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Show X- ) - -v- fat. y 1 : T " . J . : - -. '' EVERYBOpYTT should read i the home paper. Are you on the list? TED vol." 1 PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH. FRIDAY.NOVEAflBER 19, 1909. - - . . ; - READ THE ADS in this paper. Profit by their good suggestions WESTER NEWSPAPER IJNldN SERVICE. GOV. SPRYfl mm 1 " "i.--.f!.v, ' f- ---": prn flTPflfl Ft mJHl-fitttf " I II 1 1 "a M l 1 1 1 1 w I I T ' J WEaUHTII I IWIII . j - , ; Ic PROHIBITION ISSUE II If EKT CAMPAIGN No. T RAHSACTR OftllllOllJ ..!,. , ..... 1 . . h II II Nli 1 1 'i t,, .,.ir y ;I KPR xiHn iflirr m unfln " - . . v - -.. Bf J - B . B B - ar I 1 Bf - a m m " ' -1 ' iiiiuiiuii : III1U llllllh k I I IIIIIMU VI I II II I I I III III! II I I "W 11 u ULniiriu iHESS v Important Matters.-. Given Due isa'.d a prominent business man thf other day: ' I am,of the opin--- w-.o).k.- wouia nave oeen rnucn larger now if the people h'adj not been backward in making iui'prorements ' : - J: TjLaii ws right about the townaving a gre;U chance -to grow and-he' was partly right about the lmprovenjenLiiart of 1,1- uui 11 wont do long unui Himgs taue a turn, or the '-Wte or TleaSanrGroveTare in fayor 6rimpTie7Sms ' ' 7 peo- : Consideration New Road , Is Contemplated - . - Visits Provo To Consid er Planting Fruit Trees on Mental Hospital Ground Better Asset (Special to The "NEWS" from Provo.) Governor Spry was a visitor to Provo Pro-vo Tuesday, his visit being primarily to Inspect the grounds of the State Mental hospital. .- Even the state is taking up the matter mat-ter of fruit Industry at Provo, and rec ognizes the great possibilities in that direction i a source cf revenue. This is demonstrated by the present official visit of the governor, whose special mission is to sxamire the grounds with a view to turning the land found suitable into fruit bearing land. ' mere is .considerable land imk qi the institution on the hill of a grarelly nature which, it Is the belief of the state can be turned to good account aa peach land. Some of this ia at present pres-ent devoted to alfatfa, and tome other things, and It is with a view to changing chang-ing tbia that Governor Spry ia here. . Avoid a Stamped. - ::L-TTlmttr. :"fctratri6imcr2 mentioned to the governor, who, while saying that his present visit was In no way connected with matters of this kind, was not averse to discussing the matter briefly In a broad 'way. "Yes, without doubt," he said, when anked If he wan not of the belif that tin- question of prohibition would be at Irnut onr of the principal features r of tlie mining ratupaiKn. "I am in-rliniil in-rliniil to believe It will be, but I am firm In my h-!lef in the Juilcim-nt of the nftp!e. I believe they can safely be relied upon to knn nut only hat they want, but to Ret It The thing to be avoidi'd by ail par- 'At tfce city council meeting th? other nigat considerable Tusiue was transacted- whieb -wili he-interns tiiig to the people ol the cltx, -All iucai-bera iucai-bera of 'the council were present- an apparent intention of attending .to 8il city J. u&ii before their ,ie. m,si.-' oiflce expires ) .. Thoraus Gieason. was given crcd uu water iax tor lauor expentitU ' culvert overl'ity waste d: ten near U.j ;iii;ie but he was instructed .o pa, iie- twent used,. . - W'utr right ior fourfresDf :a tie West meador was tranr.. c;;,. by X. A. Laiiono J. S..Haru.