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Show 1 aw. I OWES i ten ti Lydia a Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W, Va. '? I feel tbatlowe the last ten years of my life to Lydia inKiiam 8 vegetable vege-table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shadow, I hud been under the doctor'! I care but got no re lief. My husbandper- saadea me to try Lydia XL I'inkham's Vegetable Com-pound Com-pound and it worked like a charm. Itre- llieved all my pains ana misery, l advise all suffering women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Eilma Wheato?, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pouBd, made fronv-native roots and - herbs, contamsno narcotics or harmful harm-ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medicine medi-cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the .Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every fJTrm of female complaints, inflammation, ulceration, ul-ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself -to irtve Lydia E." Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial If you would like special adrice about your case write a confidential confiden-tial letter to Mrs. IMnkltam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful Suspicious. The father of Judge W. H. Wadhams had a chicken-coop and a dog and a stable hand. It began to look to Mr. Wadhams as though some one had discovered dis-covered the combination. So he kept the coop and the stable hand, but he got a new dog. Next dajr the bent old negro who groomed the Wad-hams' Wad-hams' horses came to him. "You log' you affection foh me, boss?" he asked. "No, Sclpio," said Mr. Wadhams. "I likeyou as well as ever." "Then," aid Sclpio peevishly, "w'jrn't you tie Old Rover In de chlckenoop, 'stld of dat new dorg?" Beautiful Structure Driimi Realised. .. Every beautiful structure la the dream of the architect. St. Paul's Is but a dream of" 'Christopher Wren. Without the dreamers the world would 'be a dull place, f Dreamers lifted it out of the darkness of barbarism and Ignorance and -jilifired It In tie white light of civilization and knowledge. ' rntntimKr-tKiM.fB stmntS tx lAk.'Q allium! i-u? kJK-n rt aM tik!iti ibritat nam it' -t an aiit.ii -..l tfcraatena. Al all luufii tn c ie arm luc inuUii't Occasionally a Mhoolelrl U no romantic ro-mantic that she liiaKln's all joctry should t printed l Italics. Mr Vtw'i"thlnc "reap 9m rbUdrvB CMCblB , 'fla the annia. r4va ta aMllilW, S..J It.. 'IU U.J CU.10. ixiuuU.1, roriNoi garrulous fopi roase a nocialtiKrif saying rtoihing v mm SICK HEADACHE in I. I k- CARTERS j:-.1'"'-!'"- ajapjaa I A mW7 nawW fV IHV ft 1 W L III IIP lte.lra Iy.-.. la- I . lii i - N.ta 4 T- Hmf III I V fc K lu' rr II n ii i e III PILLS - i"v . III' f- . TaMilWlitfaU.C- sr I , a Tnrw TtU 1 IM ' I"' -rons-m tins. TWr rtrlaia U tvmia. Fr.. V a, u jfli piii. s-m t :se. siu r?:x Cenum Mutt Bear Fac-SiiaiteSjstaturt " REFUSE 5USSTITUTLJ. fin 1 1 IT? wotnrwoi rsTtciiTr uyiui i - t f n Viwv. mt --- " ' Ln nwt..w. For Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat Trouble Take CURE ut im tnxnt r.t !Tfc rW is cod t wrtia IVanari ta tale aaJ ?arasftei aicijtr?T fcri troO cr" I T 1 r i S la, a, . .! 