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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS, r p V t It is Time New To b thinking what you are going to buy for Christmas. Writs us a line and get jn touch with th new thing.s in jewelry and silver goods absoiutley guaranteed and prices bottom. Ws take VP each letter personally-. 170 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH i ST T"l A T'T' IT'T'f' ANicea to patent-K patent-K A i l iter ad Procters J " FREE npon request Sena1 sketch and detcriptios of your invention. ' Harry J. Robintoa, Attorney at Lw and Solicitor f Patents, 304-5 Judge Building, Silt Like City " '" " -' More "ProtecTion Desired. .A Clevelnad minister, frequently - -cafted; tmt of the- city. ha-1 always nr- ranged for-some one to stay with -his ... ifeanil ill tie girl dunns-his-absence.. . "i Recently, liowever. lie was called away so suddenly that he had no op- ', jxirtiiniiy to jirovlde a guardian. " The -wife was very brave durins the - early evening "but after dark had fallen fal-len her couraee began to .faJL She stayed up with her little pir.I till iu.ie was no excuse for staying longer, and then took her upstairs to bed. : "Now pr tt-ytfrr7dari."-shg sa 1 . 4 "in't bo afraid. God will protect you." 'VYes, mother, " -answered the little rirl, "that'll tm all right tonight, but j next time let's make better arrangements. arrange-ments. Cl'-velan I !':es. How He Knew. In an a.mlt an 1 .1 .if sery case tried In" a Cleveland court, the prosecuting witness t-ti::ed a' l-tirth that the defendant had knocked i.ini senseless andhad then kiesed htm for several minutes "If this man's ntfrk rendered you unconscious," djfiwinded the masis-trate-. "how Is it that you kinw he kicked you when yoji were down?' This nnetlon eeined to floor the witness! wit-ness! Ife was lost In re'lerilm for some 'moments; 'then, bri-ihte'iiins, he replied: "I tmiw It, your honor. hccaV'S" that's what I would. I.ave n to 'm If I'd sot' him down." Circle Maga,-glne. Maga,-glne. ' ADDITIONAL TRAIN SERVICE. Commenclne Iecenilier 1. the San Pedro. I rs Anfeelcs & Salt !k rail-od rail-od company will Inaesrurate additlen-al additlen-al train nrvlce b'-tw -n Ixs Angeles and Salt l ake, as foil, ws: .No. ,1, westbound, leaves Salt I,nke 9:00 a m.. ftrrlvlni tn I.os Anaeles next day at about ln f.n a. m. No. 3. easthound baves I.m An-rele An-rele f f" p. m . arriving nt Salt l ake atKiut 4:00 p. m. next d'n-, connectlns; with throush trains of the IV & iC Or, O S. f.v and P. P. The erulpment will connlsp of, tem-porarllly. tem-porarllly. Hbntnd No. 3. Standard 1ep from nut te. Standard steeper from Salt I axf. tourist sleeper from Kansas -'Ity vli I'nlon Paclflc. IMner, .chair car.Vjtrh and bacirase car. KaflmrinT No. 4. equipment w'll consist of S'sndrird s!eeppr to Ittl'te, Mont , ih O S I.. Standard s..eP. V lwnvcr Hi ! II O . Stand.ird sleet r to SMl Tv. dining car, chair car rf-- h an I -cirage car 8 op "tV'm" !' t os ret (M afternoon and Kn ' 'f'e autonMN mc' I d"it't- c fr automobile rxC'.e ft df-cny hin any" rff-'r-rnrw- m whlyh kind of a c.ir Is the f.i-M Hut tt.at yi t l. It l alm.ist n cinch th.U several ymtAv will t kllUJ" 'What It Was. "I hd a last eight. awful ca- of nlgh!n.ir ; I dreaml I w being' run nrr That i a cum of ha autiimobl'- a T't a tiiK i'mare r was h-'a la your sleep " Why Ht Wished to Co. lirf;.t '' rc n' r.t'S " ' ra;:wr -rT'li'V' la Otntlia ttrr,-r tn rsno of th aj"Wh then? t; . . iU tt a 'vs. e-m4 w 4 N rt n.'r"i Th- mha I' 1 t.