-y "wnti-r lor gng-fowt -acra tram tt-tp is Harvey estate jto John Newman. Loth on account oi land purchases.- Tee-matter 'of extending the watei works to J. H. Walker et al., was left in -the hands ol the committee. Petition iroiu J. Iianks lcr -lUit o. Jicenba lor the month of JJectui. . in accordance with the amended license li-cense ordinance, was heard and grant ed' and. the recorder ordered to -said license. " Councilman Framp'ton reported that Cbarles Cobbley wanted the city to help put In a culvert over the water ditch near the Salt Lake Route tracks, a mils south of the station. Alsothat If the land owners and Irrigation company would help, the county would grade the street running north and south by the Bush cottonwoods. Referred to committee on Irrigation. Appropriations: . Utah county, preparing official city if gltetv4 10.QQ-- - j - A. T. Hecker, rent of room for election, elec-tion, $2.&0. F. 8. Humphries, for regUtratlon district 2. 32,S3r Win. JeppHon, labor, 1.T5. ' C. F. Westphal, mayor's contirent s And now speaking of lmprovemeBtSi The attention of the "city TWlHtSiiftBttfaWraltea to thV'cdttdW61rf.aSdewalks.'ln the" main part of the city. .They are far from what they should he. of courso everybody will 'concede this buTlBefClT.oiiUi "be steps 'tittteh Iminediateiy to rave a" portion of the sidewalks in the business 'part "0 th? city. It will not cost a great deaL Tlie ctvt -;u ue iiiyided .iv uiju. uu i::eie are very lew wco wuj pujeet to the ' merit. - ': - ' ,. ?' - . .... vuuuitiuu ui iue Biuewams wnea uie muiKjy w i iiiiicr coiite ... . au.niuig out lavoraoie. r-eopieaoot ei.joy v;t,'.ir.g in niu. to ineir anuies. it is not progressive and the soon, r a start i n, to improve- tlie conditions the better the people wi.! R! Or course -thefe-wiH" be protes-rs-gaiast the hnprorpn is to be . xpee'ed. . Fery city has a,buncof -h,b lmprove- Cpl! IH1IC0V Dn UUI1 II1ILIII UrtU COLLISION Careless Driver Runs Into Wat ker's Bum And a Bad Ac cident Is The Result A dark night, a narrow turn pijee and rapiJiy speeding rig were the pre ta ? serious collision near Dut e4 liv . TTiat o wi:l iii'D- iii" inurrove- ii. ev-n thr are in a Tow n ' !l tf.iwhen- an Improvement ia proposed p- nient is placed and the ncopleare allenefiij protestantTli-gin frrt,line and feel pleased Tiat they i- f Ills t ;jtnt Ur.l!,o.J t- lr.J . 'J v - ' - - . w . 1.. U I II I . I Kill IIE- I I I I I'. n F I . At Ictt'ct-two-blocks. of siewr-itk Ipaitcg :-'shoii:a --he t,,,:., r,..;: aiely. People will goon demand more, i This .:, ...,.',.... ' rienco of. every city that has-favored progression..." The nntteV ehoM be considered before the kndtfy weather se:s in. T'ie ,'... . T Be city council is willing to serve. 'hlotilj exiress. a willingness. Klifflitiarie ! V- Urnr. C. 1... . 1 .vv h'-ji-c omuroay nigm .-. : . r. tvaiM-r :'. rni t):S little .'-;ui were i m -t'l'-r vv.a.v-.aio4ii.i..twnH-Www ; (irove ?;n!. liaii jr.st col onto the--nor-i row t'.'rn pike when a' ytnuii; iikjii ; ri.Vrn;rt Jj;., s c :i;;e (hislUnii iUong..Ul t;.-. k titiri run into them' ' "Mv. Walker w is pjtobod' headUmg ionto h;nl roixl iel -Ihi-IH' "stunned ' f'.nil biti'Mcd, t'!. I:iire was t'irown on-I on-I 'o 'is ;i,le, leiluein' the sha'ts to I rplint.