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Show Rueburn Samuel Pyne Funeral services will be held today, Thursday, July 10, 1975, at 1:00 p.m. at the Orem Stake Center, 500 East Center Street, for Rueburn Samuel Pyne, 85, 683 East Center, Orem Utah. He died at a Provo rest home July 7, of causes incident to age. He was born to John Thomas and Kate E stela Rawlings Pyne in Provo on April 1, 1890. He married Mary Sophia Crandall. December 6, 1911 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She died June 18, 1964. He married LaPriel Hay-mond Hay-mond in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple in 1967. He was educated in the Provo City Schools and attended BYU Academy. Following his marriage mar-riage he farmed in Orem until 1934 when he became employed as a carpenter on the construction construc-tion of Deer Creek Dam and was a carpenter foreman for the construction con-struction of Geneva Steel. He RUEBURN S. PYNE continuied to farm for the rest of his life. He resided his entire life in Orem except for the last seven years. He was an active member of the LDS Church, serving for 40 years as Ward and Stake Music director. He was a member of the Mendelssohn Chorus and a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Taber-nacle Choir. His hobbies included hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife, of Provo; two sons, Edward L. Pyne and Gerald Pyne, both of Orem; five daughters, Mrs. Ray (Helen) Carter, Mrs. Curtis (Anna Dee) Gordon, both of Orem Mrs. Rell (Phyllis) Johnson of Palmyra, Utah County, Mrs. Joe (Elvira) Ford of Elberta, Utah, and Mrs. Bill (Shirley) Maynard of Murray; 39 grandchildren; 107 great-grandchildren; Four brothers, Delo Pyne, George Pyne, Walter Pyne, all of Orem, William Pyne of Springville; two sisters, Mrs. Estella Steel, American Fork and Mrs. Monte (Ruth) Russell of May wood, Calif. Friends may call at the Orem Stake Center today two hours prior to the Services. He will be buried intheProvoCityCeme-terv.' take ths out of glJH j. : i" '- 'T111 i' 1 11 '."tTyt'iTTWr'"' ' '"I t WBtt There's plenty ol hot summer ahead, so why suffer? Get a WRIGHT Air Conditioner this week at big savings and you II keep cool for years to come. Come in and find the model that suits your needs. ' Check These Features All Welded Construction Positive Rust Protection 0 Power-Thrust Blowers W i n doV Coolers 0 Corobex-Treated Cooling Pads and Roof Mounted Models Special Duty Motors Buy Now and Save $ Prices Start at tl 0 i mm tJfciftl? .v. I I Kristy Lynn Creviston i Kristy Lynn Creviston, the in- fant daughter of Fred and Ilene ' Jenkena Creviston of 1565 So. 200 E., Orem, died Sunday, July 6, 1975 at the Utah Valley Hospi- ; taL , She is survived by her parents one brother, Brian; two sisters, Shauna and Charlene; Grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. David O, Jenkins of Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Creviston of Provo. Grveside services will be held Friday at 1:00 at the Orem City Cemetery. Friends may call at Sundberg-Olpin Mortuary Friday after 12 noon. 1 1 Orem-Geneva Times July 10, 1975 : i LAUREL RAE JEFFS Laurel Rae Jeffs Funeral services are planned today, July 10, 1975 for Laurel Rae Jeffs, 46, of 220 E. 1950 S., Orem. She died of cancer Sunday, July 6, 1975 at the U. of U. Medical Center. The services will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Orem 20th-50th Ward Chapel, 135 E. 2000 S. Friends may call at the church prior to the service. Mrs. Jeffs was born to Leonard and Beula Peterson Johnson on June 30, 1929 in Lethbridge, Alberta, Al-berta, Canada. She married A. Dean Jeffs on July 2, 1952 in the Alberta LDS Temple. She devoted much of her time in working for and with young people. At the time of her death she was stake director of the APMIA - Young Women in Sharon Shar-on West Stake. She had served as MIA President in the Orem 29th Ward and had been a Laurel teacher, a member of the Stake Relief Society Board, and had been a spiritual living teacher in the Relief Society. She served as a camp director in the MIA, a counselor in the MIA presidency, presi-dency, Stake Laurel leader and den mother. She is survived by her husband, hus-band, four sons and one daughter, daugh-ter, Michael Jeffs, Colorado Springs, Brian, Richard, Jerald and Kristine Jeffs, all of Orem; two foster daughters, Elaine Jim, Keans Canyon, Ariz., and Linda Begay, Indian Wells, Ariz., one grand-daughter; her father and stepmother, Beth Johnson, Lethbridge. Leth-bridge. Burial will be In the Orem City Cemetery. DOG POUND SITE CHOSEN An Ironton site has been chosen as the location for the new Utah County dog pound. The facilities will include indoor