11 1 I 1 "3 1 V M ' y CARTERS IflVER J (Wis. PI Mr BETZVILLE TAL Rocco Mackintosh and His Two Natures ' 'Aidhor oFPJs.;sPJs Etc- 6S0 ILLUSTRATED l& At Length He Put His Knee on Hit He Seized His Ear in His Teeth The most permanently uncomfortable uncomfort-able man In Hetzville Is Rocco Mackintosh, Mack-intosh, and it la all due to his two natures, na-tures, which he Inherited from his parents. From bis mother, who was Kosa Gallucrl. he inherited the hot blooded nature of Italy, and from his father, Sandy Mackintosh, be Inherited Inher-ited the cautious nature of a Scot, and while both these natures are esculent, es-culent, they do not mix well, and In Itocco Mackintosh tbey did not mix at all. They remained at all tlmrs distinctly separate, like the streaks of fat and lau in a plfce of bacon. Three weeks sk last Wednesday Itocco woke with his !nt U!ln na lure In the vaddU', no to Hpcak, and an overpowering denire came upon him to write a l:'ak Hand letter. m he sat down anil l-Kun to write one. tut wh-n he was a brut half through his cautious Scotch nature warned him that he wan doins a very duiserou thing, and that If he was discovered he nilght be taken to court anil made lo pay a fine Hut when he decided hot to write a IU.uk Hand letter, his warm Italian nature r.lil'id and in Hcted lhat he write the letter, S0 to placate both bis natures be wrote Hie letter and addreied It lo blmnelf Thep lie tixik the letter 10 tb lxt- ofti r and u.ft il it. When hi Mackintosh nature re eeitetl ib tetter the mt nirnii be waa very nHh etclted Never before be-fore bad be received a threatenirK let ter. and It made biro properly anjry, but be swore that, no matter what happened, be would not put $lu under a stone, wi. be letter rotumand ed hltn to ii Instead he went out and borrowed a alf-s.n from I'm le Asbdod flute, so aa to b ready for the worst Along about our o'clock that after Boon bta Italian nature took bold el him and be sat down and wrote a threatening letter to himself, ten times worse than tb first, and mailed It to himself. Wfcen be received tfc.a letter the Beit noonilr.g bis Scotch b'.vod fair ty boiled. He was so aegry be could faardiy bn'd bis pen wbiie be was writltg actier I'-lack Hcd letter to btmseSf that fjeBm. bat be was is ecc:f& lo take rery precawtion. and before be weet to t--d b barrt rade4 tbe bouse by rusticf all the f-Jf aitare i(i til the dwors Ktea JAea be was so escited bs eo-i!4 tot s:-p a ad setersl tlraes Is tbe a'jtt be frost aed wro'e TUrk liaad letters to bimsetf lif U se4 of U week e was r s ;k a slate at fear tiat l cety tea tared froe tt Wise cair a f. aad taal wrs to stall to klssef ii. let ters be lad wrltte. bit t e"S, kept gettieg axare a&J e-A tkr!ea Ug. aid tey ail tts4 last 1kc-2iy as tke last day el rrv f tie : was o( tt aaaVer tie f at . at tv rfcsrv4s ty tri tiat 4f it; t v:Aacs) icll If Ukca o fa. " 1 tvetrcs E?rnn aiee-J tie kasse tVat tai l.Tn Mf . nn;ers wtat bis t..: a4 VSeitMif s&ceis- I it as4 a f . t Tie i tat s'.oce at tt crt raas waa as til s ef, as4 ti cm rrmtt r5-i at kit R-r Vsfk , was t as rromm as tl r4s 4bt ta avttte ailev II te tnt Mti ti". ai4 k ia-af: tMt Nv ( a 1 XaT . is.'V. l-O ES PBTER. NEWELL Cheat, and Pinning Himself Down Thus, and Bit Until He Cried for Mercy. be was going to the cross roads to sea whether the $ 100 bad been put under the stone as he had advised himself to do When he ssw himself take a dagger In his hand he k6ew he must be prepared for the worst, and. that be had a cruel Italian nature to deal with. So he took bis shotgun In the other hand and sallied forth, bound, at all costs, to protect himself. Hut hardly had he stepped outxlde the door than be weakened. What, after all, waa $100 as compared with bis lite? He went back Into the houMand took ten tendoltar byis from his sock, and went out aRcln. He walked