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Show i u: Arian Neve Fro nk Adrian Neve Fronk, Redondo Beach, California, died as the result of an auto accident near Barsow, Calif, on June 29, 1975. He was born in Provo, Utah on June 13, 1953 to Julian L. and Velma Bunnell Fronk. He married mar-ried Debra Ann Simmons in Las Vegas, Feb. 22, 1975. The deceased is a former Orem resident where he attendedSpen-cer attendedSpen-cer Elementary School. While living in Orem, he was a member of the Orem 13th LDS Ward. Orem. They are Jan Patrick Fronk and David Galen Fronk. His widow survives him; parents, Pleasant Grove; two other brothers, Lester Kimble Fronk, Torrence, Cal., and Julian Ju-lian ' Boyd Fronk, Hunter; one sister, Ruth Ann Fronk, Pleasant Grove; Grandparents, Burdell B. Bunnell, Payson, and Mrs. Hor-tense Hor-tense B. Fronk, Pleasant Grove. Funeral services were held Saturday, July 5, 1975 in Pleasant Grove and he was buried in the Orem City Cemetery. Virgil G. Jotiansen Virgil Guy Johansen, 74, former for-mer Orem resident, died July 1 in a Mt. Pleasant hospital after a lingering illness. He was born June 30, 1901 in Mt. Pleasant to John and Ro-setta Ro-setta Tidwell Johansen. On February Feb-ruary 18, 1924, he married Vernie Elamora Jeffs in Manti. Mr. Johansen was a fruit farmer. far-mer. Funeral services will be July 10 in the LDS Second Ward Chapel Cha-pel in Mt. Pleasant. Friends may call prior to services. Burial will be in the Mt. Pleasant Plea-sant City Cemetery. M-Men-Gleaner Reunion Set The annual reunion for Gleaners Glean-ers and M.Men and their partners part-ners of the old Provo 6th Ward during the years of 1939 through 1941 will be hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Voit Roper in their garden 333 South 3rd East in Orem. The event will be held on July 26. The potluck dinner will begin promptly at 7:00. Participants are asked to bring their own place settings. For further information, please call Ethel M. Taylor, 225-0206, Voit Roper, 225-4597 or Mrs. DaleG. Allred in Salt Lake City at 466-8454. twwM faam 495 North State Road Lincbn, Utah 785-2031 Groceries- 1 Fresh Produce - Gifts, v DoritOS All flavors reg. 79c SALE. Spam 12 oz. 89$ Margarine BiueSeai 1 lb. 35 $ Hormel Bacon Value Pack 1.19 Certifresh Bread ..... 3 1.00 AA EggS Western Family ... . 49$ Coke Cans 6PackCoid ..... 1.00 Bananas lb. .19$ Cantaloupes lb. 15( LOCAL CHERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, PEAS- CASE or CUP FISHING LICENSES Open 7 Days A Week 7:00 AM lo 10:00 PM Home Deliver Case Lot Sales 785-2031 Where's your insurance man when you ns8 dhim? Th AID Man is there to help. A storm dropped a tree on your house. You need repairs right away. And a place for your family in the meantime. Now what do you do? Call your AID Man. He's your neighbor. The same guy who sold you the policy. He's the one who can see that things get back to normal as quickly as possible. Matter of fact, he's even authorized to settle your claim on the spot. That's the way The AID Man does business. Simple. Honest. Direct. No unnecessary paperwork. No beating around the bush. Talk to an AID Man. He's in the Yellow Pages. Then shop around. You may find that your AID Man can save you money on your premiums, too, AID Insurance Services, Des Mnines. Iowa 50304. Do it rinhr nwav. Protection for your car, your home, your business, even your life BOWEfJ & LEAVITT INSURANCE COMPANY 185 So. State-Orem (Commercial Security Bank Suiting) Ph. 225-2442 iM nti E mnvKi Allied Muluil Iniuranc Company Allied IJ1 Iniuranct Company AMCO Iniuranc Coinpan Speeds Reduced On Scenic Loop The speed limit on Utah 80, the road up American Fork Canyon and over the Alpine Loop, has been reduced and posted by the Utah Department of Transportation, Trans-portation, it has been announced by the Uinta National Forest and National Park Service officials. offi-cials. The lower speed limits were set after a comprehensive evaluation of the road and its operational characteristics was held. The reduced speed limits took effect July 1. The new speed limits were necessary ne-cessary to allow motorists to drive at a more leisurely pace