-is. r , - i h" !aii ercaped uninjured V ( 'S il'O ': I0H .OF CGLTON ADVOCATES' LEGItllil PEOPLE GRIP; OF SMALLPOX County Physician Pyne Finds Bad Condition and Quarantines Quaran-tines Whole Town. Y for expense of health officer tend meeting Nov. 30, tl.VOO, Naac Carlson, aterniatiter, $2.60 (Special to The "NEWS" from Prevo.) . The JUtle towg f Colto.i Is tinder strict quarantine for smallpox by order or-der of County Physician Pyne, backed by the state board of health. Vesterday Dr. Tyne had occasion to vlxlt Colton with Uie result that In habitants of that place will now be ACTION AGAINS r off with" not i mi inon 0,1s ;!.:-. n.. a' Kevote'joltiijs -up. 1! make the (l.'.nn.Re Kiiod. Young .erf wl illE WEEDS Lorenza.IIopIa Wants legisla rive Action On Obnoxious ".'; Vegitatiorf at-,ioked in under the. tU ict tU the quar COUNTY SCHOOL teacRers MEET Janttne laws till such time as the dan Ker of Infection to other comu unities I has pushed. j Whole Town Exposed. I 1 found that practically the holi ton, ct.iinUtiiiK In or 2i families. had either been exi.osted recently t,. ... - 4 the lli.- lion or MctuaiTv hmi It." lain n t j-s haxinit the real good of the mate t.e held al heart. Is a tainiede in any direc 1. on uno.x 111; rautraiiHin. j oveml . r l!r, meeting at 1 o'clw k Reactions EMpenive. ; a. m. and l "" p m "A prerit i;ii' Stloli like this should Session 1 a 111 Munic In charge M-eUe not only the careful attention f K Alma I'.uman. nii!ervtsor of mu-and mu-and study of I, Relators, but of the,fte in the i'L asant Groie kc.i.m. Itu-M-opb- thetuse'ves. before, ad'on Is , (ine l.ee!ur i.y H V. A Sun tft-."te-!ii- r-irtirar- rin'sjreirm'rtn' tTu rr" Salf'iiSI-' nry rn nwln t.r wit tfuf rwMrratrm rnit rsrrc 'ar,'MIA'I,rMle VUil t tht-T The third re ilar secern of thej ir I'jne to a IIKU.VI.U reMer. ti.l. I'tah Coi.ti'y Teachers" Inotitute 111 ! uioriiinir in s. ll.r i. ... ih.' ,iu... r-' e i4ni mil iiir .. Hil l 1 !',:.. It... . ..... - .. . u rsiiy Puijiltrg at t'roo on SiiunLiy, ui:ii;ciit of the Stale action K,m $pef te The -NEW8" from Prevd.) vv nupia at -MSpleton la crusader. Ife haa nbi reveled his iance against the, heathen of foreign lands, gone In search 0 the Holy Grail, nor become entangled in foolish quarrels ith rapidly" revolving windmills. Mr. uopias rruoade Is one of iiuh moreJ practical sense and coming benefit than either or any of these tiiin. though lacking In the picturtityue and dramatic, lie has entered the list attains! weeds. Just plain, ordinary weeds, and Is trying to interest (he farmer, the grain merchant and. In short, nerjone. In the promulgation of a la l,y the next legislature which will tend to eliminate the H-st by mak-intr mak-intr ' rtuinatlon con.i u'; my on thej part oi i:.e farmer and land owner i The a--ds most complained of ar i Hte Uiiu.liNn thlntle. the cockle burdock, white need and wild oats Utah's Decadence me ue, sine in the qualitLof u, ram 1 not tn? only rau"ir llopl., A petition is heiiiK cireiilated for siKiiers anions the interested parties asking the county commissioners to open a road on thu linu between town snips 1, and 6. The hew road, if- opened, win extend from Geneva resort re-sort east to the mouth of Iry Canyon, Can-yon, a distance of three miles. Such a road will give bccc-sb to the large tracta of land which will come under the Irrigation project headed by Jesse -j Knight and olhere'of Provo. CADWELL IS CRUEL 1 T IS ISSUED FOR -MAN'S ARREST Mrs CadwelF Visits For mer Home But is Run Out By Husband-Wife Husband-Wife Swears Out Complaint- -Divorce mm ml lois NOT WISELY BUT 100 ILL Painter Ridley's Winning Ways Result in $325 Experience to .Miss McWilliams bound to Hue a r a t.n. and that Is ala tro'il'Wome ae ! eijicnsive. V'i- h; ve a Kreat xta!e here, and it i ; to till to tlat if mustfi'l sre ii t 'ri.,-,, aid that oil' Male, t's.