- h.-- f.-r tfc- -triwv ht th i rhiU! r taune akl .. ' e e. ' en--1 . t i ni h-inj aiV'M to vrUil ; W '. 1 M -&- ' V tl.d t !evt- fh.'i' a th kl-is grease" f 1 eiit wS- l an i-,i-Me ha it I tb ,r.,. in. t - a r-v - I w r fa f ... 9 t H it.-, it.-, t - : - f . . ! . . - t ! ' - 1U n .- i a. A" - r if. ' Vrir jI W - TV 1 -r i mm sa 1 -a ai' mmwmmmmmmmmmm Crt-JViZ AIOA& Jfi Ajrr-fJSY-' - T UK greatt'st public service corporation In the t'nked States to-day is the Highway Improvement association, said James H.' McDonald, state highway commissioner of Connecticut, at the dinner given him on t he private ear Signet by the members of the B. F. Yoakum good roads party at New Haven a few da ago. After a trip of 1 .f.OO miles by motor car and 5,(100 miles by train through 17 states the members of the party were dispersed to agree with him.' They were all farmers from the great -ouihwest Texas. Oklahoma. Louisiana Louis-iana and ArkansasTrHd they had just ti'i'ished a motor car touKof Maryland, New Jersey, New York and the New Knlatid states in search of good roads This trip will have tangible afd Immediate Im-mediate results. The delegation Train the fouthwestern states returtiejMiome full of enthusiasm ;for good roads. They promised collectively and Indi vidually to di'vttt n. their efforts to pro moting a cause for which they learned llim.oiiii.ooo already had been expended expend-ed in this couniry, and little states like New Hampshire and Connecticut were appreciating millions of dollars. Within With-in a few years the southwestern states will have good roads. The first actual work of road ln spectiori ill company with state engineers en-gineers was In New Jersey, where the farmers found roads ranging In cost fr.itu t ! In t'"l(lllll a milu Tkm ttal) I,.j ,fcrf IuadH rn(r,,1 r jii.nel and crushed by heavy steam rn..i rs They found these roads good fur wagon traffic, but that heavy motor ertce wore tly.ni out The average bitumen road over whU h they passed cost from .".M)0 .to $7,immi a mle. and furnished ery satisfactory synlce for txiih KKitor and aou ir.v'jr They had been laid don In quttl a lot of different ways ranging fronrsL per tent aiitia!tiitn. 2"i per rent tar nnd tie rrht iu graivl and sand tip t a wry high percentage of uephalt The N. Jer-ey elicinet rs recommended ti e luer percetitiH-e of atphattum..a ttey do not fit "t'j-ry In hot or rainy weather ittga'ltiK i oinuiitte' if s..ulhwetern ! firmer was New llaiupid'.lre They ;.re wel.i:i til at IjKnt ia ty (lot. ' Henry H J :. .. wb.. t..l, tlem that ' the t'nU' ( ,! a. r. ;-f!it'vl S 1 7. '". i f i 'C gixxf ruads at tie I.it n..wr tt l "'' l g'.stature; ar-l f: n rieejej t utJ larts ut tU- ti.r r.at Irur.k ...d wM. h are t. n g b-ii!t if;r.n:gh ,t'-..lP, ' at.y with A W 1" fl '' et git.r. and hi ti Tt 'v foMnd flip rr.atad.im rl In V ..-. I. 't, and later in New York in wl.ttb th- uj-iel r"',!r is ! 1 with tar ..!, t.g It. m ! 'a ' ' ' ' I r n-i"- This ' xtllbiS : ,t' I 1 rr...k- an 't v i;i.l n.jj f r t. '. fi'-n ai d tirt'. r tf.iT.r Its' in ". It i f the,. r- : i" t 3 t'feri.e i.' J a l j 1 . rf.it ur.4f i ' ? if f r! 4ti I i. t ;. i .,. r I - ! g ' : Vet -r-. - 4 1 '.. J t t' f !J ;- 't frf . I "t i' K "ii ll .. , , f.. ... i : d 4 ! !rr. if . -",-- ,. i t " r -. . . i r, 4 ' s t ) J t a -i -j -1 I - -r- i tt n t!. f;..fii ti:;.