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Show J. ' ! .... ." .1. -" - 'V- FOUR HUNDREDDEAD V.FIRE !N. COAL MINE BRINGS SOR- ROW TO MANY DEPENDENT ' ' ' UPON WORKERS. , v - After Every Effort Had Been .Made to Extinguish Flames, Mine: Is Sealed Up and All Hope Of Escape of Entombed " Men Abandoned. "-Cherry, Ills. V-our hundred men and : boys $erfsjied as the result of a terrific explosion In tie tit Paul mine on Sat-' ttrU-ay. . . - . The mine lias a daf shift of ,484 men. Of these a few left the mlno before the explosion occurred. The" others doubtless are dead. The fire causing the explosion, which . may prove one of the greatest trag edies; in the list of mine horrors, had -ftarigifratoostriYlto;- At pile of hay allowed to smoulder too long finally Igntted'-the timbers of the mine and before the worekr realized their danger dan-ger the mine was flfled with smoke. f gases and flames and all exit ws lm-1 possible. Great heroism was shown by officials offi-cials and residents of Cherry. These men, who were outside the mine when the fire started, contributed five to the list of -th e known .d cad i) y r o s hi n r into the mine, trying to' save the doomed menT After every effort to extinguish the flames had proven futile, the shart of . the burning mine was sealed. This ended all hopes of the escape of the Imprisoned men. TheSt Paul mine Is the only one In the town and provided employment for almost 1,000 men. ' Anion the missing are many Americans Ameri-cans who have lived In the mining section sec-tion of Illinois for years. Though the majority of those who may never he found alive are foreign-bom, yet all had their homes here or In the snr , rounding towns and villages. Orlef over their probab'e fate haat a all over the community. Mme. Steinheil Acquitted. Paris. Mme Marrhi'rit.i 'Steinheil was acquitted by a Jury at 12: 55 "Sunday "Sun-day mornlnjr of munlerlnir her hiis abnd, Adolnhe Steinheil, a noted painter, paint-er, and her stepmother, JkYrne. Japy. The verdict was rendered afer two nd a half hours' deliberation, during which the jury three times summoned the president of the court for explanations, explana-tions, thus proving that the original majority wan for conrleflon. Mmv Steinheil fainted when the TFrrtict wax announced. Murderer of Sheepherders Will Es- - cape the Callows. Masln. Vyo. Herbert- lirtnk. who was found guilty of murder In the first decree, in corim-clloa with the killing of Joe Allemand " and two other nh..ii.i..r.t..r. in .h f.,., " - mi is aii a . i airr i,' .... , L-uiiinry iai April, nas been sen tenred to death by Jude ('. 11. Iar-malee. Iar-malee. Ills sentence, however, will be computed to life Imprisonment by Governor Mrooks uon presentation of a .petition which later will be presented pre-sented by attorneys for the mate. Lodgers Burn to -Death. Pittsburg --Three unidentified men are dead, five othT are seriously injured in-jured and twelve nun and women are wifferiiitt fro-ti bruises and ihock. the result of a fire in a lodim? bouse on the river from When th flr hmk" out tnlrty er;tfn were as'ei p In tbe liuiMinic Plrenn-n i-. d them and carried 'he onien and chil dren In nafefy llmllt's of. the' i.i'r.l.-n-tifled fire!caeri mre imt d.