-o i-h ti.e-u. find lis ptojMr place in; c i' csfer staten o' t'ie ;inin " Vettlof if'fr rTt?e !n hf epl to! t!.L en nltitf. I - , NEW OFFICERS LOVE FEAST M?or-eec ard r A It t"co er,ertain"d Hie newly e'e ted ritf of ft'taU ld V.r t'ttljn cmjj;ga rntn-niiw rntn-niiw at their r-tdf iee. Te4sy ftus fl The foT!omSr were 1.7-efiT Mr r,d Mr V I. lUjr. Mr and Mrs J R lUlliday. Mr ed Mm f II Hnr. Mr nd Mm J if Walk er. Mr acd Mri. Ja. 11 Ttorar. Mr and Mrs Joha C. Sl9, Mr and Mm Mo Xon-e. Mr aad Mm Ais "Tkocaton. Mr an4 Mm - fj-y K. RoUia-mm. RoUia-mm. Mr. a&4 Mra J. D Ttcrae. Mrs H4a Camoo. Mr Jm M.ltoa. Mr Oris fNgal A deliKw sarfwr as arvr4 a4 the ec'. ipet la etasaktcg and nuaic . j Hiiii. I -"41 t, in: ll'gh HrhwH "' '" S i.''j.- f. "The 1:1 rar i a r-lii4ii m r;t o' the ftchiMit " I'r.n (efrte ioii'- in charc- in-u.n ! ! by fVinclpal V. Si l:..e .f Span:h Kfrk b "What !ud.- 'I uiK-n.y to (! iii.tnd Irlnifen' in lion "I cali il up ti:4- ofMci IUi.ikI d il.-i'h. aid i 4-ndorsed promptly. "Alo.it . leuiitli .if a .ma.n named ti... i . ... . .i. . .. .. nlf.eii)if, anq j nan u,r cuiupiatnt the wn-1 ...... .""..u-a ...-.4. i- r---;.:i Ki,"-.. ; . vvm m.imm.o-r ui w u4ki unn uiuia uie !nUe oi n-r ifr i tan lanuiiijrTitnd,' said ik.,. and notlnrg an.-e to in cow- ti-rdt. "unj fiuot itn.irtably " 1 he ret ,.( tu- fa !.;-. cvn- j ar utrtrk, 'ith the rank and 4. ! r i.i'iar.a :.ni a i were. ; pread pfowth of them ' .i.. . 111.'. 4 'id The i . I frvjnd 4.4-n o t fnni h-- ol to f. cr. and t.e : sti ( I en'y a w ila au Tl. W etln. !!; (" becuoum apparent that i ' . . . x o ..... ii y ui? r.ou.sng is done I.. r4 tard ih. and :.4 - ' Srbtml." .-f ty Ytn J A Pir !J f len i!ri -itiut Grad- Sf'.:on Sip! A , M An-i.-tMin in chars- a -" The ii I rary a a rein.'i.rr4-!.,.-Bt of !.4; ctrxd " lNcuiiia ld by Sapt Mel sn Vt!n t "Meant affoffle.i t.j-the t.j-the ,ubb nchrwd fur moral tr n lr," (l:-'JM co led by Sui t J II Waiker. 1'nn.ary trade rt ,.n n rfearje M' lre:e Clark' of t&e f a lomtd ly !.-ui4.a MJC et;(0 to fhjff cf Sijft A a run Hiiihuo- 1'r.a.ar l't-J la M ..e, 4 n- i.4 k! If S .i t Mark Rot4in& ! r. Iitintf!: the helj-T . n Tm4 k-r nr.d Si(nit;i ' ir !.- I n-- . .ety as ard wait )e r.l. Vacc it.o- lecting. No .rter. ve n;tiurei mhaterer '.at.- le. n t;Vi-n andVt.e t ce ha it jt. own way till iter. tmill iot.t tat e.-fjone in trr f'.afe ha 1 teen et.e,j, hu making !cterrtrir-with !cterrtrir-with o'jser placet a Rt4nr to them. I hen the Bt:!t for th niaraotine X ""Ifrere tt a 'j-jeTitipB ir&nff the p.-rv I o ..:.. aa to tac-it.Ui4. and ( win t-4.ld a r-wbHc iu,tt tkere ftit fi'Tt fr J, 4e upon wbetfr in i acnaa'e tt Rot Ctwth. let alone kllhli It off erKne hf I c-tiratu h. or at leant a Ion . ha .e, n ' 'award eermlnat!on n.ar t-e ta.rT, tn thin was.' hich can he ...u,,.,. . , I th4 JP4 i.f the Li, and by puli , tljeni up The la! 