- !.. t As n H ' r v r i j. i ji-'i Pi v...l rnrtid ;.the contlnuattoTrr)! thearpTo- Then these men from the southwest ern states heard about something real J in the way of appropriations from Col. W. I. Schier, chairman of the Massachusetts Massa-chusetts state hlftflway- cotnnrissionv They learned aJso that all the products prod-ucts used in bitumen wjstructlon in the east are coming frontrhe western states. Okiarioma and Texas should abound in these natural oil products used in the-construction of the best roads known to the science , of road building in the east. They learned Unit the cost of theseun-ieria)8 is much lower in the west than it is, for example, in Massachusetts, The Massachusetts Mas-sachusetts highway commission is forct-d to pay from 30 to 40'per cent, more than the same material can bo procured fyr in Oklahoma and Texas. WMJ'ol. ikhier said in part: hv i t ... I...: i.. 9,. i iijuiiuai lUii la iiiTcasai; n road good 12 months !n the year. Here in .Massachusetts we appropriate $2,C00.0o0 in five-year terms, "and spend SSiiO.OOO a year. When we build through townships they pajus back 25 per cent, of our outlay. We have spent $7,500,000 dollars In building state highways amounting to a little less than So0 miles of road. We spend $2.'..im)0 a year In towns of less than a million valuation, with no per centage paid back. This road, whera the township asks for the money, is constructed under the sperlflcations of the Btate highway commission. ' The greatest necessity in road building build-ing is to keep the roads In repair. We must arrange for maintenance as well as construction. This Is where Massachusetts Massa-chusetts is ahead of the other staea. Our materials are oil. sand and gravel. ' Why." exclaimed J. P. Connors of Oklahoma, "we have 423.000 acrea of a.-phaltum and oil In Oklahoma that has belonged to nobody except for a year or twtf." The party concluded Its, trip through Khode Island by a 2.Vmi!e tlash from Narragtinsett I'ier to Westerly In 4j minutes, giving a practical demonstration demonstra-tion of the value of good roads when you desire to catch a train, J' W. J. I'.KNJA MIN. JAPANESE SAILOR TELLS ONE In Conjunction with Contplirrent to American Men Sailor Rentes-Funny Rentes-Funny Story. - '" " r Admiral 'I'rlu was most imr-reMed in America by the broad shoulders of mertcan men At a dinner In Uasb-it.gton Uasb-it.gton he said : It has been proved to me that In some cases American men's hroad shoulders com- of? wuh tli.tr ruats 1 still maintain. loni f. u,.u m are a broad shouldered r..e mi t. whole. Your average f bou!i'' r i bne and brawn, not cotton w add rig It la th- real thing and r.ot il.ke the Salt ieah frekle curei a sisam ' Admiral I'rlu smll-d Then he wer.t nn. "A fcrt Jt telle r on the white and of Salt !ejrh gaarars'erd to cure ir k'w ni. g'' a ! fi r et.. dol Uf A s;rei man iuicjj fta: u.fcids.. i - itkl'd by ! Fait l'e:th sun i, it the I 'ife ror fisted ( a lot e- : tl t zl ! won c - ' t" gazing ;.. ,i . .rii a-. 1 at tVe er.d each r,'::t.ii..rj reS.l a s'ed tciilopr ; a! ;.. in i rt a' ij,:ilr,i.M and l. p the J',' 1.! '. !!i't! Kol i r 'be :r : i if lttfj . . s.u'd i;.r ii. f fftjk -s abso li'-ly I .t. a'a-' ' r r'-T" ' t.oors" 3't,r hf l r- e i-1 ?a t had 1- -.t -ii t' r ti '. ;s: . "I!. 1":il1I f-f! l .--iU l. i the it. . t.u 4 sa la ..