-nered until S'Ueisy af-ernmrn when ;rMin clearing a ay the under a stairway di i.r.s f id tliem Shot by the Cook. Iwtrolt. Mica. Samuel K Mory. farm manaxer of a laree e.! i'e on day fr'm being hu:. a c- r.fis to t: dying i!tiiii'. by IJnfca !..r say The woman an!-d t'i tnar-y ttln Moriey sa.d, and )ht h. e c.'i he refud h r V's-s I i . !.) nil the cook at thu tariu. i in Attached Wrong Men. Oi-d n I"ta?i l :.-;ar i.nir threfs an I Jted rm f n C.ar4 4p-ri. h rnn r the r i ljM-e of !.. 4.:r..- s.r jrl .r ti- lh'lr hand. T.V-rr.a r., V.mtt- Wil n r" rn (lie !. r-v t i i Jft;e!J SR.f '.!-. (.', j .,. ,,f f ,. fl el 'tr a !,s.rJr.:l.: lh- -'r n.an kr !.! ' fit ft ...J ,r.te Ir f!.,sss i'm Wt:.n Duel W.rH F tcf5rt.s I- I'"!' " Ir t In a t.t-r 4-w la '' rw- i m-rn t ---u-is c&..f ;.! Jth-i W IUi. f -r r !'vt,f f t " in e i , tit'!! wii ;-S.f-'T r r- 'awi H I!t j t j. a of ,n-l jrj".ir' 5 ly -f - f -. ' . CapJ f S?testr t' S-3; j- W Tt' -f ftl I'- r - y. ?! -. ,- . ' !'. ii-rr ' 't --.. r M-? cat P V a,: :. c ji.t 1 " :: ' f r m It-st S!"r. r'vl It 'tf s--f , tSrs;tE-J 1 W t s'j tsis tf C;- H'!""j U" W fay Is- t'cir ,-.- j t r t rr, turt tit ! a, f'i torm S.t itt4 wi ii'. : ri.-- J V , ; ' :" PROGRESS ' M;; . ' ' ' ' . (Copyright. 1909 I ; -. . THEN NOW - ' Woodman, 8pare That Tree did Poem. STEAMERS COLLIDE AND SINK Many Persons Lose Their Lives, Sixty-one Being Rescued from the Jaws .of Hungry Sharks. Singapore. The mall steamer I a Seyne of the Messagerles maritlmcs service, running between .Java and Singapore, and on her way to this port, collided early Sunday morning with the steamer Onda of the Brltish-lndla Brltish-lndla line, and sank two . .minutes later. Several European passengers. Including In-cluding Haroti and Baroness -Uenlrzdl the captain of La. Soyne, five European Euro-pean officers and eighty-eight others, comprising native passonfiers und members of -the crew, were drowned. The rescue of sixty-one persons priiftically from the jaws of shoals Of Sharks formed a thiit'.ing incident ; of the wreck. The accident occurred In a thick haze at 4 o'clock in the morning. The' vessels were steaming at good speed and La Seym? was cut almost In half. There was not "time for I'anlc nor for any attempt . on the part. of the offlcers to gel "out- the boats. " . "" " : ; r i FLOODS IN JAMAICA. Record Rainfall Causes Damage Estimated Esti-mated at Half a Million Dollars. KitigKion. Jamaica. From the fragmentary reorts arriving herejpoUce who succeeded In eluding the front- the countryside the tl.mi.igi' re- : mob by a ruse. "m;nH irom me storms anu nuoua 'itnat iave rant-d throuahout this 1st Li:.. . .. .... and slnc last Friilay, is enormous, j avoided. The four thousand men A portion of the railway and the coast ! roaming the streets up until daybreak line on the north u I i of tho island ; bad sccpks to many saloons hlch re-ban re-ban been seriously damaged. Ind- j niatned open all night. Mayor Parsens -sildi'S are numerous ou tiiu main rail- and the chief of police were unable road and rotiimuniiatirin ha. been to clone the saloons because they compleu ly cut IT. Many bridges j wr shut up at home by ttie uk. ;a!o have been carried away j Soldiers of the Cairo militia finally 1 Property In and around KAt)!T'on went to guard the homes of the niunl-suflVred niunl-suflVred smrely, th.' d tiniKe su.