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Show YVONNE GOURDIN AND KEVIN PETERSEN Miss Gourdin. Becomes Mrs. Petersen Today Yvonne Gourdin and Kevin Petersen were united today in marriage for Time and all Eternity Eter-nity in the L.D.S. Provo Temple. Officiating was Pres. Wendall Neilsen. Yvonne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gourdin of Orem. Yvonne graduated from Orem High School where she was Student Stu-dent Body program chairman, Tigerette attendent to the Home coming queen and involved in many other school functions. She was a 1971 Girl Stater. Yvonne will graduate from BYU in August Au-gust with a B.A. degree inThera-peutic inThera-peutic Recreation. Kevin is the son of Mr. and Mrs LaDell Petersen of Provo. He is a graduate of Provo High School. He also graduated from Ricks college where he was involved in-volved in football, track and swimming. Kevin is now finishing finish-ing his degree in Recreation Administration. He is currently fulfilling a graduate asstingshif in Mesa Arizona as a Recreation specialist for the city. Kevin has fulfilled a mission for the L.D.S. Church serving in the Montana-Wyoming mission. A reception will be held this evening in their honor at the Orem 13-16 Ward cultural Hall at 641 So. 400 E. The bride will be attended by Mrs. Dwane Allen, Mrs. Kasey LOSE UGLY FAT OR PAY NOTHING Start losing weight today OB MONEY BACK. MONAOEX it a tiny tablet that will help curb your de-tire de-tire lor excese lood. Eat less-weigh lei. Contains no dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous eiercise. Change your life . . . start today. MONADEX costs $3.00 lor a 20 day supply and $5.00 lor twice the amount. Lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded with no questions asked by: SKAGGSDRUG CENTER 151 N. State Mail Orders Filled 14 DRYGRS 1700 S. 640 E., Or. m Holiday Coin Laundry 14 Blk. Ensf of Hy.91 on 17 fh South y y V 2 c Quarnberg, Mrs. Ed Shields, Mrs. Russell Lunceford, Mrs. Brent Petersen, Mrs.DavidDuc-kett Mrs.DavidDuc-kett and Miss Becky Jo Petersen. Best man duties will be performed per-formed by Brent Petersen. The couple will make their home in Mesa, Arizona. V. f ' !l : I S r i ' " SUSAN MITCHELL AND BRUCE FORSYTHE Mitchell-Forsy the Rites Set Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Pleasant Grove announce the engagement en-gagement and coming marriage of their daughter Susan Kay to Bruce C. Forsythe son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Forsythe, Fairfield, Calif. The couple will exchange wedding wed-ding vows on July 12, with a reception re-ception to follow at -the Grove Ward L.D.S. Church, 455 East 200 south Pleasant Grove, from 8 to 10, all friends and relatives are invited to attend. Miss Mitchell graduated from Pleasant Grove High School and four year Seminary. She is employed at the Orem Day Care Center and the Orem Valley Care Center. Mr. Forsythe is employed at the Riverside Country Club in Provo. Attending the Bride will be Sandra Mitchell as maid of honor, with Jean Shepherd, Debra Bug-den, Bug-den, Colleen Forsythe and Cecila Forsythe as bridesmaids. Best man will be John Kerekes. SPRING CREST DRAPERIES An All-New Look in Window Decor $uly Vxafreny up to 30 OFF DRAPERY FABRIC 30 OFF CreStrand ANYTH,NG like m 6.50 ft. DECORATOR RODS Rtg. t oo ft. Custom Carved Antique Finish 15 OFF Woven Woods 20 OFF Custom Quilted Valances 1.99 yd. Rsa. 4.50 i Sheer Fabric 60 Inches Wide - Vyilicy o v-ii.vj w 1 , STATE ST. CREST 175STI i STORES - U.S.. h I KATHY MILLER AND Kathy Miller Becomes Bride Of John Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Mesa, Arizona are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Kathy, to John Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hansen Han-sen of Provo. The couple will be wed today in the Provo Temple. Tem-ple. The groom is stepping into the role of father to the bride's After their honeymoon, the couple will make their home in Provo. Library Lists High Achievers The Summer Reading Program at the Orem City Library still continues with over 1100 oartici- Dants. There is still time to register see you soon. The following participants have read their twenty books and are working on their stars: Jennifer Prescott, Sylvia Staples, Andrew Staples, Deniece Davenport, Annette An-nette