meeting. meet-ing. Every Tuesday 8 p.m. Orern Community Church. 130 K. 400 E. Write P.O. Box 52 Orem, Ut. 81057 or call 224-3iaj tf EXPERIENCED paper hanging and painting. Small jobs. Bruce Skidmore, 489-9524. tf PERSONAL ' LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast-with fast-with X-ll Diet Plart'$3.00 REDUCE excess fluids with X-Pel $3.00. Skaggs Drug. Ad 10-J1. 23 ARE HIGH INTEREST rates getting you down? Call for an-appointment. an-appointment. Millie Snow 768-8100, 768-8100, Ed Hansen, 375-7481. FAH-VA, tf MOBILE HOME space for rent. Powell Terrace Park in Lehi phone 785-4564 or 768-3932. WANTED Beauty operator; Classic Beauty Salon 60 East State RD Pleasant Grove. 785-2109 MUST SELL NEW electric player piano. See at 222 No. 1200 W. 10. Orem, after 5:30. Jl-3-10-wm TELEVISION RENTALS Week, month, school term. We deliver satisfaction guaranted. 225-1475 tfp m: MICU6CL DICK LUKE BROKER WE ARE NOW LEASING- Space for Retail Stores & Offices at: PLAZA ELEVEN HUNDRED 1116 South State in Orem mi ESTATI Plaza Eleven Hundred mm DISTRIBUTOR WANTi-D Qualified individual Male ur Female needed to distribute world famous film and other photo products through company established locations. "NO SELLING OR SOLICITING REQUIRED." Make this year your year for independence. $4995.00 investment. Guars nteed 12-month repurchase agreement. CALL , Mr. Davis (Toll Free) 1-800-848-1970 or Collect A6H-228-1 751 Monday to Friday, a.m. to 6 p.m. EOT Or Writ Flruton Photographs, Flrclont Bulding Slnct IM lM N, 3rd St., Columbus, Ohio 43 V 5 Q u n p a p d p a p p p p p p p p p p p p p a OWNER TRANSFERRED Out of United States . . must sell this quality built 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom "Maplewood" rambler. See at 515 South 630 East, Southgate Park, inOrem'sbest location. This home is just like brand new. SPANISH VILLA Can be shown to you immediately by calling us now. Many built-ins, carpeting, fireplace, two car garage, and a deck to spend the warm summer evenings. CLOSE TO CHURCH AND SCHOOLS Nice 2-bedroom plus 1 bedroom (in part basement), 1 bath home, landscaped, partly fenced, storage shed in back, and an unbelievable $21,000. Hurry on this one! PERSONALIZEDSERVICE TO ALL UTAH COUNTY J0HNS0 REAL 148 SO. Pearl Bigler Fred Johnson Dan Carly, Jr Jo. Ann White JimStrobell Phil Washburn WaltWinsor FOR SALE FOR SALE Cash for old cars, trucks and machinery. Parts for sale. Acme Wrecking. Phone 375-9450. 375-9450. tfB TRICOT TRICOT TRICOT 99? Ribbing, 5? per inch. Knits for t-shirts, brushed nylon, 108". 89?. The Frabric House, 885 Lo-cast Lo-cast Ave. Pleasant Grove Phone . . 785-4517 - Hours ' 1-5 p.m. Jl-3-10-17-24-31 52' BUICK SUPER in great body and running condition. $200, Call 225-5688. : Jl-3-lO-p MISC. FOR SALE CARPETS stay beautiful despite des-pite constant wear by a busy family. Get Rug-Mate Stain Removing Rug Shampoo. Rent electric shampooer $1.50Nelson Paint and Glass Co., 1066 S. State, Orem. 225-4141. tfB YOUNG RABBITS FOR SALE, reddish $2.00 each. 225-5393. brown. SStf GUITARS, 12 string $45.00, Classical, $50.00, Electric $30.00 Also old yamaha 80 cc motorcycle. Call David at 225-5895. BY OWNER. 2 bedroom block home", ranch style, in Hurricane. Hur-ricane. Storage shed, carport, car-port, chain link fence, patio. Landscaped, close in. Box 52 telephone 635-2666. " Jl. 10,17,24p GERBILS FOR SALE. $1.00225-4411. $1.00225-4411. Jl 10,17,24b " We Specialize In Homes Business & Investment Property." 224.0600 225-6580 ni6 South State, Orem ,SUm Eveready GE Polaroid noxianciai ESTATE STATE. OREM 465-3001 U 'mlm P 43 9-473 U ' ' i?R1ri O 798-7a02 " y a p p p p p p p o p p p p p |