- v. f ' r- t ' '? ' t th-m '.. - ': Jt . . " 'ft Mtfrt - ffr-k i . k. rt : ' ' . bark J T V'.. .., T-. ,' - -'- cao , U! ' " a ' t- - ' ! r, i.sr loft.; I ' 1 I - . i- 4.' STBANGE COMPANY.; 'Wit, Thej. Goose-How times change, to beBTflrI have Sever seen the fox such good .friends with a duck before. . Taking Care of Yourself. There ..never was a time when peo ple paid a3ffii:b. attention to their I health and strength as they do now. Time was when fine -stock and fine. horses were fed more carefully than ' attniaB-heiBgSTTTr --The- result-of-properly. balanced- Hons has worked wonders with stcl-k and recent experiments are proving that the Tsamething Is true ofman-j kind. :-., - - It has been found that Quaker Oats saten .often -and regularly taking the place of heavy, greasy foods will work wonders In the health and strength of a family. ' School children fed frequently on 3uaker Oats thrive physically and are always capable of the best work at school. For athletes, laborers, it is the best food.. One of the attractive rjr.tv.i ':s of -.lak-rr Oats is the perfect syay-itisaiaclied. Besides theixegular T Bize -package-there ts the large size family, package. 1Q ; Embarrassing. Not only-i the-jho(jes t)fthe iex- icatts, out saer- yea samtre-is yours. If you"er-ress a sentiment of apprbbation- of anj'thing,. Ihe owner own-er at once says: "Senor, it is yours;" but he simply intends something flattering, flat-tering, and you are therefore not expected ex-pected to accept anything that is offered of-fered to you. . An amusing story is told of- Sir Speficy Bt, Johnr the English Eng-lish ambassadorfwhich illustrateghow this natioftal co Jrteny often provokes embarrassment. Sir Spencer, who is a gallant old bachelor, was promenading prom-enading with some ladies in the park, when homet a nurse girwjtha bright-eyed baby. The ladies stopped to admire the little one, and Sir Spencer Spen-cer asked .whose cM!d It was "Senor, it is your own." replied the nurse, with a courtesy. Sir Spencer has never inquired in-quired as to the pareutage ' of pretty children since. Mind Over Matter. "Much may be done," said the Acute Observer, "by an- authoritative. voice. Now, If a man says (o a do: 'Come here!" with a note of absolute authority author-ity in his voice, the dog comes Immediately." Im-mediately." "Yes," said the Traveler. "I've no-tfced no-tfced it. And it is especially marked in oriental peoples. Why, when I was to Khalisandjharn, I heard a man say with that aulhoritatlve-Jiote, in bis tone: 'Qh, king. Uve forever, and Immediately Im-mediately the kfng lived forever." Carolyn Wells, in Success Magazine. Father Was an Invalid. Jt had been a hard day in the field, and father and son wercvery hungry. The only things eatable on the table were 12 very large apple dumplings. The father had consumed ten while the boy was eating oncyand then both reached for the one remaining. '"Son." pleaded, the farmer, "you wouldn't take the last apple dumpling from your poT sick pa. would you?" Success Magazine. Undoubtedly Not. Capt. Jerome, wlie visiting Col. Higginson, took a derringer. from the table., and aiked: 'This thing loaded load-ed T" Hut before the colonel could reply the weapon was discharged, the bull-t tearing away on- of' the ftng-ra of the vlsitir Ttie colonel - who la widely known on account of his ei treme politeness, bowed gracefully, nnd rejoined: "N"t no, my dear captain." Chloroform Zoo Animalsf The practice of cutting the c'aws of the more ferocious anlmali of the Iondon toidfigscal garden haAlcectly bi n greatly fa'-illfa'l hy rhloroform-Icg rhloroform-Icg th- anifi.als. HWetofor- . It was done by sheer force by a s'juad of men. the snfmal b leg Brt-s-curd by rops CAREFUL DOCTOR Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drvga. !f takes consider---conmr for a doctor to deliberately jrecnt only fcM-dl for a d; alrlr.f paMent, instead of renlcg to the usual hat of ttcd Kl-es. "ere a"r sorn tmlf sci-nMfc rhy-sicUfts rhy-sicUfts aaotic the -r-stst gem-ratioa to r-corftlz- and treat coed.tlons as they a re ani l. u'.