- j cipal officers and kept the rioters In talned thus" far bfinK ertinated at ! sotn restraint $500,000, The Iniaki- aid the main : Jan e was lynched 10 the most culverts or the ci'y s water system pmmlnftt nqitare of the rtty and t:ave titen deslroytd and because of bung to the arch at Klgh'h anu lorn-!h lorn-!h continued doanpotir ii has been iwrcial streets. tmpoHsltiie in effect re pan a. U'i cien present were the fir' to P" I ih" rope. When "it "broke, the A0MTS MOTHER'S CRIME. freny of ihe mob was !in.rin'r'ill (bje, ail h7 .Led n-lly after vuilcy tntu Murder Mystery of Three Years" Standing Cleared Up. Chicago. flrnry Itroitenrieyer, a Jpmeler of Malison. Wis., w Ho was found dead near h:s ho: In the. m:ir tiler of lien;, stld .lo beflevej to have 1 n murdered tn a rnl!-r a paueiu m he Ihmtitng. Iwis. In tta ie a!yiti:n Th.s is the ootites.loa nial" by lb - da (.- r Clara Undeti- heyer to A.i' an: Chut of Police- .V h-i. ; r. of Ch raso l i iiie r, a .i years o,a. t.l 1 .Ifi lis J ! h i'.t. . y o! i.ls l:e n'.i 1 -.1 :t;. 1 d td--l to U-ii n il) ie tared tii' i :v an :an! i:e i miii'r h"Ue hi .in umi roar Mad. son unir I'-" Ei.se of hfk.t.i um r ILc tiri;.er lh h J.t him uni-e t-. tiitl -b- i ti- :.: .--4 -e- t-l- ; i ,e m- H- ! 1 a!nst In'tar.' r The dsac-1 r -''!. ! helping her r. tef !j.y K r-f o - l fe-,d iS. - " .. 'n bxlf'.M enr-.l Janusrr.;. ' - -Jeffries JtZ tV. be:.!f thai lJ'.ll--'7ulZ. IVrV.U: 'uy-t - at at -noire ,., .r-! U - , t,,. o,. h B.rthda,. ,8. u-t a ij -tK.14 4ertvefro 1:1 ti V".:; vr 1?. Jr1 r4l . -t.. ta fc, v. i-.. . a. i J l lia ,U-t.m r iM v r""M ' a M-elee4l By tt,:i".At J t a r,cb r Medart- i , aatxy s-tt-r4 im SH Um CUf. 1 1 V;- V. . . :: d--l t.m- "V 85 4' ' Vr-r!' . f -Mr " ;- X: 5,w 'v, -r A i-rty i,t irt li'ln ewa 'l- ' !- 1 Jr-er ,..- p.,,. ., , ''. w "' ! t r-ed-.-T. rt, '. T"---' "Sr a-' are s perfect -ae P:mm tt the i r ; k-.eti a- o3 '. VT ..u , ,; m",.., S. 'a !y i '-rr? H"rr H-4 :""" '- "' -? i efwk- tf a Jarre rttnis fsctoty t 'i i. . s-: r.n n. r of sn-.-h-r b;... f. , , , ' e, .-te e-ra . rk n Ne't.-,-! .rrT - t ! rt; " t r Tie rT5-a has tale- ft. U:.,... in arrefid. a. f '?. I" '.'S'-ty - faJee- CaaiKKi Urrs Mr.. X!' e tsmV.nl -y ' ' & lrM4 sj p-j? a-1"s f ixv-rflcn aad than - -r.- i . ft.v-. . ,i rt-. . e--. r f. ,e1 H'-e-! r ,. ; ',''' ." - -V- - " -t k-l J tVWtjrJE foe t''atl- ' - " jre.e.1 e..-,:?. a;e t5... f i;-:.; n.iT ri:.- - - P-e-d"t T't O uviwi -SCa; 3 . Pvs-ed W C B-s f Case AS et Mae t-4 O tp'tej N- v" r--"'- frf-le,i Sv.r Trr Fry.. Ir. Tis-ss -'. ! ! fj.j ,! ' fr . u. C ee' ; '. fcy Ce.e it,, a fn '::-'::.''-'-::,v.'...V;.-'':,;r,-v-'-.-": -r- .,v, -'.-.t,--. t. bat lire ; o "' 11 R!;-?- ; - w:H ' ... f-.-te-i . . ' . " ; " n" 1 A Chicago Man Has Been Arrested for Mutilating a Shade Tree. v III OF TWO MEN EXECUTED BY ENRAGED-CITIZENS AND THIRD HAS' A NARROW ESCAPE. Negro Slayer of White Girl Hanged, Riddled With Bullets and Burned, While White Prisoner is Taken , From Jail and Hanged. Cairo, Ills. This city was at the mercy of a mob on Thursday, two men being executed by members of an Infuriated arid blood-thirsty, mob, while s third "'escaped' wlthhls life owing "to the fact that he wis not caught.