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Show 4 A 1 I t i - Orrin T.Andersen received his Eagle in a ward court of honor in the Orem 20th Ward last Tuesday evening. Orrin, a member of troop 185 of the Orem 20th Ward, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wil-son K. Andersen. He has served as Sr. Patrol Leader and is presently pre-sently a teacher in the20thWard. Orrin enjoys art and has won h i i V f If ml m i ' fttO P G -A QUALITY FEED I ti V. V 1 J 1 ' . 1 .71 mxy m I If il la T 11 1 I F ill .-i 1- HI i Um Ail i 11 f KT i il .1 If ri mm lira 1 Lj h 114 Dairy Mix If 30 75 lb. bag fej 16 Laying Mash 3 50 50 lb. bog O Rabbit Pellets 915 50 lb. bag 14 Pig Finisher 65 r Pellets 50 lb-bg9 Friskies 2!?.?..$ Calf Manna 5 0 50 lb. bag . U 'I I 1 'X HefS's thejeedjbr I i an treed . . . anytime ! PLEASE COME IN OR CALL GroBest Feed S fm Center 500 North 1600 West Orem I Phone Orem 225-0140 Pleasant Grove 785-291 1 i m I I ILI1L1I I Till .Willi llll HIIIM mmt I m II ,. ,-U-J- H. J- l III ! W I I . '' IS 1 ; , ' .4 1. Orrin T. Andersen prizes for his drawings, carvings, and snow sculpturing. He designed and supervised the snow sculpture that was awarded first prize at the Squaw Peak District winter camp last winter. win-ter. Orrin spent four months last fall with his family in Israel. Is-rael. Orrin has also spent considerable con-siderable time hikincr and urn v Don't Miss these Super Values on Famous Menswear Brand , Hart, Schaffner & Marx; Ratner, Varsity Town, Cricketeer, Mavest, Ftorsheim Shoes SUITS Reg. $90 to $195 NOW 20 to 'a OFF (some as low as $59.80) SPORT COATS Reg. $60 to $115 NOW Vl to lh OFF (as little as $30) FM1I1SIIKIM 86)11111 r.iT.n,Tfitf 2m wet 16 West Center Provo PROOU Gs GiO FOR EVERY NEED- I J 4 Of F 1J J Iced Miracle Pagean Gets Underway MANTI - Hundreds of Utali residents are working to prove that "the best things in life are free." Their project is The Mormon Miracle Pageant, set July 10, 11, 12 and 15-19 at the Temple Hill in Manti, Utah. The pageant begins each evening at 9:15 p.m. The event, now in its ninth year, has never assessed a charge for ad miss ion or the parking park-ing of cars. Last year 120,000 spectators thronged to the small, quiet community located in the heart of Utah. The site of the annual spectacle, spec-tacle, now touted as one of the largest outdoor dramatic presentations pre-sentations in the world, is at the base of the Manti LDS Temple. The steep slope of the temple acropolis provides a stage for epochal events and a broad arena for battles and marching legions. The episodes highlighting Lat- ter-day Saints history and doctrine are performed by 300 live actors. In addition, the pageant is enhanced by elaborate lighting, sound and staging effects. camping with his family in addition ad-dition to all the hiking and camping camp-ing he has done as a scout. Orrin will be in the 9th grade at the new Lake Ridge Jr. High School next fall. PBQQW 6SL7 6&ggvBS7 ?S? , """) SXV . A Serving -f ...... if'y .-- -J eU Cantaloupes California's Finest Melons Serve With A Scoop of Lucerne Sherbet (50c Each) Water Russet U.S. No. I's V m J n n in R R mm Immi Red Potatoes 10 i 1.49' White Grapes E551 .b 59 Red Grapes Thirst Quenchers lb. 59 Vacationing is easier and less expensive when you SHOP SAFEWAY ...on your way end where you stayl dtech IJour Pantry Edwards Coffee SL 3 i 2.87 Instant Chocolate IZT 3pk" 1.59 Tea Mix EE With 24-ei. jar 1.99 Cheerios Cereal Salad Dressing hade Miracle Whip KD7eSad Heinz Ketchup ,0XX:62 32T 99 32-ox. 1 A7 ar I.Uf 26-oi. bottle 78 Shop and Compare Canned Milk is"' ,427 Cof fee Mate Lr; "IS; 1.01 Pancake Flour Kl 4 Pt. 1.19 Shortening 7,po 3 ;Lb 1.49 Vesson Oil tr XtSL 97 Peanut Butter 2a p 1.43 Tomato Sauce l;lTe 'Z 19 SAVE 1.17 Town House Fruit Cocktail Fancy Select Fruit case of 24 17 ounce cant Directing the pageant for the sixth year is Macksene S. Rux of Salt Lake City. The Mormon Miracle Pageant is an adaptation of a dramatic reading by Grace Johnson of Ephraim. Seating for 10,000 people is provided each evening. Additional Addition-al area for those who bring their own chairs or blankets in available avail-able adjacent to the chairs. Manti is situated 120 miles south of Salt Lake City on Highway High-way 89. Inquiries should be directed dir-ected to The Mormon Miracle Pageant, P.O. Box 0, Manti, Utah 