-d t tr-'d r-gard es ft tb tali -thHf fxx ke' H r-'s aa ttitsf: Voit yirs a I at takn 1"h ft-re ga".n:;s ari b?ti rs aosiii f.xj cn r-y i'- -.y h. s tl.it I a v-rr el tr U.n 1 fcsrd of a d-'cr.- a t-m N. Y . a 1. 1 a a '- mm i -r V. mXt'r i- t x - r . I r'j" h- 1 t sd . o t-y a-'.-:i ej j-.ni:t tit: fi.-t t- f. V n a fb l "Ik rc-e '? r- I o ! tr sre, M at it. r f fs4":i f I ii T-' 3 S t' fa 'ihnnVf !art tiff, r nff-'i '. t'. V tftm I. . !. -rj:jr rla f't Mr I V t ? '. i-'-r -1 I -. 5 :i isI -iiry r-ir-rt -. aj - -V'.I IJ " ' - a f "' I;-I it " I t-iir aei s:-- "t . . " . K--l i- TV t IHH f - W V W i. T Irsar. M 4 fH 4 X .great ANNOYANCErTr Kidney Disease) hows Many PalnfuJ , ' and Unpleasant Symploms, George S. Crowell, 3roadway, Helena, -Mep t, Baysrl "I was troubled with a disordered-condition disordered-condition of the kit neys.'some backache and irregular pass- t ages of secretions. At tlm.es I was obliged to get up out of bed" at night, and the liptna xi-o a itnnitiipQl lB appearance. On the Jjtdvice of a friend I rrocured . Doan's Kidney Pills and began using thm. This remedy helped i rae at once, strengthened iny kidney ! and cof recte444tdisfdered-eondi- tion. Remember the name Doan's. Soldi by atl dealers. 0 cents a lox. Poster- Mjlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. - , ' Had a Sure Thing. r-, -An. individual, well known n- the Berlin Bourse for his wit, one morning morn-ing wageredthat he would ask . the same question of 50 different persons and" receive' the same answer frqm each.' The wit went to first one and then another, until he had reached the number of 50. And' this is how he won thfrhet: He whispered half au-jdihlyjo au-jdihlyjo eaeht-Fsayrhave yon heard that Meyer, has failed?" "What Meyer?" queried he whole 50, one after another, -and it was decided Jthat the bet had been fairly won. - Her Sad Finish. "Did you ever know a girl to die for love?" : i "Yes.";, j "Did she just fade away and die because be-cause soffie man deserted her?"'" ' "No; 6he Just took in washing and worked herself to death because'' the man 6he loved married her." Philosophy, tlllly Ma, does it do you any good to spank me? Mother No,.my son; It hurts me to do it Hilly Then don't you think it's rather foolish to be hurling the two of us and not benefiting any one? Honor Where Honor It Due. First Golfer Well done, old chap! That's the longest ball I've seen you drive yet! Second Golfer I'm afraid "the credit's not all mine. A beast of a wasp touched me hp in the middle of my swing. Punch. The next time you feel that swallowing setination, the aure inti of sore throat, gargle llamlint Wizard Oil immediately with three parts water, rnrill save you days and perhaps weeks of misery. Probably the reason soma girls make such a fuss when a fellow steals, a kiss is because, they are afraid he won't give It back. Fcyt irrp-nrT:n roi.ni and Jtlt.