on the scenic route. The newly posted signs inform motorists of a 40 mile per hour limit from the mouth of American Ameri-can Fork Canyon to Tinipanogos Cave National Monument, then 30 miles per hour to Mutual Dell, and 20 Miles per hour over the top of the loop and on down to Sundance. The limit from there to ProvoCanyonRoad is 30 Miles per hour. There are many recreational and natural areas along the drive and officials remind motorists to be on the look out for pedestrians as well as wildlife as they drive these roads. Obituaries NORMA G.DYER Norma Louise Gulbrandsen Dyer, 71, Provo, died July 4after a short illness. Her daughter, Mrs. Arline D. Johnson, lives in Orem. JAMES A. KIRKHAM James Arno Kirkham, 78, Huntington Beach, Calif., died July 2 after a brief illness. A-mong A-mong the survivors is his son, Kreg Kirkham, of Orem. ARCHIE R. BLACK Seventy-two year-old Archie Raymond Black of SaltLakeCity, died July 1, in California. He was the brother of Mrs. Geneva Steel of Orem. ADRIAN N. FRONK Adrian Neve Fronk, 22, Redondo Red-ondo Beach, died June 29 of Injuries In-juries suffered in an automobile accident. He is the brother of Jan Patrick Fronk and David GalenFronk, both of Orem. LOUISES. TOBLER Louise Harriet Shoell Tobler, 74, of Ampa, Idaho, died July 2, at her home.' Her son, Douglas Tobler, lives inprem. . EVA C. GINGELL Eva Cope Gingell, 69,diedJuly 4 after a long illness. She was from Myton, Duschesne County. She was a sister of Mrs. Owen F. (Inez) Burgener. OLIVER WOODWARD Oliver Woodward, 65, Ogden, died July 3 of an apparent heart attack. He was the brother of Mrs. Florence RichmanofOrem. LOLA R. OMAN ' Lola Richens Oman, 69, Brig-ham Brig-ham City, died of heart failure July 1. She was the sister of Mrs. Paul (Violet) Parkinson of Orem. hlORWAfll L? SERVICES 373-1841 PROVO ORVA HUNT BROWN funeral services were conducted July 2 in the Berg Drawing RoomChap-el RoomChap-el of Provo. CHARLES OTIS MANSON funeral fun-eral services were July 2 in the Berg Drawing Room Chapel of Provo. Interment Provo City Cemetery. Bell Co. Seeks Reduced Rates In County Calls Orem-Geneva Times July 10, 1975 Mountain Bell today petitioned the Utah Public Service Commission Com-mission for a hearing on a proposal pro-posal to reduce long distance rates 70 for calls originating and terminating within Utah County, up to the first $4.00 in toll charges. If permitted the hearing, Montain Bell offered to make the plan available within 90 days of the Com missions approval. ap-proval. Under this interim arrangement, ar-rangement, the customer with $4.00 worth of direct dialed, long distance calls per month within Utah County would be charged only $1.20. Lesser a-mounts a-mounts would be billed at 3(tt of the regular toll rate, U, customers with 90? in long distance dis-tance calls would be billed only 27? . Calls in excess of $4.00 NORMA LOUISE GULBRANDSEN GULBRAND-SEN DYER funeral services were conducted July 7 at Berg Drawing Draw-ing Room Chapel of Provo. Interment In-terment Provo City Cemetery. BABY LIECHTY graveside services were conducted July 7 in the Provo City Cemetery. HOLLADAY HILLS FUNERAL HOME, SANTAQUIN, UTAH GOSHEN WAYNE JENSEN funeral services ser-vices were conducted Wednesday in the Goshen LDS Ward Chapel. Burial will be in the Goshen City Cemetery. per month will be billed at regular re-gular toll rates, according to Merrill Hymas, Mountain Bell Provo District Manager. In addition, bulk rate calling was offered which gives customers cus-tomers several options: For example, residence customers would be provided with 180 minutes min-utes of calls per month at 3.3 cents per minute. Additional time allowances were offered as well as reduced rates fur business customers. Hymas said the telephone company com-pany is making this proposal on an interim basis until a new rate structure, Usage Sensitive Pricing can be introduced throughout the state. UsageSen-sitive UsageSen-sitive Pricing provides a .minimum low monthly rate for all customers. Such a price structure would benefit the low income, low using customer, but would have high users paying for additional calling on the basis of the number of calls