kennels, an euthanaisa chamber and an incinerator. Nellie T. iacobsen Nellie Thorne Jacobsen, 86, of 253 East 1st North, Orem, died July 2, 1975 at the Utah Valley Hospital of causes incident inci-dent to age. She was born in Lindon onJuly 24, 1888 to Robert and Cordelia Walker. Thorne. She married Neils A. Jacobsen on January 12, 1010 in Lindon. He preceeded her in death on June 4, 1969. Mrs. Jacobsen received hei education in Lindon. For several years prior to her marriage she was employed at the County Court House in Provo. Following her marriage, she and her husband lived in Orem and were among the first settlers in the Orem bench area. She was an active member of the LDS Church, being a member mem-ber of the Sharon Ward. She served in the Primary and Relief Re-lief Society of that ward. Her hobbies hob-bies were traveling, fishing, quilting, sewing and embroidery. Survivors include two sons, Howard R. Jacobsen and Wayne L. Jacobsen, both of Orem; two daughters, Mrs. Eric (Virginia) Richards Ward of San Jose, California, Cali-fornia, and Mrs. Lloyd (RueJean) Clausen of Saratoga, Calif. Nine grandchildren; 18 greatgrandchildren; great-grandchildren; one brother, Frank Thorne, Orem; one sister, Mrs. W infield (Orvila Hurst of Delco, Idaho. Funeral services were held Monday and she was buried in the Orem City Cemetery. ' Michael B. Walker An automobile-motorcycle accident ac-cident in Leadville, Colorado on July 5, 1975, caused the death of Michael B. Walker, of 287 E. 1200 N., Orem. He was born to Brady W. and Olive Tucker Walker in Provo on June 2, 1952. He graduated from Orem High School and was a four-year graduate of the LDS Seminary. He was a recipient of the Duty to God Award and was an Eagle Scout. He had been a student at Utah Technical College at Provo and was a heavy equipment operator and a diesel mechanic. He is survived by his parents, Orem; a sister, Mrs. Debra Ann Robinson, Orem; a grandmother Julia Walker, Mesquite, Nevada. Funeral services were held Wednesday and he was buried in the Orem City Cemetery. Mitchell Files $1 Million Suit Richard M. Mitchell, husband of Cynthia H. Mitchell, who was murdered last year, has filed a 1 million dollar suit against Utah, charging prison officials with negligence. The suit, filed recently in Fourth District Court, charges that orison officials allowed Michael Hart to purchase alcohol and consume it while in custody, and that they allowed him to escape custody. The officials did not contact the Mitchells upon Hart's escape, although they knew he may try to go to them. Mrs. Mitchell was murdered at her Orem home on Oct. 10, 1974. Hart later pleaded guilty to second degree murder in the case, and was sentenced to a term of five years to life in prison. UTAH CO. OWNS . . . , . n . MOST HORSES boundaries. Weber County rates , , , .. offo second with 17,105horsestoUtah Utah Coumy leads the state in r ...., iq 7,i the number of horses within its uoumy s . iULjii,i.uaiiiLi.ii .. II OREM UNIVERSITY MALL HkoIO3EF0T THE "MODEL ETTS" WAY HELPS CURB YOUR APPETITE HELPS YOU LOSE THAT EXTRA WEIGHT I NO CALORI E COUNTING! NO EXERCISES! NO SPECIAL DIETS! gounHs tOO Tk.nki to i nous at N York doelon. you cm WvUI IUO WW now low poundi of ufljr fit without oin on any fJQ AQ jQ q A mciiI dm, without cutting out cny iptenl too. JW T UU9, HELPS REDUCE HUNuRi MUMtnia Thfw New York docyjn discovered food adju vtnl Mlltd "MODEL ETTS." "Modtltu" dot. remark.ble thingi. It helpiyou cut down your calorie, intake by i natural auto matte curbing of the appetite and of the den re Tor foodi, retulttng automatically in a reduced intake of food. Before "Model etta" was offered to you, it wai tested clinically by the doctors on a large group of non glandular overweight men and women. The doctors carefully checked mulls, and here is what they ftund: 1. Weight losses of 6 to 20 pounds without any ill effect! whatsoever. 2. 96 of (he men and women who used "Model-etts" "Model-etts" lost weight. "Model-etti" is absolutely safe. It is a food adjuvant adju-vant - nut a drug. So, start today to shed those unwanted pounds and inches If )our condition ts glandular or organic, see your doctor. ' Model-etts" may help you stay on the diet your doctor recommends. Ask him about it. You can get a full month's supply of "Model-etts" for S 00 on money back guarantee. In clinical tsti, "Model etu" was 96 successful. "Model-etts" "Model-etts" may not be 100 successful in all cases, but you take no nik in trying "Model-ctta" on our Money Back Guarantee. Come to General Nutrition to get "MODEL ETTS." The sooner you start, the sooner you may have the lou of weight you yearn for. but it is true! 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