Show TRADE WAITS ON Law of Supply and Demand Domand Is to to Bring Busl Busi floss noss to Rights METAL MARKET IS A FACTOR About but Ute Ule 10 her 1 or New T York J Peb 11 O 0 f J et t tomorrow will U the eta cuts in III steel tl add f ome to lb Ih I in t Ut Ir Iron and Wades a and have brought t tt at t a a decline l in tt the security ty tym m market 1 yet t the l of O the law w wor or of supply and d demand wl with It its 1 i it t I et price anti 1111 pp of wages ft must pee ultimately lm J helpful to tJ the 1 Itt however di 11 t the immediate Out Ot Outside side of tb the a area of disturbance caused au aub b by Ib thIs development the movement nl of el trade continue UD no cl Cotton 1 gond prIces lr remain station sty 1 and the h market I is 1 moPe or less In no even tre I is It light with Ab absolutely no inquiry item rm Ch China a al although tho though tl fair r orr orders are received e fn ArI America Pt Print oth cloth yarn good goodare are weaker ra Il ieee active and nd pr price are ara Pry I Ne Boston shoe ho shipment hl met jr th the aN are 10 per cent over or t the corresponding pi period of 1 bt hut the outlook t for tl the future I ks encouraging The Th weak n flea I In the tho domestic hide market I Is Mil still mor more pronounced Te The leather market I is decidedly InactIve |