'or which Mr. Itopu s.k. ;.a.. sr- wide In their app'i -trjo.i RAISES CUCUMBERS. . There jf cwoy la raising cururo tm areord r g n A liolmin of ! tn!a ."V M !.nt Ptrklitg company of i?alt Ike iii aim Jor the I ji' ld oo-t res. tJeliTered at l-hl (Sjrfcisl to T "lEWS" from Prbvo.) The pnmroie path, at tinted by Ceorge Riddley. the abiconding painter, paint-er, who recer.t;y disappeared from Pro. vo in a iomehit halt manner, evt-deejiy evt-deejiy ha thorns streXn along the . yiit r&t dgn in the prcaram The (ori-firTtr fnrt Is attend to foiii4-wli.it 4 iii' nt!y by a li'tt4-r re-i.ral) re-i.ral) niiit.ti b the hamteriua!d iio i- .4id to h.ne il4(id to ajt tii l. r S4.t with lh.it of !) j-i-r. i.im ,-H ,-H tld'ry M William bat written a let eU. ef Wi..- t.i I'ii,.. it' 'Minn, in iii M Mie teeka tn. '.Mi,;'.:!.ill of t!t4- w tieri-ahotjt.- of Kltid i. and Ihild'btaUy sfnrii -on t .r l-r tiii t; the fa,t ttlar i, i4.rrui.-d i t,; t-r v.ia y l fore li.-ajl-ar.r. The i-tt.r is written t;.-!;. Silt U.k. , The Correspondence Hab't. !;ss Mr Williams Is fcot alone in the ti-ai'-r of l'roo ci,rrej,ndi-ni e, ajj (Special to The "tslEWS" from Provo.) Trouble of the connubial variety, lighted by the bright red torch of lu-. rid scandal, sits beside the hearthof Edward Cadwell and refuses to depart. This i.s biHuuJUi.of.a-great many . thing alleged In a complaint filed by . Mrs. Cariuell last night in the justice court, and the warrant of . arrest Issued Is-sued on tlie strength of the aforesaid - allegatioiiH, concerning the alleged misdoings of the recreant and unfop- tyna,te Cadwell. The story as It Is unfolded by the complainant and by the assertiona of some of the Interested ones, is inter- . eating from a psychological standpoint if .from no other, and its side of human hu-man interest and weaknesa disclose!! is of the variety always finding favor with Sunday sipr4wnla. ... . Mrs. Csdweiri'.DIscoyery. Edward Cadwell is a merchant In-a infill way near the depot, and soma tunfe ngo the matrimonial bliss promised prom-ised by an earlier marriage with tha present complainant, not being -much in evidence about the house, Cadwell and his wife agreed to dlsagr3 nd to live apart. Proceedings toa-ard a legal separation were' start d, and then Cadwell came here and en"geil in the mercantile business. 4 This wns all very well, til! ttrtt n'ng Mrs. Cadwell decided that tha 'mi-wan propl lout 'or a business talk with Catlw'ell. anil pursuant to that de- Islon she called at the little store ta io;i a wow. Cadwe'l, it Is said, was busy with a customer In the store and Mrs. Cadwel intered tl,e liviriK rooiiui whiii.i Oieo off the bark of the store room. Tha rurtion that followed is du -a,b!i , ';.-!: The Other Woman. -Mr C-ttdwelf; it i.t aiieeed. nprm en- t4-r!r.g the living room or kitchen," en-i-ointered anotln-r aomnn. .. 'ca in ttt4 census ri turns for tl.at ; articular articu-lar -4ne, sed - i: , there It .id 'ii le tl inn rtarted J ,( low fr tMt rtriruiiit nt had ad-v-iii-4-d !.-'o:e f:ni.; apii-anl on the tr.n. but the 4niiplaint of the en-rag-d and outraged Mm. Cad well tetla t v'.rit a; ;-4 i, a'ti-r he d.J .cme. Boned Her Earn. Mr Cadwell was 4 si 'irteil. none toe ei-ntly. from the (Tienre of her suc-i-esor a"ti"r!i: the hnu'fcn?d gdt of the happy hnie. pmper-d with muck precifn and at le.-"?! all the force neeeary through the bceth of the ".r. r Ros of the bnal jt.lice fori t4rei r.