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Show i ---1 A PLEASANT GROVE H.EW3. - ....... .r--jisp.:-:' r - t . PIEASMT grove news An "Independent weekly oaDer Dtil listed in the interests, of Pleasant tUTove ana Utah County. Issued Every Saturday. . ' BY THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co. , j. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. Application made at the -Bostofflce at Pleasant Groye, Utahq, trans-ilssipn trans-ilssipn through the mails ia second- class matter. KlScTIOtl RIGHT SS TBJE nr' Tiirn ' . ur AAtd Subscription Price', $1.50 a Year,- in Advance. I Bank Deposits of County Larger NowThan at Corresponding Time Last Year; U tan -co u n ty sh o u Id co llect1under normal conditions, about $500,000 tax- NOTICEl I e, and this year is certainly net less THE CHIPMAN MERCANTILE CO., (than a normal year judged by stand-of stand-of American Fork, are giving away ards ofwrning prosperity. " " The ' county treasurer's office has been- busy-.-"doing- Dusiness with - the taxpayers for some time, and yester day Treasurer Johnson stated to a NLWS reporter that his bank deposits de-posits are somewhat in excess of what they were at this time last year, and he -estimated that -the collection of taxes bad been rather In rexces of what they were at a corresponding time last year Of course this may, as the treasurer 4BtMntt, be due-to-the-faet that some The Sunday "Times" publishes the following artiele concerning the cof fers of Uncle Jesse Knight ot this city. The statements are interesting as there are many statements which While telling a very well connected story .seeming certain as to dates and k 4.A a, J 1 1 . 1 . . are contrary to thn tHt,ia of th "cl'ls- ulc latl ue.vewpea inar.vu- wo .-.' " llie Lawhorn. the boy arrested on a this year some valuable prizes absolutely abso-lutely free. " ' -- You get' a draw with every dollar you spend or pay on account, from now until January 1, J910. The prices are one Piano worth $400.00 Combination Mahogany Book. Case ,. . , ... . v... , 60.00 Ladies' Watch and thain. .. . . . 20.00 Gentleman's Watch and'Chain.. 17.00 One Double Barrel Shot Gun. ..20.00, One Pair Ladies' E. R. Reed .wr. Shoes ........ , 4.00 Ote-Pir Gent's JtwrWrigtit Shoes 4 00 V corporate money has been paid in ex Home Made Horse Blanket.... 3.75 .cess of last year at a corresponding 4 500 lb. Lump Coal r 5.00 t 50 lb. Star Brand Flour.".... 2,75 One Only Mission Finish Clock 4.50 . $550.00 Drawing, in City Hail, December 31 8 P. M., American-Fork. A Ticket with every Dollar Spent Sportman's and athletic goods the Pleasant Grove Drug Co. at A time, but he is of the belief that the ollection of ordinary taxes has been 'somewhat" belter. . The time for paying taxes expired lat Monday, and after this week those remaining unpaid will be placed on e delinquent list, and delinquents be put to the extra cost in conse; once. GROCERIES AND EATABLES. Home recipes given special attention at the PJeasant Grove Drug Co. Get your harness goods of Ole Anderson & Sons. Tri.de at home. Ice Cream for parties, single, gallon, $1.50, at Pleasant Grove Dfug CI "The New Zealanders. Taterna Hie.suay, .November -..nit ,,oc and .'jc. 3jCans Corn during sate for 25c. 3 Cans Peas during sale for 25c. 3 Cans Beans during sale for 25c. 3 Cans Tomatoes during sale for 25c. 3 Packages of Arbuckle Coffee during dur-ing sale for 25c. 1 Package Tree Tea during sale for 20c. 6 Bars Glycerine Soap during sale for 25c. 1 " 16 lbs. Best D. G. Sud during sale for $1.00. 