- "I Frogcy" James, a nejro," confessed murderer of Annie Pelley, was Singed riddled with bullets and burnediafter a thousand determined men had chased Sheriff ftavis and the negro for twenty-four hours and seized the pris oner. Henry Salzr.or. white, held formxor- ctde. was later taken from a steel cell In the county jail and banged and shot by the I fi f u i ia t c d " hi o ri . w h 6 up to that time were unsuccessful in cap turing Arthur Alekander, a negro, Im plicated by jMines as an accomplice In the slaylne of Miss Telley. Alexander was at last found by the nu me ainvai. i.ucr in me aay. . ... . or armed inxips, further noting was 'h" bdv. shivillrii; t.lm to pieces The m"li 'hen draec-'cj the bo iy over the s' r i tor more than a mile, to the ,! of the murder, where It was burned Dream Causes Trouble fir Bithcp. Vl rni Just becau it' shop Nlk-lre Nlk-lre jt XUh. S;rvt'. eou'd no? con- ra dr-a!ii. h Is faring tr.al for high .lP-son. It li aaaoiacd, and will have a lot of explaining to do lfore he 'an KTiar thing with the gnvern- meat The gHi bi-hop made tfce mis- ' i h"i naving an oroinaryr (Jreaai. la hi v!in he siw a p to'u ton is. !.'! the d. rsHsi'Hjn of Kin Pt "r " 5"t'j m rst at k'n i.f for tnr C.-n I'rlr.cf Je,,rg The Ireain l! i- thai he niaie -He ad 1 ' "n-! rr r of UlV.zi It, " .- r tt-r- -r e.,n.)(,i. n ' --- a ff-ef r vrrr'iT". !i"la '" I 'r .: C,.,' tays Ctmon Mutt be Cwy. 'w rx tt-ri.an RH !. ,.f V-v. H"l Kir-.. ; S , 4 v. it . i ... m . . -w iiri rtiw n r-i j m t i '"iT' - r-.' i t OVERRULED THE DEMURRER Oklahoma Governor and Five Co-De li dendants Must Stand: Trial on '"- Cnargo.pf Fraudulently Secur-- Secur-- Jng Town Lot. Chickasha, - Okla. Federal Judge. John A. Marshall of Utah.onTJonday overruled the demurrer filed by Gov. Charles N. Haskell and. five Other prominent Oklahomans to indictments charging -themwith- fraudulently se curing from the government title to a large number of town lota in-4dus-kogfce Qkla : The- defendants were ordered to appear ap-pear for trial Saturday at Chickasha. The five co-defendants of Governor Haskell are C. W. Turner, A. Z. Eng lish. W. R. Eaton, W. T, Hutchins and r. B.- 8nnr r-. -" The, six men were Indicted by the federal grand jury at Tulsa on May 27 last, after scores of 'witnesses had been summoned. The witnesses came from- distant parts of 4he United State and a few from foreign -coun tries. The defendants were under Indict ment on the same charge before, but Judge Marshall qiiashed the first Indictments In-dictments on a technicality. The federal fed-eral grand Jury promptly reindicted the men. rectifying the fault which made the., previous "Indictments Illegal. Ille-gal. In arguing against the last set of indictments the defendants alleged Irregularity In the jury room and pleaded the statute of limitations. LYNCHERS GO TO JAIL Sheriff and Jailer Also to be Punished for Failure to Protect Prisoner. Washington. For the first .time In American history sly men are In prison for contempt of the supreme court of the United States. For the first time the federal government has placed men behind the bars as an outcome out-come of lynchins a neprro. -At the United States Jail here Cap tain Joseph F. Shlpp, former sheriff at Chattanooga; Jeremiah Gibson, his jailer, and Luther Williams. Nick Nol-ifo, Henry Padgett and W'llliarn Maws of the same city, Monday afternoon after-noon began to serve terms of Imprison Impris-on nient. Shlpp and