to the crossroads ami tucked the money under the stone, and then stood back behind a tree to see what would bnien. In a minute or so he laid his shotgun on the ground and slide slowly toward the flat stone (ilatiriiiK cautiously around, he lined the stone, picked up the ') and slipped It Into his pocket, with a rni I I'nli.in chuikU of plee Al that tuoment lis stanch Scotch nature r belied. Never would be lie robbed in this manrier! With a cry or r be dasbvd (or the shotgun, and at the very moment that he laid bl band uon It bis left band drew the trig ger, Then ensued a terrific struttfte. in which bis Italian nature bad all the advantage Try as he would be WM'alwkys Too close to himself to 1 un- the shotgun, while the dagger just the wean to use at flow" quar ters. With a groan be dashed th shotgun from It I ut. and closed It i.l-on himself Again and ag.isn b wrested the dagger from bi lose If. on It "o have it wrmted away again A?j "-r.gtb be put bis knee utoo bis rhrt I r.d rlCBrJ hitl:. lf Hum n tV n. h.. ' selied bis ear in bis teeth, and bit un i lil be crird for mercy Then, pattscg bis band In bis in ket be Lu'led na' the ten bills and put them In bis pw k et He bad triumphed ! All the way borne bis proud Srcjtoh I nature gloaied eo this - ucejuaied j arbletettieol add be took h!s seat a bis dinner table with a fe-l,tg o ' great conucL He felt in bis pocket lo see Ifcat the !0Q was sti;l there" j and It was J "That for the H ark Hand!" becr'ed tatf.tg Us ttgrrs. and be st U work devowrttg kit meal S.dJ&!y be paused and a look of fr gbl sad an.sfn.cot catae over bis fae. He pa.sed with b's fork ball way to tis tare, asd stared at it H as et!tf :ttet:ir lestast'y fee kaar wkt bad bappeaed tn kit ter rtV sTt1!..' witk k.a.e;f t bad bi4 ka t'o aa'vres. se8 tte Ita! ua sa r bad trlztted after ail' He bad alktwed k c;f lo take tbe : away frcxa b;-.f lis ksd allowed al-lowed t avc '.f to fe.ac k bad bias ST as ke Ce'stew fc's K.al t la .t.4 mm:f to ta tk low t t si t rn- ot t.s Ursat. a4 st tie ttr Xlmt ' ta.-s rsa t i ctka as t , tto-vfil kw ke 14 t iclix i4 It ts a terrttie ti rj to las to It t-!r Ce sT-e--. rs lT w. a o ? Veey 'a'l :. ' ;;". for u y.i , Ts . . , . i-w-r tvaa's wm s:j fj-oe-',y 1 t kw WVa I k'a I t tn sL-ita, t wsxH to kew u sty reasccts weew far K 4r.mk lai a L 7 . r CUT THIS OUT. " : v ' .; .; - - Recipe That -Breaks a Cold lo a Day and Cures Any Curable Cough. "iTfx half -ounce? of - Concentrated hierWHnjEdnitfciKa jsimcEs' ofL glycerine and half a pint of good whisker: shake well each time and ase In doses of a- teaspoonful to a.ta-blesooonful a.ta-blesooonful evervfour hours." f .- These ingredients can be obtained. from iny good druggist or he will get them from his wholesale house. The Concentrated pine Is a speclaf pine product and comes" only in half ounce bottles, each enclosed Tn an airtight air-tight case, but be sure it is labeled. "Concentrated." DIFFERENT. .Mr. Wholesale (indignantly) What'a that? You say the easti is not correct. I always thought that bookkeeper, was a rascal, aniL was jolt bing me. J! Expert Accountant The cash is ?50 over, sir. Mr. Wholesale O. well, juat -gIVe me that and say nothing to him about It Perhaps he's forgotten to draw some of kls salary. SKIN TROUBLES CURED. Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very Badly In One Case Child's Hair ' Came Cut and Left Bare' Patches. Cuticura Met with Great Success. 