'very dollaru-sESryou get a draw bhO. CHIPMAN MERCANTILE CO. "Those -who have leen Inclined to take a doleful view of the' financial welfare of-HJncle' Jesse Knight, the 'Wizard of Tintic,' have learned from the newspapers during the last week that Mr. Knight still has. a few dot lars -.rweor- investment and that lie has bnijufcting them Into copper and ad prepert-est Elyrr There Biay be a connection between the heavv or ferings of Colorado and Iron Blossom stock on the local exchange and the Knigru purcnases. in Nevada It is whispered at Provo that the Kaights nave let go some big blocks of Tin-tics Tin-tics within the last three wpics. It does not follow-; however,. even :t" this gossip is true, that either Colorado or Iron Blossom will soon pass b svond the Knight control and the fa rfthr.t the Wizard is expanding the field of nis operations is evidence that he is still a force to be reekoned ith In the mining world. i newspapers properly are relnrtant fto discuss the financial condition of Individuals, have no such "scruples and there Is no doubt that the latter have done incalculable incal-culable harm to the companies in which Jesse Knight is interested. At tie risk of being called impertinent i.T Is sometiems well to call attention to the-exaggerations, that grow out of n admitted misfortune. Mr . Knlirht s excursion into the smelting business involved a heavy loss and the talk was that he would be compelled to part with the Colorado in order to re- -i.a! -ilitatp himself. Powerful pressure ;is brtmght to bear on him and on M (-lanies to bring him to terms that he hail once rejected. fortunately for the Provo man lie is not involved in the stock market i-jind no rommitmenta to make 3 It will pay yoiT to buy your boys school shoes at Ole Anderson & Sons. The -New 7., Tuesday, Nov. 50c. iLimit i s," Tah.jrnaele, 2'iril. Prices X.c- and D.D. HOUTZ WINS MURDER CASE Use- our 25c Dandruff Cure. Your money back if net satisfied. Pleasant Grove Drug Co. - His prosiM cts suffered throuth .nal'ility. to take up their treasurv !'ck a. he had done In the, past, as he express-d it he did not nil the pwint where he "had to e the Co'urndn away." "There is no tellinn what the future 'Nill 1i ins forth. I, ut there is every I'-aym to l.ei;,.ve that the worst is over ami t!..it I'ni le Jesse' will carrv ih Imht rtti.-itnst adversity to a victorious vic-torious finish." DEGENERATE BOY BEFORE HE OUR I: store, Provo, Saturday, is a mental incompetent. 1 When arrested with " the' shoe? he wis charged with havjng stolen, but- tonea unaer nis coat, the boy also was found to have in his-pocket a small flask of cheap -whiskey. He gave "his age a 18 years past, and was booked on a criminal charge in the county court in consequence, but the aee he gave was less than the legal ago which would entitle him to have the whiskey. and the fact that he said his uncle. u u. Lawnorn ("Mohn,") had given him the liquor, placed that person hetOre the bar of Justice, and a case Viis made out in which he appeared as defendant .yesterday, the Judgment against .the younger Lawhorn for sliop-hiting, sliop-hiting, being taken under advisement pending a decision of the charge against the unele. - : ' : .Mentally Incompetent. I Closing Dajric '- ... Of our Big Sale, Saturday, Nov., 20th. Biggest bargains ever offered. of-fered. Don't miss then COAL COAL w The New Zealunders the best kind of enteriinniTt. Tabernacle, Tue-dayrNov. Tue-dayrNov. 