Gibson had been found milky of failing to project Irani a rnfili K.l Johnson, whose legal execiitl n Tor rape had been stayed, by the supreme court until It could review the esse. The others had been" found guilty of participating in the lynching of a federal fed-eral prisoner. Shlpn. Williams snd Nolan each wtW --Sentenced to nlnfty days' Imprisonment, Impris-onment, while Gibson PadjteU and May each received ejity days. - CASH BOOKS DISAPPEAR. New Development in Case of Warrlner of the Big Four. Cincinnati. Charles T.. Warrlner! former" local, treasurer of the Big Four railroad, was Indicted, on Monday by the grand Jury on charges of grand larceny and embezzlement in the amount of $5,000 on each count. While JGH.000 Is known to have been stolen, the startllniT fart was d veloped by the 'proceedings that the company's ei"-!! book prior to 1905 have dlanne, ard. and that It w ill never be posbl to tell the full amount of the plant defalcation. The comparatively small amount upon whlrh Warrlner was Indicted represents the largest knon !h't It has been placed at that figure, so that, (f convlrtbm falls, the rai-r"ad su'bcr-HI su'bcr-HI n ay proceed on any other of th-numerous th-numerous thefts SHAKEUP IN SUGAR CIRCLES. Boston . and Philadelphia ,'WiU - Be Asked to Pay Back Uut ts. New York Wbi! the lesl ma r ninety of th roverot'ent moves slowly. th a;r 0f unrertalnty surrounding sur-rounding the s called (ar fraud cases Is ln'erprel to Krnadow n inquiry hlch may rank Vn the tnsuranee npheavs) of l'.'5 I'"''' an.rrr?rif hI,r brought i!hln fhe sco- nf rhe In Inn on Monday, i:h the re port that th government would at tempt to obtain back du'l" en rar in tho ei'le. whSl th ln'!ga tloa went on In New York with re jatel rumrs of reaching "men h'ea rr up Court Denies Gsrnpers Appeal. Wa.hftnt'i n Tte ro-lft of SfV. of the dhtrtrf of Ct ! imMi on M n dar deniid an irtl.fj'I'li kiw - -I iLnnwt i;iinit, - J4x Mi'rfce;! ?f',5 Frank MrTi,n, snt efird to ;sil f-r em'em?'. fr a ! In the of the c m' m 'he j .r TELEGRAPH MERGER LONG STRIDES HAVE BEEN MADE TOWARD THE FORMATION OF A COMMUNICATION TRUST American ' Telephone' and - Telegraph Company Has-Secured the Gould Stock and Thus Contrerl-of'":L - the Western Union. New YorkAirnounced ln7 Boston and confirmed In New York, "another bilUdh-dolIaV merger "became a reality, with, the practical absorption of the Wstera Unloa-Tolegrapa company by the American Telephone and Tle-graph Tle-graph company. TM Western Union, one" of the pet properties of thelate Jay Gould, has been In the Gould family for a generation, and It was by the sale of - Gould stock on Tuesday that the merger was accomplished. I VVhilo the report has been current that the MackaY companies, controll ing the -Postal Telegraph company, ultimalely w'ill be included In the plan of reorganization, no confirmation o this eojtld be obtained in New York. Officials of the Postal were nphatio that the company would remain, independent in-dependent i PROTECT AMERICAN INTERESTS Provisional Government Transacting ' Business In Nicaragua. Blueflelds, Nicaragua. The pro visional government, U transacting .affairs .af-fairs In an orderly manner, and all American Interests are fully protect ed. Zelaya's troops will hold Grey town, but General Ghamorro, with large force of