Show 41 Sample sale Slet 11 ill in the hl 1111 ni t n III II a Nair Rio of nf f fanty II el g of oC It lt of trample hand in t in I n and plain effects fITt t about 1200 00 1000 1500 pill bast ot tn t IJ k i I W r Buck sd skin oxfords and pumps Smart stylish and dressy are the III buck oxfords nud 1111 lot fm latest t in lilt FH footwear Ml And dirt l in to match the ue neW sh We entitle them in III brownl taupe tango white whiLe and blank and will red The pair vogue of spring may d The vogue rogue h the Ibe 4 00 nett b of the tea sea W patterns nobly lasts and pUt elite ablon l CerL Cut lower flowers tor lor Lent 1 1 t ul U UI J JS l I p I I Ire f w IX S Jo b E ull II nt Smart tailor made latest styles for Women and Misses r At 2500 we w f feature atur for Nonday the seasons II tn ti stIO in fancy laney novelty Bedford tailored and in fit and finish Tailored novelty Fabrics 2500 sled in III the 1 hI hi 0 oIlI HN anti with cloth rind I rift Coins tiN II 11 Inn lun gilt to tn 38 8 inch anti the thc 1 U 1 are the nen goed effi els S ew col en 0 OJ In III tilt the t h s r I I hIm le e ila old 1111 14 Wisteria taupe hello helio lUlU ban bant t t r f olive etc ft that hut t h with correct It style end jut t r 2500 Handsome serge 00 1 i i II W u 1 piece nit fill and stilt mIl the t h i tl t tAilored models WOOI 11 I Berge hilts black and white In inI I G i i the elite It and per feet fact iu in lit hit Quilt douht iJ greatest rattle hlf of nf tit the et 2500 I I I t i it t I Tailored and fancy madras W In hl the hI dIMM 1 two wo woof of till the moll popular models 1 In th i t t tailored MI ef r L 1 facts with th lid Mud and andI I 1 One model Is iii made of nf white In ill dot dol 4 i ted tIM luul other Is white 4 grounds with striking and an stripes I I III colors Both M Smart sail stylish for tor and tailored costume wen r from them special ru IJ I bargains FItz Bite HII IA flat mines Ht at Ii lune in III anti hit t n 1 hitch gored b belt ll hn horn anti c hi n 1101 skirt tIll the thief i 1111 d i length the front i I St II Centre 11 stole iJ I Monday March the first Demonstration and sale of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets I Beginning I II till the first H nail It 1 i ifor for fOl two weeks WIk Miss Elope t nal x beet t from till the Hoyal B ti tiTon Ton 1011 tatting fitting parlors of New cw York Y ork will tk tit give fl hie 1 fittings of th s t antl fashionable cornets The h Bensons new features new Ht II d t f feats lIew and tit 11 refuge to It the acme oC o fashionable X I I y Models 18 for le and Stout t tn n Ul I I 13 All cordially invited to visit Miss Noon Itt its our t during t dl rn t lOn Ion you JOIl or 01 nut will hI be interested in these thes stylish II II neW W t Ol et fashions Taffeta silk petticoats special Monday we place on special sale four of the seasons s nt new W petticoat s t v made of rich lustrous rustling taletta in all the new shade and the conventional blue and black Draw string tring and e a hAnd band models in deep deL Parisian cat nth ol ruffled and and corded flounces Designed Desi I wear with the new and street gowns wn One entire spring hi h 7 sale Monday p 5 fJ r M Monday begins ins our ur A d I 11 A ire h she sa l e 0 f l ace ce cur t for Continuing Cont two weeks Monday March the first we inaugurate our annual March sale of lace curtains and lace curtain materials an event that offers the greatest lace curtain buying opportunity of the whole year For the home furnisher it affords unprecedented moneysaving pair of lace curtains curtain and every yard of lace curtain material has been drastically reduced for lor this sale We Ve include our entire assortment of 01 imported and domestic patterns and the seasons latest novelties in Nottingham lri h