-a'A l.uns H-t 1 vim rurt- w h"n a, I til her rrm.xlu-t Intl. Tin uWI rriiahl mi-iiicm ha tN-rn leltl for vtsreifrwra. Xx. itx. II iu hiu . All d-lrr. The average man Is satisfied with his rast if It Is past finding out. Ink. a rarwlv. reiriila' an.l Ibtis'Oll t'irBiarfc IlK'ltWl lUllil. lB.4gli. A little burning doubly tfrewmie. makes a bore When Cold 'BasT When cold winds blow, biting frost is in the air and back-draughts down the chimney deaden the fires, then the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Enlppod with Smokeless Device) - shav. i its sure heating power by stcljily supplying just the heat that is needed for comfort. The Perfection Oil Heater ii una'fec'ed by wca her conditions. It never fails. No stroke no smelt-just a gen al, satisfying beat. The nc Automatic Smokeless Device '?cn tie wkk hing turned too Ki:n,tcJ in an mitjrtt. S'S'.-I bra-- f ir t bi'M ijiartt ef oil siSf ient tl give oat a t'wjf beat tut f - -irv .r ..riirf (Uit.'i t l.ai.d'.r -l indicator. r'rr lauti! -i rtr.-eJ in nstkrl r jijjta la a t!e!r l s lry Nr lrftK IIM i Y-.-ir. tf' f, lrrlple lirrtlw CO.NTIMCMAL OIL COMPANY '7 i 111. "v '-J," , U -i 1 U U Wear W.L. DovfHat comforf abl,sy walking, common sheet. A trtal tantl convince try crve that W. L. Oewfae shoes hcfJ tHir ."wa, fl Kf Bn..S l7v "ew ' ' ' A, i tofrec than ether rrsa.es. Trey trie upon honor, f th fc5t letHr, by the mst ai.-el wsHimeo, in a J trte latest f asMc, srtoes tn e-7 stjte srd srtae t suit men m aU vai.'Vs cf faf. r'TTTt lr-riisel- V.L UaJ 1 1 w . I t wax a t r ;e rxs 7t a ita st-aaca tt &.- sj4 f-jt-is ewsnt SSTW t c rta si4 Ez.'nrasr i - as. tl 0 SvavSTlTWTS. pJCTUflE ON MEM0RY' WALL. eir Lr an II1iP I i 1 I'nclfj Veil, Tommy; how was your report this term? " Nephew I call feel it yet, uncle. "t The Dollar Sigrr. 4""" When it came time for Mrs. Bluffer to rack her trunk and depart from the resort . where .she had spent; many pleasanr.davs where she had been. the cynosure of all eyes,' where she had flirted and gossipped (and been gossiped about), she visited the proprietor. pro-prietor. . "I've just received a check for $o0 from my husband," she4old him. "Yon will honor it, won't you?" The proprietor bowed and ruhbed his hands. ( "My dear Mrs. Bluffer," he vetred.: "J will not only honor-it, but will fail . down and worship it. Good Reason for Marrying. TSTyoung couple developed such 4n rTofflpatibilityi of temper Ibat 8fi- years after marriage they carried their difficulties to the divorce court. Their little Cherry was very much concerned through all the trouble. "Well," she . said, thoughtfully, "when I g-ow up I should never marry if it w; . t that I want a father for my children," Suceess Magazine. - After our subtlest analysis of the mental processes we must still say that our highest thoughts and our best deeds are all given to us. George Eliot. ToJEnjoy the full confidence of the WeD-Informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essential essen-tial that the component parta of.Syrup of Figs and Kliir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; tlie re-fore, re-fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub-lislies pub-lislies a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of product, pro-duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are hAgured by the Company's original method of manufacture man-ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California are used in the prtxluetion of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to roiuote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to art most beneficially. ' To get its brtwficial rffecta always btrj Uk genuine manufactured by the Cali foniia Fig Syrup Co. only, and fur amk i by all leading druggists. Winds Blow h:h. V l 4 j f S ' t- - a V ' " I - 1'; " ""' " f 1 f -y--laiul a t - a A M i |