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Show - C F. WESTPHAL, , "f DENTIST -' . "Pleasant Grove.' Thome's Gafe We've Had To Enlarge Our Dining Roo m 'Nuf Said Wc Want Pork We sell 200 pound a day. --Highest cash price paid. Fine cranberries just in. S.F.Walker & Sons Plumbing ESTIMATES FREE. The Convenience Is Worth The Expense, Of Pipe. All Kinds Fugal Bros. "fae-C. Br club met at lhe-trome6f Mrs AtaamaHkn&lonttay. J . . ' : c-sr -- Mrs. ThomaJ GleasiSa entertained a few of her frieifds Sunday aiteraeefr at luncheon,. J - '' ; '. "" - Mlsa Alice Peterson and Owen Thornton of American Fort, were mar-ried mar-ried Wdnesday at the Salt Lake Temple.' Tem-ple.' A Very enjoyable evening wapent and a dainty luncheon was served,' after af-ter which Mr. Paxman entertaiued the members with siDging. Friday afternoon Mrs. Aleck Gray gave a luncheon In honor of J. Price, orSajttake City,, who is a guest of heFsister, Mrs. D." R. Adamson., ' MisS Sarah Williamson gave a shower show-er Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Dahlia Radwall who will be one aT our Thanksgiving brides. Miss Radmall received many beautiful presents pres-ents About-twenty.-of -he friends were present. 7" Mr. Joseph Hadniall announces the engagement of his daughter.Dahiia to Lawrence Walker, marriage to take 'place next Wednesday at the Sa.t Lake Temple, A shower will be j,;v-en j,;v-en in'honor of the young people tonight to-night at the home of Carl An-Wson. John Walsh lc' not trazy, neither la he tike the quakar'a friend, "a little queer," unleea, Indeed, the fact that he is a newspaper man carries with It evidence to that effect John Walsh is the name " of a man traveling through the country, eastward, In the interests of the Hearst San Francisco papersiJthMmjneridaj!yand week- Fine Assortment of Winter Robes and horse blankets Don't For getBoy's Shoes PricesSto mejetall cofn-petitors. cofn-petitors. Ole Anderson & Sons Extremely Dry Weather. Several Kansans wtre talking of dry .weather in the state in the earlier days. "I drove through a- western county a number of spring- p.50." said one of them, "and it hadn't rained for a long time. "Pretty dry. Isn't li ." I v utured U 'iiYnnne.' " Met your boots it's dry,' he. replied. re-plied. 'See that old. sir over there.?'. "I told him 1 was IcoUiup Ut her. 'Well.' he went on. 1 t.-..d to drive her dow n to the i rii k, tin.- ni'i-y away, and o:ik h r . 1! : 4.i;s in-lor in-lor she would ho!l w. ; liilthiy di. l tell dfry 'i tel ly, and In the course of his work and walking, he makes notes.. These facts concerning the actions of Walsh, startea a telephone demand on the.E-Qlice. and sherift'8 office late this afternoon from all along the Springvllle road. Both departments hastenedto the 'res6rjne3yjI residents of lonely roads, prepared to tajce into lawful custody the violent maniac suppose to be at large. . j The Savage Correspondent. Police Officer Martin encountered the" save correspondent and found nothing more terrifying ab&ut him than the facts at first stated, and no arrest resulted. Walsh, in the meantime, ha learned that even as harmless a thing a? mak ing notes In a correspondent's note book, aionp 'onV.y lanes, is V.kely to be conMr, .-J ty tho resident, as r.n evidence o" insanity, if not anarrii.v .r nihilii'n. Mid In will now take a course ia m -.i'i ry training and write U note.-' mi tl'e "privacy of hotel rooms witli fie keyho.e piugged Una i.e traiiso-ii ilarki tied. - r ' . '. 1 Mr.s Dubois was visiting here Mo day. - -;- , . Born: To Mrs. Frank Wright.' boy. Saturdaj.r r.