revolutlonl&u. has a well fortified" position on tha beach He Is also- guarding the San Juan river to - prevent government troop from entering the Interior. Prisoners In the hands of Genera! Chamorro say that many government soldiers are sick and others are losing courage on account of an exlraustica march through swamps and Jangles There are no signs of the eiKniy, ac Tording to advice n"elved by the In surgenta at Kama, w here a-krfgt fore of Estrada's niua awaits an attack by 1 Uuid TR00PS ORDERED OUT. -Authorities Fear Violence on Part ot Survivors of Trrible Accident. Cherry, 111. Troops have TicTn called po prevent, any untoward dai qnstratlons at the, Bt Paul coal mln hn -th Uwlle f Ihe S00 mu tin- tomlM.d by Satiirday's Tllrr are brousht to th surface. Sheriff Skoglund; of Ilnreau county with anthr.rity- fmrrt S'ftie's Attorney Kckhart, telegraphed to SprSngfleld late Tuesday, asking Governor neen to send several companies ol state mllltla. Sj far no vloli.nre 'has b e-n displayed dis-played as a result of the dlanster and State's Attorney 1 k h a t hn-i by. the prejenee of a small gtard tc prevent any illadvl.ed move on the Irt of the ni.ners. whosn feelingfi have Urn wrought up by the loss ol tbilr comradt-s. j WASTE MUST BE STOPPED. , Secretary. Garfield Talks on Censer ' vation of Our Natural Resources. x innnni in a a.i.irvKS m-raiy ntsht bef:e tho Joint iimvi ntton i4 the NaUortiU Mtk.rll I'-WTIf ril ' the Am' rlen'n Civic ucta'lon. Jani"t R-' Gafifld. (onuer seTe'ary of t ie Interior, said: "The H rt:-v;'ierif Welfare of ttt ft .'ion cannot be ai-aurd uniei . In ..... ..a,.... ,.,-....e .u- wnmmn of our natural re.lfci i ki. ... . i. ...... i.t. .. Hrh'Tto wasteful. w. hate been n.i:s:,iof th' "Tellurlde IV.wer company We. hit- been to., mKb K!.h l,n.l.,n n,r Oerten rr.-w fciijlel l!h the present; t,;'. t! I'h the fu'iire The Inventory ol our rod Hire- .."s the lmml.a;4 dr.er of their depletion or ex us- tlon. ' (ierv!l n it pr-mifi'y mivenieBt fir tb- pu'iHc wetfare." Government Employes Under Sue picion. - Watilarv.o Tej'to esl'tt w!hers In th--New Vers rivn- j bnm .r. knw n to have l-een ltarH r aw .usplrb. ta th. - truss fra i J Tt.! is ?h la a '!) r.t t-r f,.:r-.i I llJLck. sad Mcsjirt M. I:i.xy . . mA- , v jr:h irn. of t- rt air " f!i-.' i M-in'-, 1 """"a' Ii THE UTAH, BUDGET From -all lh4iayo.ns-a--fedetaj building build-ing 13 to be'ftcted In Park City la the near future. . Beet growers of .Utah will receiver about two .million dollars for - their crop this season. The Commercial Boosters of Logan are soliciting subscriptions for funds -' witBjwhich to build a $75,000 hotel. John Bond, who had . been In tha -restaurant-business in -SaltiaK City " for forty . years, is dead at the ag of 72. " V V . I Wtork Is progressing on the- Lelrr waterworks and by Christmas- It 'Is promised that the water will ba run ning through the mains. United Commercial clubs of" Sanpete, San-pete, Sevier and Piute counties held a two days' session in Monroe last week In the interest of good roads. Z Tom BrowntTocarTnaBagef for the-electric the-electric light company atHichfield. -fell from a pole last week and was -badly injured about the spine and hip. The 2-year-old child of Mr. ana Mrs. TJohS" C. Robin, of Ogden, has suc cumbed to burns, which were sustained sus-tained