-voi. tbre,(i the frrtaht of that In receipt of a pul card w huh i nnjt.rl-.iti:. aid into tfce darkness id a t- w.u T.m-atnee. rtwni rumier. ccfd ird'"-rW fc;fif where India- Bit of all (nd rnities followed. Cadwel. rel wb-ch. m fact, led to bit arrt as il im wntti'tl lit a fw dav. w. The t fore t t 't'.-r .ir.g ent. I CUPID DOING A FALLS FROM A . SWIFT HAND CAR ANIMALS STRAY. Tfce M array aeJ fackteg Co ffrrrailed kead ruf ttf cattli tn j Tcy Hker B!4 Weawday asgVt GOOD BUSINEISS'11" 'r h aimt - w r e e irrt OO ITDIO Ca ye ;-rdar otsg to tt fry ro4s At t r!t riot to I a4 tn ssy iM ar strayieg aNxwt tk ca yn trwjty .. .. . , - al card I of the picture ari-ty ajsd , '(..riiejn tfce infrraali.o that the writ WU: Jjmo as txm4 to fets kom tarovgk a tr a4,t r-fi4 r-fi4 wki'e wefk.tg c O -swetio TV kaa4car iu asoriag at sUt sL Tcvcg Jerse tt kia kl aa-r aa- finl cf. tr;-s k kel ttaO tit avot . Cy He 12 irctly H nt li i few 4ji t? a Cop4 as Ice;-erw4aate4 ly Cow at y Clerk Karutcer. kaj sssti4 ca tie e-oru of rJ fcatraotia.'ly aaU tuat iQ$ U i-rtc ti t-M wek to U est'Ct of Ut ;'xt to Ua ti ftc-ery ftc-ery 4ores4Fury if U to wt4 J O Crock ct Mizwi. tu a D ftit to wt4 Ksrtla Cwmt cf PTvo, Jaavm J. f Pms ta e4 I Caernegii? of F;rtgi. aa4 At VktT Sov cf Ptx-to aa4 4a E a sa cf Rot a ka c44 to a t tie r fsUm Ji t I yxweaewj kv - Ar.cfJIvr. t s&aa ft f saat attire as4 ti armaast of aav Pre ' f CONGRATULATE COOPER. ? A II Coir or the Heataot Grove S ftiVf M?ls. !s la rectdH if a letter "r do-sag well and will w lo fr.-oa the -! r Of i. -ABSer'.cao V: f a"f.w days ItsformaUoo frora th hr. pbltfc4 ! Chicago, on of the c. ... nti wer trade rnial. ron v " " w lUT rratUt:c t a r-o kts elt5r toj "!Sor! "1 to the iocausg tk ajayoofe p of P1aaet Crovo, i of tie rrreaot oee.- St&lEg feta .rea asd rtoitc ltk There ts aotse reason sow for coo rT3ti i"r s;a paoto io appear la , iae icxber aier of tie craal INDEX TO CCNjENTS Or TOOAVS NEWS. - Ctvr A '. Ca-2m I Cr:l It r Walker xrCC:if Nw CV2re" LiM4 rt. Oty Cosaefl P-.i ! . , Coit- Q-s.anti4 . TVe l"Uk Ei4tm . rr lfiml rl ....... Tirmr refr la !!ata af Te RaJ!a?a ta Csi-rU I Poverty Ttm.t'i'B I V orals of Lifl Towms . . 1 I Ciifa la Wsrta 1 rtaate Csrjrt I ' facie ietw Kyfsl I Pras?trfty Fstre 1 traj NVws 2 . Goal Rst's 'a t Cast.. t :" Bsrn Ta i I. 1 C4:t0eu .... 1 . aerticg Riddley Hk a forgery case, coaiut!ed at AUseda. Csl. wtiea a esaa :ta a locg 1 t f pot- name-, fcra4 a tack ckck for IiJ. His deirr;t u seat out la a postal by ;Se tser poi re, asi taJUea very j --Iy !".! Uat cf tie toaeince Pro- i o t-a-".er. to ia to blly aaat4 y 1 Mua XcWCluas, et al JW0aO0WS NUPTIALS. Ms Hoeeaxv J44. faster cf Mr aU Mrs. D C. Jli. asd Mr. H2a Its of hit j Texfit. arcordlrf to the complaint, boiled her ram, by way of gd meajure. this tat eid nce of "bit detre to te let alone, be tg witnettted by a aaiUag tidy friend The compla'Dt filed by Mm. CadweD chargea aaa!t and . battery, and ot!d bate l--n before the court today, to-day, bad act Justice of the Peaos Sof-o been r.dl'cly called away ta Palt Lake so that a ftpoeemeat vast aecettjiry t:'l toorrow la the rt.aB".:m the ne'g!:!orto4 ia the tkiaity of tie dejots all agog over tha afair. CadU is is bilsafal bTBoraac. cf tl cossptalat sad Mra. CadaeH. wmtlf.l acd dteraa4. la V.r.tt ar L'asa , - SEVENTEEN MILES PIPE. K. R. HaTJJay, loraJ rvrvwrmuUra of tke Watiitg'.o rtz aa4 Toa4r7 Cosapaay. goaa ta Sjt6gri3 akt Moftdsy lo tWa t7t Qf tri ItTili tet ti aw cat water ystam V r- f. |