23rd. Trices. 5"c and 2uc. 1. U.lliHitz, the lortner district at toniey, has disiingnisln d liiiuself in lie defense ol u rather noted .murder citin ut Mnnh u','tirWiir lln ni'iiiiitlr -r his client. -1 ,'Z::-ljm'1 "'JTland of "lr "iiiie nvas. 11 H li e and Of ro- The Pleasant Grove Drug Co. has every facility for looking after your prescription work. J. H. Collins will repair or clean your sowing machines. Ieave your orders at Pleasant Grove Iru Store, Big Millinery Sale nt the Princes llnery store, !., North Academy avnu', IrldaAaml Saturday. hxruv tiynal bargains In the latest hats and tinmlnc. The fhe Ktjuel teams In charge of ipervlsor N tson are delivering f.rt loads a day on the-streets' The tre-t n'-ur Cuy Itoldsoii s will be graded next The new line of Ladit Tailor-Made Suit and Neat New Coats at Chip-man's, Chip-man's, American Fork, can not be wrpaMed In any town ef it lire in the state. Give them call. A Craw with every dollar spent. Th case rr-ferr.d to was that of Jm lact rharftfd with the murder ur jcH' Harris at West alef. At the time of the killing there was a quarrel between Joe Harris and Jot? Pace, In (he rourse of which Pace shot and killed Harris. The Jury's verdict was the Justification of Pace on the grounds of self-defense. LINDON NEWS. The Llmton ward will Rive the children chil-dren a dance Thankseivltig day ... Mm. Lizzie Culltuer has returned home from L!il A. Ilolman uas in H.iit Lake Tliurs-lay Tliurs-lay mi legal business Charles J Colilie Is here to see the home folks aftT a Ihiik stay )n the tele.honi- serv lee m blaho and .Montana He re(nr'. i e for New -Mexitti tnr ttte- same rtimpany. In the -meantime it was developed at the hearing of the uncle, that the tay 9 still under the age of IS, he himself admitting" the fact, and oiTe'rinsr no reason for hai-tnir eniil ha but the-moF-Hwngersf as-past tfr' AC tHe hearing Of the shoplifting charge, the boy said he took the shoes because the uncle had told him to take them for him, the uncle, and that he had done so. This, of course, was strongly denied by the licensed, as was also the charge that he had procured the whiskey for the uijnor. The evidence of Phelif Lawhorn, the grandfather of the minor, was taken regarding the mental capacity of the hoy, being to the effect that the boy id never been bright, and that al- iioiigh he had spent considerable time t school he was unable to read, rite or even name the letters of the Iphabet. Proceedings Invalid. The whole attitude of " the boy wa.