Point Cluny Renaissance and the newest newet effect eff eels in the popular and fish jih nets t MARCH PRICES ARE THE LOWEST OF THE close bargain economies that will crowd the department Monday i I let your visit be an early one early selections are the best selections Come in the morning I Nottingham cotch t and cable net Arabian curtains ill in the rich Irish point lace IaN curtains in n a 1 variety tf t including n a line lille o of copl copies front from rare imported and beautiful colors A choice selection from rom both domestic and imported f 1 y Ij expensive t hand bund made ma e designs n a variety of new the new Spring March Murch sale feels ill in White whito Ivory and E cru to iu select Hull Hale C 6 25 1500 11 50 II 6 15 00 1 00 C Curtains ur t ams 75 c 4 50 C ur I ms 3 90 9 00 C Curtains 1 22 2250 50 C 11 50 5 15 1500 15 0 50 2 00 C ur t aInI 1 60 I 5 25 C Curtains 4 00 Curtains Curtains maul made Gluey ill in white and Arab Curtain urge and r Md Swiss SWiMS Brussels curtains of tine fine ion and nul insertion edged Jutt patterns tiou of the new designs in Bungalow old lI lisp h I ity il Beautiful lacy patterns White 11 hite March all while hit and e an IU hill II 50 54 50 values 3 89 I 1150 values Curtains 3 85 I 10 00 Curtains 1 75 Curtaining ydo yd Curtaining yd 85 values alu 1500 values 1175 Curtaining yd He curtains in beautiful hand made It l e AltI nth n novelty e tr e sill Curtaining yd find hl Arab in n nc new ne on bIt best French net Whit sale inn i 1 Mitring this sale WI tits feature a line quality J h b 1 1450 Saxony Sl ls t 12 1 L I 11 Curtains 2000 Curtains Curtain j Curtains Curtain I values U Ah A I n n n n tl New pat a erns i I Wash fabrics that are in in the hIghest favor lavor for lor t the e com coming coming ing spring and summer seasons Monday bargains that will interest every thrifty economical in Salt Lake Dress In the popular tile the favored fAvor 4 I White II Haan lawn awn n a fine r r r helk stripes 11 plaids plaid and nd plain i for wata lata elf disease and nd fabric of t quality JG 36 in II I wear lIAr ot of the iN sea eM wide lie colors lorM An 1 lOC 0 C sons pat In fancy special pedal value at t Elite special cheeks awl 1 25 tk c 1 C Wolf one iI I h r tl t the II ne now M shack au and t ri and ad f fabrics In n dainty 11 lord tile the 7 Inches ac w W Me sheer beer elt Ia wash fabric 35 stripe sad pl for mum aa val p Mal Piny patt In Ute the mar mer dr dress PHat in IA and hII light and nel medium Mined la III light weight yet Oat as D I D u 11 t spring and summer weer ato ran rani of rat M light blue pinkk tan aD green and able t fur tor will IUlI IUlIa a lu ai 1 25 brown inches wide We suit k wide alai 1 c 65 50 Sic vu special C Ito T I UC l J Monday economies economies on the bargain tables Lace collars Priscilla fabric Hair brushes Clothes brushes new special I sa sale l e Oui new spring ut Monday at the ry tie de tue Ou ell tin ii of Aile lse hl collars rod Il 1141 1 ocl IH ud t 1111 villa fabric iti r b lit litt dog bot i nt at tu the tollet t Id and loft tu to Wood wOld ct we e on p aale au an s1 I We feature a little or of them Ul tb lIluN u II o of II tu to 3 15 IO lot of DC flu monday air t JC c pedal C val UN Q Allover All o nets N Nall at brushes b rus h es I 89 C II Rue 0 of r ceM II J I hog I Ij wood had I panels All III f nets t lu fu tb Nail uil tool an brae I In u II a its t a t J u ur f rit ler auld hi 11 u II w dotted doht and aad put ur of eLyN I and nul shat Mil us full follows t rus for u w ii made of Ilse Irish J nt III bt 15 t rata lu iu th the 00 ou au urn ut ui Uw the lit ht the I wide r header a to ut of IU at 11 1 10 1 1 IJU A I U I lu alts values 1 u 0 c b rua I lea 39 c 63 va u I Ott C J AJ i 19 i C 23 C f rU fiT T 1 n nI I I 1 J |