84662. The pageant is produced under the direction of the Manti Region of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED Beth Marlow was reappointed and Clifford Robb was appointed as a member of the Library Board. In other action the Orem City Council appointed City Recorder Alau Homer voting registration assistant. Golden Bananas Fancy Fruit From The Tropics Serve On Ice Cream or Cereals (lb. 20c) Summer Festive - Fruit - Sweet, Wet, Flavorful each U.S. No.l Iceberg Large Firm Heads (each 25c) Red Radishes Home Grown 3 large OQv bunches J Mr 3 large OQ . bunches lT 3 large OOv bunches J IT Green Onions fZZ Beet Greens t f mttmt V ma J o(2)fe) heads 0 fflGflg) QulS (o)(p) Lucerne Cottage Cheese Topped With Fruit 32-ox. f ( ) J ler Dairy Products At Any Price carton V iJ Town House Condensed Vegetable Soup Shop Any Day Of The Week At Safeway Canned Vienna Sausage Keep On Hand f Ilt6 Quick Meals, Buffets, Patio Picnics and Hikers Lunches nn LJl7ll0i Hormel's Luncheon Meat - Assorted Flavors Save On Nationally Advertised Brands At DliscetL iscellaneoiiS ViA T Chunk 6ti-oi. can 45 uci iviume i una Style Canned Spaghetti a ronco HVi-oi. )Qy 28 37 merican can iO Ellis Spanish Rice Heat'n 15-oz. Serve can Gelatin Dessert Jell-Well 3-ox. Assorted pkg, Baby Food sG,S Long Spaghetti Bet Kraft Dinner r.' Welch's Grape Juice Keebler Cookies ppQ!r.rr tar 1 lb-L lb-L pkg 88 7X 34 bottle 16-01. 00 pkg. 00 All Items & Prices in This Advertisement Effective In Orem, Utah Monday Through Sunday July 7 Through July 13, 1975 V HKI J Plans Outlined For State Fair The 1975 edition of the Utah State Fair Premium Catalog has been mailed to all previous fair exhibitors and participants, said Hugh C. Bringhurst, Director, Division of Expositions. The book outlines fair entry rules, deadlines, premiums, prizes pri-zes and contains information about the various departments of the fair. It is mailed free to anyone interested in obtaining a copy or it can be picked up at the Utah State Fairgrounds administration office, 155 North 1000 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. A total of $55,000 has been earmarked for cash premiums plus attractive trophies and plaques and thousands of colorful color-ful ribbons will be awarded in the competitive categories from squash to sheep. The annual and traditional fair, with the theme " '75 Edition of a Great AmericanTradition"has been scheduled for September 4th thru 14th. Orem Tom Turkeys Norbest - U.S.D.A. Grade A Self-Basting With The Tender Timer ....(Si' i ac" . - - ss - WHiaw B Slceii 3Bm Beef Short Ribs IT&T .b. 75 Beef Chuck Steaks ccuhr.b. 1.19 Beef Round Steaks 1.98 And Save IO'j-oz can 1 tuinrnil Ly S)(S)c For 5-ox. can 'EDGQUilO Safeway S & W Bruno oils Garbanzo Beans Green Salads can 32 Red Kidney Beans ,1' 65 Red Kidney Beans ,4r0xn35 Chili Makins lTZ.Jm7:J Coldbrook Margarine Packed In Quarters Mb. pkg. Mrs. Wright's Bread Super Soft Round Top Sliced White or Wheat i6.,p,(o)S J loave, J (p) 12-ox. (C)) can ma "nui - Geneva Times Building or Remodeling HOiE? See Us For Your Custom Windows Shower Doors Residential Windows Service Is Our Finest Product CLASS 414 West 1200 North, Ofrm Phone 225-9662 Safeway Regular Ground Beef At Safeway Buy Any Size Package You Need At This Low Level Price Morrell's Pride Shank Portion lb. veir Skinned & Deveined Fresh Fryers USDA Grade A Whole Chickens Turkey Dnrl Norbest Hindquarters AQj lOdil USDA Grade A lb. 47' Boneless Hams SfffiT .b. 2.19 Pork Sausage SSLM? b. 1.39 Corned Beef ?eT& a" . 1.49 Canned Hams SJSw 5 8.69 Catfish Steaks S wna,er b 99 oCucerne...-s4fwayS resi GradeAAEggsLlacrgei do, 56 Grade AA Eggs 53 Cottage Cheese JzlJ 49 nIaL Lucerne I IUU LIIIIIV) Great Flavors Potato Salad br Jor Snaclt Jime U reals RirrnWr Pillsbury Buttermilk QIJlUll) Or Country Style Mild Cheese TZlt Cheddar Cheese ,b. 1.59 Mild Cheese SSss 2 rv 2.99 frozen oojj he Creem Lucerne Wonderful Flavors Great Summer Refresher half- gallon C Ua(L D... Ice Cream W- llCdlll Udl Tre Treats Q Fudgesicles fill Your Freezer Orange Juice Scotch Treat From Florida I a m a n J a Scotch Treat LCIIIUIIdUC Concentral Bel-air Apple Pie Concentrated 8-Inch Size Bel-air Cream Pies r,1 Shoestring Potatoes lff Bel-air Waffles 2 pkg. 2 D:47 July 10, 1975 67 half. . gallon Z 16 ,b. 1.66 6-count HQ j pack 07 4-count ft . pack 07 489 ,2r;n 39 J0.'. 89, ,4S 59 HO' |