- 'iut of a mental incompetent. He loin repeated any Incident of the matter in haml Jn a way to fit with last previous statement, anil vch n se discrepancies wt re .pointed o.'i 1 he was asked why lie had told -fir I'.truth, his answer was invana'4 at he "di'in't know" This error In' hr.vins the case ! . ore the county (nirt. that sho-i! !i ive eouie before the Juvenile coi-.r invalidates the proceedings and i. make It nece-sary to ither hear the case before the Jtivenilu court, or in voke the services of An insanity com mission. ' . The Boy Lied. City Attorney I). H. Thomas, Judge Noon and City Marrhal Williams were all somewhat puzzled for a time to account ac-count for the discrepancies In the Lawhorn boy's statements, their beetle Ing truth, yet the fart that they were so flatly contradicted by other evi-dence. evi-dence. This resulted In a very thorough thor-ough sweating of the loy, who finally fin-ally admitted that he had lied when he accused htft tinr-le or Inciting the theft and proctiriiiK him tin; whiskey. The boy was held for appearance before be-fore the Juvenile court, and the elder Lawhorn dismissed ' 2.000 Pounds To a Ton 5 We are in the coal trad again, jt 2,000 pounds to the ton. 3eHThone 18- . Clark Bros. & Co. - - - it LADIES r- 'elt Bengaline, Moire and Velvtt Hats extraordinary values, and Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, Skirts, Etc., at Reductions that will surely please ybu. V Mrs M. wf Clark if Hie Kive ' a tit lull Hirhn A I. Ci!S!'i,.re m in t'i l.:tK Cit) VV.-.ln, sd.i v mri'w it .1 Tiir teacher .'.rd i . r l.ttub-n S'Hiil.iy Si Ikhi vii '. in, liir imh in tt. auin ih SHOES. rtU2fERS AND SLIPPERS One lot Girl tv Shoes. xe 6 to 8. worth up to 1.50. tale price only 1.00. . Ore Ijt CiH't Shoes. ste 6 .. to It, - worth op to f t.TS. late price anfy ',T5 One lot GirCs Shoe, t itt 11 to 2. worth uo to 12 C-0. sal crice on'ji $1.45 One lot Boys Moh Top Sht. eacel- e"t sals price o"ly II CO . O' lot Biys" High Toe Sk to S ... tale price oiy 12 25. Ore let F"-e 5hce,. aooA'ai urt ici mens rir J'cti cunsj te IJCO. Or let Ven's H.gh Ctt Snc, rj 't tt5. ta-e r'-ce ontv ?5 SPECIAL OlSCOUSTS ON ALL OTHER SHOES SPECIAL .. P,o crts $403 00 0thr prnti'V A'i frtt A D' .th eveijr $' CO Vjr y; tr 6ft d'.Ai you get CHIPVAS MERCANTILE CO. !..! Wllil ilJ 113' .1 at . " . ll HI '. .1 . I : mance, poetry and "seutliuent. It ama (he yisitr w ith tts wealth of nat ural curiosities and the endless variety vari-ety and grandeur of Its scenery. It is the home ot the Maori, the highest type of savage Ihe inhabltatlng fie inlands or the Pacific; a peoj.ip io u.i imm'h wonilerTully quick to l r ake ther a)orlinal customs- and sie perstit4ons a yd fit themselves J,r lip hlKhest ValVs of civilized life, Th Kawe! family are nattv Maoris, and Hre handsome siM-cimens of their rac-ln rac-ln ffietr I'ubllc exhililtions" they tar the ipieer but piituresnue costumes o' he native Islander. Mr KawH himself him-self as born in the wlhls of Northern New Zealand, anionic the most at-iK- atinit.als. was adopt.-d by an KhKtish lady of wealth when about twelve years old. cUen a thorough eil'icatlon. and enaWeJ graduate with high honors and the degree ,,,f Master of Arts from Christ C!,urh Cnierslty . . The presentation of "Prom Cantiili..!. Km to fulttire" ) o rerjv and ar-.iitimliy ar-.iitimliy lion., anj i, w, f; ,,f us'-T'-t of tioe:tr and wnnd-r, th.if ' i oi.i , in t!i,- iiti,i,,t t nl hiii.. a 1.111 It a.tivat.tig to The last (hkTee. 'j of delightful rurprls.i Ciaf follow ..ne aiiotlu-r in ti- ild-ru?g prorewasoti. aariiillig the e arid ar. protok: g i, .M. .n-f-.f l.i'ighter. ni' Surg to -ir. 