by tailing into a tub ot scalding scald-ing water.' york -has he-run. .on the..p?w.fttej- works system at Spnngville; On account ac-count of the lack of satisfactory bids. " the city is having the wprk done by private contract- The smallpox situation at Spring-vllle Spring-vllle has been gotten under control, and the schools were -reopened fm. Monday and public gatherings will again be permitted. The first farmers' Institute of the year is being held this ,-freek In Sti George. Institutes are to be held In Fillmore, Beaver, and Nephl after the one at St. George closes. L. J. Markham, aged 20. convicted of holding up" and robbing the Chinese Chi-nese proprietor of a noodle Joint In Ogden, has been sentenced to' serv seven years In the state penltentjary. The Salt l ake papers announce that Pat Moran, the contractor who has built the greater portion of the paving in the capital city. Is td erect a BiJdeen-Btory building on Main treet. During a storm at Ogden. th home of rank .Pierce was struck by light-ning light-ning and et on fire, but tho mem- s of the family succeeded in ex- .Tsult'fiTng the blae before 'It did much damage. ' lurlng the past-year thousands of acres of dry farm lands In Box Eldor county have been taken up, filed upon br-homesteadera, lamls In 4he Curlew and Park valleys having been glyen the preference. Vhile the Interests of Box FJdr-; ! f''nr verH4e4-h.-trua. try of the county is the largest. This county is ottv-of th greatest fruit-lroihicing fruit-lroihicing sections of thogist- lntr-nuiuntain lntr-nuiuntain empire. Matt BlundTjuist, agt-d 22. a miner who had been employed at Bingham, f ts In a Suit Lake hospital with a bul- let In his left lung and a knife Btat In his sid '. as a result of a fit;ht lu a aloon in HinKhatn An aut.'iinoblle road Is to be opened from Aroma, a point on thi main lino ' of the Salt Lake Kwute In Nevada, to St. George, in th southern jiart of l"t.h. Aroni4 Is the nearest poiut on " S' Oriilnaiic ra.slng the wages of " Icemen, firemen. oU Inspwlor sntl pounuKeeer iii ctmie in-:iue inw Salt lake city council, and should ,,.v ,.avS ml!, ,, , tl,e agre K4, to atut $:'.tio( for the yoar Vr. vi-i-h,.nitl, irifin er whll tem- Irarily limane front t r-odlnj over I domestic troubles, ai' t mpted to drown i herself in a slough In weMjalt Laki. S!t wst-gtWfen fretil? "water r-y panders by. but d!-d It -i few moments. Kred Bramwell. aecd 13. climbed a .hlrn st. ,h. str ' et one of th wr snd was Instaiitly ' klil.d. his body tx in bumod to a crisp . JrM-ph Par, tried hi Mob on tb'K' rhr( of hiving p!!ird'rd Joej a Harris, near WVtsr, a fw werk ,. ao. a fourd not r'llty Pace shoe and kin-d Harris in a dfspu'e about ratsle and entered a plea ot ix-lf d A tower Uiirjf t--' high has been cot;s"ru-t4 by "the Sandy fine depart- ,.' Bl.,.rfhllfMl . , A I I b pUd la l'hti The pog can bo heard Iwr m. It Is now the :i.:,e:.!,n of the S.,r;Ty I,:;rU;eoi LiT t"4rvt.ie a h-e csrt. j A Fr. d Uy. froneeot buslaees ', sad &! man Mrked ) Ja:t ju ;rer- a flreeV Rr:T"":..n" --M a ?:.";-i ,.f Oirism. - 4 !-' Ta a ffhm 4 t-r t ?.3t.:r 4?f ,- "t fnje a ar tie sewJiir"-?," ee l.s;jpare4 ij tie cAiJi . - .. .. . nJf V ! .vA m.-M.J r- A k. f ?i S-a.: ;si--Ul . 1 it a;;J um tie rsxi tf Friir .rr Ss-e p- ee ' VT ectj cf . Tc-'. I: f'V.i- ,f m m i |