Williams, Jill Holden, Eliza Norton, Aaron Johnson, Jay Adams, DougHancock,ScottThy-gerson, DougHancock,ScottThy-gerson, Annette Nelson, Erika Anderson, Craig Baker, Cindy Newell, Heidi Smoot, Kathleen Baum, Jennifer Peck, Garth Glenn, Cathy Malan, James Eric Henrie, Sharon Sperry, Kandra Hudson, Tad Richards, Mari-ann Mari-ann Hilton, and Sterling Hilton-congratulations Hilton-congratulations to all of them. The new look is the NEAT look. And Spring Crest draperies are the world's NEATEST draperies. No matter what your style, NOW is the time to decorate your whole house, with SPECIAL SAVINGS because of our INTERNATIONAL BUYING POWER . . . Sate --Jut y 7 - & Bedsprea 15 Colors OREM PHONE: 225 - CANADA, JAPAN Xx? JOHN HANSEN children, Nathan, age 2 12 and Priscilla, age 1. A garden party par-ty to honor the new family will be held this evening at the home of the bride's brother, Stan Miller, Mil-ler, 832 S. 800 East in Orem. Attendants will be the sisters of the couple: Julianne, Becky, and Jennifer Miller, Mrs. Chris (Marjorie) Christensen, Mrs. Stan Aharon) Miller and Mrs. Allan (Malene) Schow. Best man will be Lee Swen-son, Swen-son, with Peter Hansen and Hy-rum Hy-rum Miller to usher. The bridal gown is of white crepe, featuring an empire waist with lace around the yoke, angel sleeves over long sleeves gathered into a cuff trimmed with lace. The bride's hat will be trimmed with white daisies and yellow roses to match her bri- dal bouquet. The bride is a graduate of Mesa High School. The groom graduated from Vista High School In California. He served a mission mis-sion to the Northern State (111-inoi) (111-inoi) for the LDS Church prior to his attending BYU. He graduated gradu-ated from Utah Technical Collee-e In May and is presently work- ing with FMC Corporation in Green River, Wyoming. i he family plans to make their home in Green River, Wyoming, following the couple's honeymoon to Flaming Gorge. Isaac Behunin Reunion Planned Annual reunion of the Isaac Behunin Family Association will be held Saturday, July 26, 1975 in Murray Park, Murray, Utah at Pavilion Number two commencing com-mencing with breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and continuing through the day with a varied program until it concludes at 10:00 p.m. according ac-cording to Lester Ostrander. 367 Beleview Avenue, Murray, Utah this year's President of the Association. Since the living known descendants descen-dants of Isaac Behunin number over 3,000, the number in attendance atten-dance can vary from about 100 to anybody's guess. Attendance fluctuates widely each year according to William Clyde Be- hunin, Chairman of the Geneolo-gical Geneolo-gical Committee. s. Isaac Behunin joined theL.D, Church in the year 1834 and came to Utah with one of the first handcart companies. He was born October 20, 1803 in Selkirk Sel-kirk Beach, Richland, Osewgo, New York, He married first Maribah Morton of Vermont and have five children by her. As the Saints were moving west Maribah became ill and died. He then married a good friend of hers, Elmina Tyler, and had seven children by her. Because 9 z) 8803 1 II -W1V 1 UJ I I ADELE CLINGER AND DON LEAVITT Don Leavitt Claims Provo Miss As Bride Mr. and Mrs. Herschel J. C linger of Provo, are pleased to announce the marriage today in the Provo LDS Temple, of their daughter Adele, to Don R. Leavitt, Lea-vitt, son of Alice Leavitt, of Orem, and the lateEdwinDean Leavitt. Miss C linger graduated from Orem High School in 1972 where she was an officer in the FHA for two years, a member of the wauonai Honor bociety andbapre Aude She is currently a senior majoring in medical dietetics at BYU wnere she was president of tne Dietetics Club, Member oi Plli Kappa Phi, Omicron Nu, and served on the BYU Council in 1974-75. Mr. Leavitt is a graduate of Orem High, year of 1972. He is a sophomore at BYU majoring in Chemical engineering. At Orem High he was president of the national HonorSociety, member mem-ber of Key Club. He served a mission for the LDS Church to Hong Kong. A reception will be held this evening from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Skvroom in the Wilkinson the Association is so large, the descendants of each of his sons or daugnters try to also hold a reunion each year in addition to the annual reunion of the complete com-plete