'l'UfO'sr t! ,- nipi'hi hi:i ,. V Vii-i Hf !--ld tinder a i--'l or '..v. i m;oT) ! v ft... w.'r.l 1,al.-iU. .. , ir ' " trnf a yum (it ', . 'i,-. :-.. M : tfi'i r-.fii! -.to-antat'ori-, i,e ( .-, -, n-- j 'r.-.jri' rA.,.'t---ji' tM-'jt ' " "' ' ,"',""'.! '!" . j - . I u Nt Zi -.'.ituli r - I ; - :.t i - - '- - "e I f i - - T.i!rf..:. V - i - - .. V... .... .( ... - . I 1 MINING COMPANY FILES PAPERS The Creo Mining and Milling oom- puny his fi l art.rewf irK-vTin'raT?TM alth the county f ii rk: The capital stock U i l.u eil m li'i.ii' ii. dit idi-d into J f.rtio.iMi stare, of the par value of cents each Four hundred thousand t shares are i., t a"de as treasury stn k. j which will t.e riil.) for d-ve!oiii,.-rit )i;riMe nrr.i r and dm-ctor are i ir!d-fi. A I. Mirliam. Jr " lce i .ei.1.-nf. J II, Kuk, sti rciatS ajid j treii;nr. A l t uihrnot- A I. Me ! rhain and William Krk an- addrtiomil ; r- 'or T' ii-iii; ,n tak- on-r n in . i.t i .a in-, lis t) . CI, 'ion in1 ti g !. 'r' !. To,., i.- i . : f!e.vt.itit : Notice To Phonograph Owners I am glad Pleasant Grove has a paper. I have needed a space like this for a long time to keep you posted on new records. I received a lot of the very latest records day before yesterday. From now on' I will tell you In this ad when new records will be in. You will be glad, so will I. ' . Respectfully, "Tony" Hecker DIXON, WHO HAS ENBIT-TERED ENBIT-TERED .THE MINDS OF WHITE VcAINST NEGRO tie t-I-.n- !- o' !- i V I" EDITOR MAKES A CONFESSION. I.i-i i ' " "Aii.i :. -a I'ofk t ii..-ii - -o ,-- ,4 rc l - 'in"l j in I'l, .o-.i t i;rvv Tl. following !:, ' t'ing i !a'n from i, e U? if.. f li. I f a So. I k!i. : ti. t. l.il.tf. Atc.pte4 Jryt o Pt Ixdw jel Curing W.fe't Abiet Prsve .-.it i ' . . i rn (e fc. . i. . w . 1 1. . . . t'.' r.'t , '- i !-.'.! i-i.jr.il "h-- !( ' t r . tfc t -;!. 0 ' ; ij''f !. r, jo c.ii. It" In .- fc. r . SPRINGVILLE MAN i- .. 'h. . .- 1 c T- i . ' u u St lJ t ; i l ' DIED YEStERDT :fk Marss-nT ' Sj-rrr who n i:i with tt-fco:d f..-r .-r n- i kt. tl .-tl c -f.t Mr. - Tt T" ti- rr?ot T..r.; j..;.;,- in ?. r.n,mii!:ty !.'t U,''f m (f.i;ir- hit'- ths far , r;..l t. , ff Hrr5i"f b s t i wo t id . imi it J o i- k r (inr- " t -a . r, r, " . ..- h i i r -!: of t! - i ;. i, - . : . . Oi t. '"li : r-.Vj-"1.,'.!, . . i. " :ii f..il u Hamrd.-r. ' i'-'-ft in.if':( ar,. tjp-gRi- J "-i'.i of . - -a,r ! lit i . i- .-.i i o i- - i im - IJ..- ; i for IT. ASMir.vir. if. J o . f',l . ' ! I , k la ! I',:', ... and -. '.iui I I oa I. n . k t i she rv:. i lr U.r o-ar ti-;ghtrtt.g ( r,-'i..,rt rt,. r r... .m't",t'i ,h1' V.1.1'.- '.- '- "-.-M irdl . , ,v , - . ' . i a ..,! jF lie. o . . it i 'V T ' ' !I U jpt-J-- f".J ar.I t ,m ..?.. a.,;, o-.f ... Ti. Bp it.A.f ' I We :.f !t-'-r -f a I .J l. r--.vr-r-t-- r . J, , I fare t-.r ',.t r1.! jirj i. k 'or V . tj. ir.,4 hT t-.- m r. .4 kttlm t hm k-J c nA ' " ' u "' to sh Hi reatiaiAt turn ,a i K. ro l rf - wsV -i rt u, I' k '--'. o..r fc r r... i-t,t u. : . 4 r w - - r' i ' "-,' ."' FREE TO MISSIONARIES . This paper will be sent free of charge to all missionaries in the field. Parents er friends of missionaries will please call et tH office and leave address. When the paper is to be sent to foreign countries, postage will be paid by the parents or fne-C, This paper will pay the domestic postage. PROVO BOY GETS INTO TROUBLE IV , r.