1 have two little girls ; w.ho have been troubled very badly with eczema. One of them bad it on her lower limbs, i did everything that I could hear ef for her, but ft did not five In until warm weather, when it seem-; Ingly subsided. The next winter when It became cold the eczema started! araia and also la her head where 111. would take the hair out and leave1 bare patches. At the same time her1 arms were sore the whole length of'; luriu. i iuus, urr iu w i'ubiciuu, uui the child irew worse all the time. Her sister's arms were also affecjed. I began be-gan nslng Cntlcura Remedies, and by the time the second loUw as used their kin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles Paker. Albion. Me., Sept. 21. ,0." Dra Csaaa. Cons SWs rrops, Bsatata, V." Y . I. V.. . - 1. I -1 1. . . ft New England Pie. Some poor dweller In the benighted benight-ed beyond of Chicago as-ks what a real New England ile is like. It probably will not help him to he tuld, hut If he means apple. It Is like au essay by Kmerson liquefied th the music of Massrnet and spiced with the cyni cism of Shaw; If h mi'iiim pumpkin, it Is Ifke Koine of Counod's music heard In a Inndxctpc- nil sun and flow ers. It Is too Parry" yd To " describe tbe rnlnce pp of tcit last year's and last year was not an eitraor dinary icikm! year wit like an Increase In-crease In salsry, nnd a present from home anlvlDK on the day hen one's conscience an behaving luelf. Hoe-ton Hoe-ton Globe A Lay Matter. "Would you like lh floors ll sale?" ased the architect The SirinKficld man liMilted dubious. "Would you like the floors In mo lair fa' terns?" ."'I don't know so nine h about that," te -finally said, ''.ain't gutaity neju-d'e neju-d'e e against Mos s as a man. and niaybe be alien a lot about the law regard laying of floors, though. I k ndcr th!flfjd rthr hare Vm un e-tarian " -liirter's Ww kly. Deafnc Cannot Be Cured by sai aptvriM m tsr ul rwt u S luc swn ti a a nr '. Iml. i UN fwl a4 "- I- S , I a Imfn wl S Ua IvSr s to It m. swam st a 4mtii4 Icrm. as ian .i ml fm mn cwav4 r c atsnw start a sotaae swf an 'Sasaj sr uw am cn H A!rl a ar ' rkm'Mai Ma mm m mr a: ST II- s (sunt C w r J c 114-Na.V m ia. Iaa, IsasM Msftat 9Mlf flsn M I Coreparati Honors. i llrit Freshman frc-le bat ak-d ! rr.e'to dinner neit Sunday J -od Jt-efhma'n That's fio'htrc foe footUII eaptals J Jt honed to ; tt.e Tale Ilecwd , 1 Remedies 'are Needed Weew sr perfrct, 4cw see are mm, snedicioes ml east art) fc tulil. But since er erc knre he-. he-. een nraatkessrd, sospaured and broke do a rhroa - isdatrtiie wkSk) a im Irons tint ewrfy stci, &rmm& se ikrse geaseewtiossf, macSK are sjreded t sud NnTar as eorrectani tsar tai-r.lrd and wUi atejajaesal naitanwi. ! rench Cat seat ei etosnweh srs-akswae and tfirsjeasst dane troasbtrt, faere ia asscksa4 ne food as (Jr. fierce Geidra Medical Lascar ty, a (Ircerss r a mac aid, eirmrtrd Irons assti asde- wsl rwstt utaro oies swrrf yeers wita freet nnminetiosi a3 taers. FoST ek StesanSi. EJibhisiiiii. tiree CowtrJamf. Faa im thm Staesisca niter tWtaX, I lewr-kwrw, 14 Brvsxw. Beklunl ei food, Oaraaase DiarrWaj mmi t-mrt lnsjasal Ixws, sunts, tin 'L,sery" is I Tb imatii0 ham on Its tBlJd wrapper tha SI ins lure Yen) cassl aforw kn rrmx eaervt e sw coanaiTS!w. a Mtks htt eewfa. tWw-e asske Ut. rarrtw'e PUTNAM ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT . AYegctaMe Preparation for Assimilating As-similating iheFooaandRegula-ting iheFooaandRegula-ting Ihe Stomachs and Bowels of aJsk Promotes Dics!1on,Cheerfut-ftesnd Dics!1on,Cheerfut-ftesnd Rest COntatrfs fittttier Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Nauc otic , A'Artt Mls CrStJ Surer I r -P- . ff)jyTf favor . Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa- K!mio 04 totliTJSthoca; R C J Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh- ncssand LOSS OF Mtt" Facsimile Sign,atureOf Tht Centaur gCSpany, NEW YORK. 337 Guaranteed under the Food any Exact Copy of Wrapper. STEADY", Vhiti jjght Ii The .shoes that V Mide of telected every tczL Correct shoe makers, in the best tJVlAYER shoes ar "built on honor" -boil built for absolute satisfaction atnd yocj can ever hope to $rt for the K9 There Is an I looocbilt itvle that will eaactly suit jtm rvt fit 70a. Ask your shoe dealer; u be hasn't it, wri'.e 4a Look fu( the ACtiur't TnJt ClCark on the solo. I fREE If rx wtlt cmd w t!.e rdm of s Maree H-morv-'t o'tor, we wi.l snl fu We alsomcVi Leac'ir.r; Lci'y Shoe Cunikxt i!t its, ertrva-4. uu.-t (n C.."o 5chf)oI Shoes and Work F. eTIIAYER BOOT & ?HnP rn MiLwauirrs onwij VA wiscott-ri ' V - ftw4i, is SnSS-r, wr tr S- V ak' ! r as rf.s Motaa 4i as . am I Pt.. HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS'.GUIDE.rr fsvsa, t--k-nr rww4. timH If s I I -tnTsJW r-m, Iftasssssm J - Shoe Jiae. Kits h r- William d you g,-t ttoe pumps Charlie lrlr,cc- OS a h tree Cornell Widow. , It's a lof-.a.icr for a rblld to In hri rd tjeir tho trains esc yrvnm mmj Burt cenrot nmsedy. wiaifr i na e nwKira fas' rkss mm aJco sol sa C&oeXa U nrfm draicr asnr - - rc2ns refaltte ewd imitofm mommtm, Erff saw tiarf fswlca, sawn- In fake an rantd. 3r aSjia iaiaatnam. TWa ea ns f si a. aW taa aa aw ess. fan tan) Ss -fssw n aaa anas ass) ava vaasw awX7sUR3aT a3VJ CO . Oa lass, AMasina. ' "sJ For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .. ' '.-A Bears Signaturo .ii. 1T1I - j , il ... aT ii in m . m w v. M(r nit x.aTir iu XriiH T Jfl. In &r us r liK- r Pa- f1..awM ror uvur TISsal4s VMssaSsfssa i limy iutus ws srssos) iant. msjMsn Tke RAYO LAMP it a hvh-orsJe lamp, sdM al S low pries. There are lamps that enst moce, but thrreia aobrttrf lamp at any price. . The Burner, the Wick, lh Qiimney. Holder all are vital Iriingi in a tamp; these parts ol tf RAYO LAMP are perfectly constructed and there is nothing, knows rs the art of Uaip-makinf that could add to the sal us of the RAYO as -a hghi-ffinnj denes. ' Suitable loe any room in any hocus. K"T ffs)r vnnstier. " If not Si yoar,'rN1 for n-orlpHirin-ular to tba nrwssl Afucf nl tbo "COaMTLNENTAL OIL COMPANY . UoovrsorstoA) proper shoes for men: look, fA, feel ond if tat right leather feather that Is best u stylei Made by the equipped factory In existence. HONORBILT t it camltnej stylo and service lasting cttnfurV Cifcest value money, - 1 deotre wlida-as mm tisndle A lr . Sostpsaj, m nana J , , Martha Washingtoa Sr.il - opo.L Choes. tiuaa lw"C St!-. laaa. Hlcuaiatf - w tSsi 1 ssffw T sy-w naea1f-si fcS fm -mm m h 2 Did joti hear lt? How err. bar-raising bar-raising J These stomaVh Doisrrnakc you wih j on cou'. 14 ink thr : rough i-.e uoor. k on traagice everyone s hear then. Keep a box of CAS CARETS in your purveor pocket and tale a tort of erne after eating. ll .reiiere toe stocach of ga. rj CCAETS ii. a Wt tat a at m imm ... Km i SI50 UiDES500,000 " -ai nausea.;? "TI c a ; i a t 4 Ha- ." a naa awa : a c mm- c a-. a-. -mMtm a i m tm n a in tmm n."" n as l V'tta lfa u iiManl 4 I S H na-" n is far.a mm fl-,-aa at istta-ra1 sa .a. ta an '- a- n t.aT " wt f a ?-t ms a4 n a f . . as-c a irVC a trrw sa . Saa-aaa. eat RAW FURS !aLiS2 ft. sjanfsf m SR Vk by finest 1 n x t r i J i mm i) w H ti. San Lae C . Ha, ST-'tCs. |