- "' .. . ... .. Miss Mae Clark was in Salt Lake Wednesday, r ... - - c J . ttl spent.iBun Mlsa Rowena Adamson day at Provo. . - ', - - . Mlss,Clara Williamson spent Sunday Sun-day with her parents. Mrs.-Marr Smith of Provo is visiting visit-ing here with her sister. .. "'-.- - . Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cookston, spent Sunday with the Frampton's. - , - . ' Mrs.- Josh Robinson is very sick at her home in the Third ward. Frank Roylance of Provo spent Wednesday and Thursday here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herron, November XStwin boy's; all well. Berf Miller ca me over from Provo SatnTday-to'vjwTth "old friends. WaTd conference will be held in the Second Ward Sunday, Nov. 2 1st. Miss Sadie Halliday of Provo was visiting her brother part of the.. week. John Holdaway came down from Salt Lake to spend Sunday with his family. Miss May Beers of Salt Lake City is In. tow u this week visiting with friends. - Mis. Mv.f.t : A(.a;:i.son has gone to Walisbuvf; visit her mother for a 'etmays." Frank, itovtam-e of the Uuylance Fruit & Proilm-.' Co., was in tow n the othT day r S3tyi ' '. -'.lS-S5aM5sSS eMberries MEAT, f'None Such" I Lemons, Lemon P eel? Citrons, Sweet Potatoes, t All kinds of Thanksgiving - ' Necessities ' - ; Miss A'l'ilie l.lig1! Monday SCHOOL NOTES. W !. a: i- Mi: s Hrow n 0 is- Mr. p-ilJois-and Mis.- ' V !i .ol. visited our si'i.iju.--1 Miss Lyt'.ia 1 lini.phrii's e'efking in Mason's .-lore : this week. has tew been dai's 1 'rtner 1' ft', -ds .(Ill SlII'l Wa'U-i'." el here ru xis'teil Sat urilav U S READY For Really Delicate Chocolates, Choc-olates, for post cards, for tropical fruits, go to JAMES D. IB OR Hi Misses Nea ami t'lara Williamson j!!id tlir liome here for a few diys this i eek. SOMEBARGAINS AN ORDINANCE Amandinj Section 471 of tht Rev1d Onlimncet of Fleatant Crova City, Patted September 2. A. D. 1909. is 1; 1 9 BK IT OKDAINKIl by the City Council Coun-cil of Pleasant Grove City: Section 1 That Section 11 of the Heri.sed Ordinance of Pleasant (inu CWy. passed September 2. 19".'., be and thr- name 1 hctrtiy "amrnflra-Fo ' as to read a folio a: , "PKItlon itiR WHICH LICKNSKS AKK T UK ISSCKP: I nleM otherwise other-wise )-cinel, all license Isnuetl un-4ir un-4ir tha provisions of this chapter, nhal! 1.. jur j pernkl of one year, btit If the api iitam dotrm. Ue iuy a-i'!y lor and the tity rouricil. in iu dtM-r-tiom may sr.mt a license for a I'ts period; provide,!. liOever. tt.at if a lirer.ne i pratitd fvr a tpi b . lli.m n mon'tm, the annmnt to be nM therefor hali be -event f e kUr lr month or for any irtion of a Settion fl This t-rdtnanre titl tak" !?ert fntin and a,'ier i' a.sa(f and due publication n rirl t-y lam l'je.l by the Cit? Ccmr-cii. DrtoU-r M I! Iti l.l.orK. City !. r1er Sirn4 t y rae-thia th day of , - 'V. K WKSTPHAU Mayor AttMl M H Ml I.UK-K, " City Record r A NICE. NEW 7-ROOM. PRESSED BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ON FIFTH EAST AND FIRST NORTH STREET. STRICTLY MODERN. FINE LOT NEW PRESSED 'BRICK. 4 ROOM COTTAGE. ELECTRIC L GMTS. CITY WATER. BATH AND OTHER MODERN CONVENIENCES.- SWELL LOT. HBST SOUTH AND SIXTH EAST .... BUILDING LOT ON SECONDCPTH AND SEVENTH EAST. A SPLCN-DIO SPLCN-DIO LOCATION. NEW BUILDINGS BUILD-INGS ON ALL SIDES A SNAP . TODAY .. .. NICE RESIDENCE. 4 R00M3, C D LOT. CITY WATER, CLECTK.C LIGHTS. JUST CJM?iETCO. VOU WANT IT.; S4.I00 l.l SIO S I.050 III i WE PA Y INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Don't keep money in your house; open a bank account and-nse-ehecks. It is more safe and convenient, - i - The Bank of Pleasant Grove is well liked by its patrons.