- I , our, I ( t; . oil ' ' ' : ti ' . ! she i ' t itf h!e " r -, t n ' if !: t -l .., i' I ? t. !.- ! f er !i F. E. PEAY DEAD OF APPOPLEXY ;r t.. io, t. :. r (.. ... . ' "t . . -i - f" i f, i - ' - fc r ' ' . f as-" , 1 1 " 3 : t f-f I' tic -.'I .it u t a ! !-! a ! -rt ,.' f.t i al Jo,r f if r . -t a-;s .e lmrttp,tf t..m j-'t ty fmr-i ifr;f rtty ' I c rr ..f ,-,r js ,4 (;. w ?.? f t.- inii Til r d Jfi-,r ..: . fro-9 at.w-j!, :r . ' r t . . -ti f ,- n t I a 5 ; f -T , 5 T-.- f - i i ft -M-s;- ' 1 . -'ti.--! '3t. - - vrt l s out - -T-rt THOWAS DIXOS. JR TTe"KEvS1' from P'oo T Nov H -"iro i ,.), ,if!.-r tfw at li oFBffn a-trt-.o-nty rt.e ..fss it aa to I-- Ifco-u fea-n!dt ?o eta-ff t-f -s-rait .:lfH uod-r b? Ci K, :'i't lHrr.r e-" e-" t. !. ar tfni; ,-..!fr.-4 j Ti- tr4 a--1 r--r.-f-.l ft-fJ'RC -r"'"--"f t-y- --.-.! B-.a.""T i;f"!-i-' ' r att-tt ti ut'tro ti t n : t4f-4 to frnat r-.-tit t-r ' 'i of T'c." l. t. Jt . r.. '. tJ " l-?-fJ ?. a&l "Tt 1 ;a.e9 Tt" 6ir' M-f f..f!s " - -. tfe J;"i i ?rry t rri .'! It U fit- frrti !.;.. c taaejr ...f t hii?! :r ts at t - , In f ie; iji-t't I ji. a " ; The dii.'ter of bad ruiiitiarry Is ei-eiiis.i!itd ei-eiiis.i!itd id the rae of Warlm k Am-a Am-a :Ofr ld l'rt.-outii. bo I, imd.-r .irrtu In r?T lj, and lii i-t aait a h.-arir.t; Ihct mber Ilth oti a !o!jr. ry Lars Mori: U. a Holt I j.k mr-rrhant. i ti.- rui(,UininK wnnms. ho as ii - !r ot.:tod money to th- enteiit of $ . from I..,,, ,v ineitis of a forg-d -i,I.! iff Th- !-.. t!. .;. u... forsTj, hi .idu.ltt:hic th.- l-alt.-; of tf.e ut f!'riri f.w.. if,k a t.-,j :"'r -"- "f I. I' Ati-i'toft bad b-Ti fr.rz. ,1 to lh c!,., k by a com-.a.fi com-.a.fi e-M (Vletuan. and j.l.-a.jed km ar- ... fr .onrie, Con with th.- a-H.r !ht he hi fai:,-n into bad Vn i snj ;a tit Ho ta Learn: Tf 1 ' "ft" r.ai.-rt is to t-.f t ,, j,--:m act. o' V h w one dt t. !rdarr of th ".Vri j-4 i -t4 t"t-r "I Srf I ha-l a f.frvirriy -f &s BS'W.i-- ir .4,..U..a. and I tfcor ih' I 14 ti r. fattn iiiUJ b r a !. f!"f fU-tt . - T Ik.! a-j j ituinl a tik s a t . ;s a - sff - a ft r w-k ulil " "V-;i. 4 -tiy tfctt, -it ft (ooft I'tl " 4 t.i ar.. t'llc "' f-'J-'h-tt i t ft.aU. .-:y !4;-fc4 r: y ? - . r ar. ri Fj it tlrwr I Ci-'ii-'! wit j. h- t.r-ta mich tCHOOL notes " ' ' ' ' -1 w -tin fcc'.t . f-r.-nii.!""' " r'"-F r- 'r-'-s4r4.4.!rtw ' -i-t., t. r-i j"'-rT - lt ;S;r-V4 . 41 . C I" i - - 4-. 1 txa-f s r - . a r--i 'sr,,-. . tf "!. fi I? li ccaUftt kU tot s4 cr -,;': of I sif t ar-- vk--,- '- tii ti' UJT Vs t t exj U a lew . fa. A rftajj ' -r .-.JL-f A lu::,. t r ',': tics V ia. a a t ' i -f a t .".4-. . -. A ! fc'-'f. at I a f t-- i ! r :. Wr I - m S! jtir w S a ' a s .-' . r i . t t int ..' r y. .' -' trteif ! ' f i r. ?--$ r- - .$ - .- i . ;--' b o- t; cr ri. w! a i i,f tit as-l t-rr-j i ( !? t-'a ' fax fit j - . t. i e T ' if' ft-, fiat i !-. r5 fa fo fai. V 1 !l .- t.-tt t- V- ticf - ' '--j ft :ti I' " f il'' Cwtic ;.. -at t,s it . ' .t i-.a."f - Fti r If -Vtfl Si--,,4 ,rM at sstari- fl t t!H firri a-f t"'a "inn ive Vat;, z a r r '. k at r.-" El' . - fail 4-iy- r - - ' ia -! IK . t'ii 4. e-y r "- f r- - -. WHO CT -.4 fa" &.' a f J os A -, '!.-.oii T.ijt t 4 |