Show REXBURG PEOPLE STILL SLEIGH RIDING r I 1 I R J ida Jda Feb b n tat II In this ot of coon coun country try hu has been a rigid on one Th There 11 has been an unusual amount ot of snow n nand and despite the th that there thre have hav been several rat bl big tha thaws lit Is stIll fOod All places of buln business here cl closed their doors on rb Feb n 12 a a mark marli of 01 repa inspect ot to the hi memory of I Wahington A of improvement is III being manifested b by some me ot of the foremost busIness men ut of this city The building occupied by the H F mm company I is being remodeled at a cot colt or of 1000 The Flamm Opera Kou House whir occupies u pies tb the tOI floor door I is being completely overhauled und and remodeled In un old partitions rUtion alit b be torn out nut and as a consequence the stage t will be b consider alii enlarged Some nw new dr room too are r being added TIle Tb Coop COOIl Wagon Wun Machine rem Mm pen building I is on a new ap 1 also aIo as 11 fI a consequence ot of say V 1 COatS cota ot of pal paint n t S J If I t I I I L I I II Ii I I i i jI va vaI i II III III I i I 1 I I 4 Tit auk I all II II tf It N Hew Y York lira M Mr h has been n very vry VII In 1 pt II and lId 1 a tu to t the earthquake I ut utI JuU t I hL L c L J A hraIr l party arty was ill ut Ut h rink on nn tb Ih I ot birthday Tb of Ibis n kind of t n a I crowd anel It a 1 8 In ha every feature lb h hUy let It th the trio t fur t tb ot of an a new ty hail II Th Tb building will wll be op 01 th no nm tithing end will 11 milt cost In Ih the of IU The Th bull builders tier b have begun n the work The Th P Power coin UlY hll hi Jut Just I fLu transmit I un from trum thi city to It A Anthony Thi mak the tho connection complete tI the thre located pe peat 0 at bu mind and LIt Itt I Pbs c company h has bod for tor t ike lighting or thi tl The leIo Idale Vail has to put tn in It a bid at alse for tor thi h un sante wok hut It I is thought that t I h van oa gRe 1 better servI 1 I tit 11 1 it lower 1011 nil t In this vIcinity are tat tatI 9 t I n of f the th option bill I M dv f Jensen inc n or of R p po N 1 merchants left ft a few dents oo for tor an n trip through Ih the thes I of s It I is hits hili while ott this I 1 t pt get in III touch with some m of lr Ih the thel l ig hou houTh heuser TI Th academy teana 5 test lIMIt and defeated a learn the AthletIc as aM Th pm maine 11 was hard halll fought th the co stood tood at th the ind 2117 1117 1 Eli academy people he have a to 10 re rei JI i 5 Itt III this victory a th they oy at the to defeat too the fast tUI bun bunch h this season n people on returning from BIR haw have taken oc lon to visit Hs hUt I A general priesthood meeting of all 1 the h wards to In Fremont stake wee he held I In the atam academy on nn Sunday Pet b n 21 Thu I is lh the first of the kind vcr 1 h held in III our atae and nd tb the 1 1 I nt representation fran th the various a arts tin an In th the work r i I h he |