-Ask patrons.-Ask them. Let us do business with you. V BANK OF -e as ant Grove . First an Foremost Patronize Patron-ize Your Home -Bank . JAMES CHIPMAN. rieaident S. L. SWENSON. Atal. Caihitr W. II. RAY & CO. Real Estale, Loans and Insurance, i'rovo. I'lah y,"S. Kthel Wilson I .a son of Mm ntnu here two das tins ei k vis itlng lier sisters OtiCTT .lohllhon left Wedllisilav n'sht -or rtlmstead where lie will pen thv remainder of the winter. . Harry Meadows arrived today from Vernal. He xtatea that he was seven daya on t!ie trip throtiKh snow and s'eet. ' . Sam Ilournea and family have niovi-d here from Matiliint! whi-re they have hoen living for the last six months. . ftenjamln Walker, the n V. i car rler. I confined to hi home by ma-larlii ma-larlii fever Clarence ifilton is car rylne the mail Will I,is. Itotiiid's traveline salesman, sales-man, fH-nt Wednesday In Pleasant f.rove vlsltine his sinter. Mrs A K. CimH-r and family. Per-m.in II. J Knise of" the Texan! !!iin- in Ameriein Fork caOJ ufl. If I ?Hirt t fall nf thre f--t of nn diir tnc (: recent orm Mi' !anis, of Silt l-ike 'i'y, .l.-m "Hl .ir fr Hewlett' t.;i H II 1 I-ofTee, !n servins hot drink at the Mercantile this Week ,. f frr f.Trr-r.ljf'TrTiir'-e .Tf four ent rt unuients Inrltidtni; "The New Zea!,i..er," on sale' nt the ft h!. $1 .'. Special rate to Mieit. m M,irtc-r Iw.!i h V ,rnl. k is j.l n r'ng an . tendnl trM 'or itit. t- w . A. K. Thornton & Sons Will Give you COAL that will burn best in your stove GLASS for your broken Window s, ALL SIZES. . Malthd Roofing ; Tar Felt Build ing Paper. WIRE FENCING to suit your requirements and will furnish wire stretchers to put wire on. Near San Pedro Depot Pleasant Grove and American Fork. Bell Phone 32 Independent 26 AT COST Latest styles in , ladies and misses coats suits, skirts and waists. Don't Forget ! AT COST - lVlllllllcI y Prices very low. ! MRS. M. W. CLARK it. s '.;.'! t. t n the :tlern i.art . T-- tov e"' r!H'! l- a 't fie iir'nntne f the '! T' hnn are practirirg hard and i .fi srood "fsht'ce' c. ii.li"ir V :C Wntitig at tt C"'' i Ui-t Ui-t at II. ntrn- to tb fUnk fcriB Ife t-J?ft rT b.rfij U tf int rr;ortoe4 t tB fc'ii&.p t ti't- at H fc.f is.a. at4 cb ;Si rtjra:.-i in X'- sSirutNry t. f 'ar f " f;9 Atit U't-t are cr ;- i of yo.B ?-;k t' ar U,.i'r ad ar i. ! -f ih i-a ca tTs,'- c 46 y - ' ta a v.r.: ? - ?? ;. r iw t4 "- t"-fT "J- tsy rr ;i -:- ( ttvflll a. '' '" ' U, :. eta U ti- -iS "". Pirtt U tfc TrrA f "!" H TX t ISl It tti fc'if ! 4 ..," T " 'S-t i.a try ,4 j --?) " . - ; , - :- : LI FO RNI A: , e t 'tepee !fl t e 'or a ti)." q iKe na . "T "e r -',. T ;n i"d- -v.. ' I . Vu,n a re r ( .n '; f!i r.' t a hard t Rounl trip nte oi vale diilj. .Unit rt turninj u month Write fu. lull inforraj:km to KENNETH C KERR,; 169 So. Hi5a St. Salt UVe City. Itihj T ! I -i ,-'-rr!.n in ,vM. -r r jranft! h '-'-'.? -"it.!.-) H Va!k-r. f Yi i'.'.ir X, -iV AV 'rrr fc rri f t "T i tV!.-,t; I.rsn ittiru.ti. r i ' 'mtn tin.-r; ; F'.-n,i.wn. res. '.ntr '. k.-i .r. . .;. Ai fr-m rr-hrrf! T jS'jV-i pr- 1r ' pji'f rh and V I, l!I'i.!U' -.er.-, ' f".! Vfl it.r '. . Ut .i-.rii Ir-"f e !. (inlt fh rJtt. j, 4 ' r..t I & , ..r., irvrt - ' ! ' r -1 t n.f f f . . .f f-,--. S;!n js r--i- F. r1 lUrt ; . (-! r"B?4r ' : t llriin K 111 il u u to- V Flour I .- ''4 r a j ' - l a. Manufactured at the Pleasant Grove Roller Mills r Money Back If It Don't Suit tttt!tlf JtMlf ttHtttttlf !J !i k l . t- - -ST 155,11- ..f f - " "lit Guarantee:- Unexcelled In Utah - Pleasant Grove Roller Mills |