made, the duration of the call, the distance called and the time of day the call is made. The present rate structure has everyone paying a flat rate for a particular service regardless of the amount of telephone usage. He emphasized that Mountain Bell is still proceeding with work to implement the Commissions original order, while asking for hearings on its interim proposal. The original order for extended local calling won't be operative until the first quarter of 1977, and when effective, increases monthly telephone rates for all Utalt County telephone customers except Springviue, according to Hymas. The Commission in May 1973, ordered Mountain Bell to provide three corridors of local calling between the exchanges of Lehi, American Fork, Pleasant Grove and Provo; between the exchanges of Provo, Spanish Fork and Pay-son; Pay-son; and between the exchanges of Goshen, Payson and Spanish Fork. The telephone company appealed ap-pealed the decision to the Utah Supreme Court because, according accord-ing to Hymas, it called for increases in-creases in all customers rates regardless of whether or not they frequently called long distance dis-tance within the county. The Utah Supreme Court on May 13, 1975 upheld the Commissions Com-missions order. Hymas saidstudies snowed that 82 of Utah County residents made less than 5 calls per month, and that raising everyones telephone rates would, in effect, have majority subsidising long distance calling of a few heavy users. He said the telephone company plans to implement Usage Sensitive Sen-sitive Pricing in Utah within 3 to 5 years in an effort to keep basic telephone services available avail-able to fixed income and low user customers, at reasonable basic monthly prices. QUARTER HORSES POPULAR IN STATE There are approximately 57,808 Quarter horses in Utah, making it the most popular horse in the State. NEWARK CALIFORNIA BABY BARRY JOSEPH CAZ-IER CAZ-IER gravesideservices were conducted con-ducted Wednesday in the Riverside River-side Cemetery in Hayburn, Idaho. Ida-ho. SPANISH FORK, UTAH REBECCA ANDERSON RUNOLSON PURSER funeral services will be conducted Thursday 1 p.m. in the Linds Mortuary of Spanish Fork, Friends may call at the mortuary prior to services. Interment Spanish Fork City cemetery. JULY 9-19 Hi OF I E-87 In The University Mall-Orem Ph. 224-3711 Free Balloons Free Lagoon Tickets Frea Dee Tummy Money Free Wallets Free Ladies Toiletries Free Sleeping Bag Grand Prize-A Trail Bike Plus Many More Gifts Minister Ataman EXCLUSIVE lu!b- Vi n 1 f BUTTON L . nn n i4" E) RD H B 2 SPEED " DOUBLE INSULATED 2.0 AMPS RPM1800, 2500 Hardwood 12" Steel 14" k- 1 "QEVSEB" vi3 0 on I flnicr SUBMERSIBLE PUIVSP Pumps 5 to 20 gals.mlnute; cleans to 18" of floor. Has 10,000-hour, sealed-in-oil 16 hp motor; use with garden gar-den hose or 1" pipe. 2130 5-F00T ALUMINUM STEP LADDER 5 88 365 366 6-Ft. ALUMINUM STEP LADDER Light weight, easy-to-handle. Knee-braced top, bottom steps. 18.99 16-FOOT FLAT-RUUG ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDER Excellent Value! 2 Heat-tempered aluminum alloy is 40 stronger than usual aluminum or magnesium. Twistpioof rung joints. Full 13-Ft. working length. 20-Ft LADDER 01120? (17 Ft. working length) 33. 83 24-Ft LADDER D1 124-2 (21-Ft. working length) 42.88 Fr Swinging Safety Shoei H6-2 mrwi HI D'c", tWIM Aluminum REMINGTON LIMB TJ TRIM ELECTRIC SAW Weighs just 6 lbs yet cuts trees 1 6" thick, cuts firewood, rough-cuts for construction. 1 HP. 58375 Corno In and Enjoy A P 1 1 vi La b Soft Drink During Our Karadt peoDQrag vjiioiiiru ail 11 3ti n V.... iii a- I U 1 12.99 ZiV 18" ELECTRIC MOWER Powerful 10-amp motor starts and stops at a touch of the handle-mounted switch. 4-TE184 By GRASS CATCHERS Eliminate tedious raking. Large zipper zip-per opening. For rotary or self-propelled self-propelled mowers. GC12 . . . 14.95 WERNER 4-FT. ALUMINUM PLATFORM LADDER V99 Light to lift! Folds to store! n Ideal for housework! Has large work platform; rubber tip feet. Fold to just 3-". Platform height: 22-12" 244 3UC Rockwell International r r FINISHING SANDER Super speed orbital action -10,000 opm. Double-insulated 1 .3 amp motor. 4400 1 |