group. Isaac Behuninwasatrue moun-tainer moun-tainer and finally settled in Springdale, Washington County, Utah for a short time. He then moved into the area that is now known as ZionCanyon and is given credit for naming this area, as he called it "Little Zion, and expected that if the Church continued con-tinued to be persecuted that its members would move to this area where he felt they could easily be defended. Story Teller Is Vona Pack The storyteller at the Orem City Library this Saturday will be Vona Pack. Some of the stories which will be used will be "The Pet in the Jar", "A Letter to Amy", "Dreams", and "I'm Not Oscars Friend Anymore". There will also be afilmstripshownand children 4 years old and older are welcome to come see you there. '1 "7 i f ' X -A Center Provo. on the BYU campus in The bride will wear a dress of white organza over crepe with a lace bodice. The circular skirt will be edged with scalloped lace. Miss Clinger made her own gown. She will carry a bouquet of multicolored roses and baby breath. Gladiolas, carnations and roses in brass floralabra will adorn the hall. Matron of honor is Mrs. La Mont (Elaine) Scho-field. Scho-field. Bridesmaids are Pat Pay-strup, Pay-strup, Diane Rasmussen and Laura Houghton. Terry J. Leavitt, Lea-vitt, brother of the groom, will stand up as best man. Loralee Thompson will attend the guest book. There will be dancing for all the wedding party and guests. mm t x s X s x xV !l mm A-r.M4 X V-Jv .... A natural muslin values to 1.00 yd Machine-washable cotton for this season's fashion look; smocks, dresses and blouses. It's also a natural for decorating. 38-39" wide. DF's reg. 89c HEW SHIPMENT! Sunnier prints Machine-wash Perma fress 50 Poly-50 Cotton. Large assortment assort-ment In icolor combinations for summer and back-to-school fashions. 45" wide. DF's reg. price. Values to 2.00 Perma Press in your favorite color combinations. 18 14' inch checks. OPEN: MON.-FRI. (:30-( P.M. Qranoar 4179 S. Redwood, Murray Town ft Country 1266 Orem-Geneva Times STEVEN AULT AND CONNIE HERBERT Herbert-Ault Say XI Do" Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Duane Herbert of Orem are pleased and happy to announce the marriage of their' daughter, Connie, to Steven Howard Ho-ward Ault, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ault of American Fork. They will exchange eternal promises pro-mises in the Provo LDS Temple on July 12, 1975. Connie graduated from Orem High School and the LDS Seminary. Semi-nary. While a student there she was active in the Band, Ti-gerettes, Ti-gerettes, National Honor Society and Chorus. She is an April graduate ofBYUwhere she earned an associate degree in Family Living. Steven attendedAmericanFork High School where he graduated and was also an LDS Seminary graduate. He has been a student stu-dent at Utah State and BYU. In x v y x You always find current fashion fabrics and savings at DF'sl voiles St poplins coordinated prints voiles eT49 yd. VALUES to 2.29 McCalls Carefree pattern 4517, Summer catalogue, Is a natural for these coordinates. Lovely floral patterns in garden colors. 6.V?, P ."35 Cotton. 45" wide. DFs' reg. LOW prices. This Save thru polyester double Emits Values to 4.00 Popular Ponte deRoma stitch, solid colors, 11-11 12 ounce makes It excellent for paht suits. 60" wide. DFs reg. LOW price 3.49. 65 Poly-35 Cotton blend. 45" wkle. 6AT. :30- P.M. Meadowbrook Plaza 5650 South 900 East SUN. 12.1 P.M. FREE PARKING V V East 3300 South OPEN: MON.-SAT. Cantarvlll Oram July 10, 1975 High School Steve participated in Rodeo Club and FFA. He has filled a mission for the LDS Church to the Sacramento-California Sacramento-California Mission. A reception will be heldSatur-day heldSatur-day evening, July 12, in the Orem 13-16th Ward Cultural Hall at, 641 S. 400 East. Attending the bride will be Brenda Barry, Kathy Miller, Linda Herbert, Susan Herbert, Sherie Ault, Janice Jan-ice Ault and Holly Herbert will stand as flower girl. Ken Beck and Gary Christensen will at-' tend the groom. Following a honeymoon to California Cali-fornia the young couple will make their first home together in American Fork. Values to 3.00 's Specials! Sat, July 12 a fs? A29 Values to 1 3 ' and 39 J yd- DF's reg. LOW prices, mm pcpllns "KIWI- V W 1:30-9 P.M. 290 E. Paget Lane 5$ South State Street |