Show II LONDON CRITICS 1 I at 1 n nL I FPh Felu Ill III L lettea Ion ot of Henry Bern pin which h wan U list welt week at th the Oa Oar r rIth itt Ith Art r In the I 0 the whole boI Wan severely v ly i nud by th the critics One On OnI I 1 k Iti Wn apes In it nothing I end and d that h huCh he uCh of 01 the common rommon canes n of I l to 0 bel believe that they 1 k I ii an any art grat II to toh see h t nI apt respect t I tee ta tarong rong and that tM lit pia play wIll urIs U Thu flail of th the thud IJ h tk takes hi I In us n t lb tempter II f his hili wife wilt will willI I I a aw th h weakness lIn ot of 1 And nd un unC C acting Of a the leading In pert part pertI e I Irr nn th h pia play upon I I t t I It hu ha most it If not aU all aUr r ii h t 1 In th the r 0 tip hI main faults r t with the thet t In Ih the ther r and nd audi audle e i Illette we a are told h hi nt not L d I the h nationality of tilt lbs hrar n ut taken suit out of their be beI I I I rh titers is IA no of r t 1 iju III th the or I Th The adapter par parr parI r I hu ha converted all allI 11 C I I Americans and to tn I It il would h have II much bet tHol taken them to N New York I ti su suI I r I 1 r th the mot most extraordinary parts pirt I iU the hp happy cud I k illette has halt added dd to sells tI I I and poNi I I seems to hi be that the I iI I leaves this pro I the lu list moment Int Instead ot of I lu rug Lii III to It the I I 11 thu If sentiments toward her herI I I nut Ill hane an from Interest and I Ii i III while th the latter latifI wait It u tilt door Ho How much more sat satu t tI I f u ond nd artistic I ii th ending am i written by Bernstein In InI IntI tI tu I thu h wife If at the fall of nt th the cur curI UI I hr her walt for tor time Ime Imea I a 1 to their In InI 1 I r towards tonI hint him Such a final finalI nat I I tuft nOI challenge tM the reason the same Ame samen j n hi said tt of eMt 1 hl an n excellent i I r thu Ih tilde Aid ot of th the I but there 1 i H Wall and nd masterful f a tIer after hI he hid hd discovered that he het Ii uI t Iwen tricked by hla hi friend and hI hIr his u r fo h he squared his tl shoulders er lowered Ii t great shinny head hd and nd with closed M of on 01 to his bill hi hip ruin It is III a line Sn portrayal of TI tank irresistible physical fore hut but huta never a hint of th finer shade of Indeed this is III not hi his t fault entIrely nUI for appear to have all n the tha out oat ot of the play In It ON IA I suppose yOU Ita have already phoc h r f the stir It by the he pr of An H Huumo I Ii II I I promises to 10 I he nr of fit th the u II modern time I dont suppose would hI be any difficulty In tilling three houses h here If IC It w were runal run i at all if f them lm Im In n Carson I Iii responsible for tor the production a It it itis t tI I is negotiating fee tor another n hou house with the object t of at potting on t a many company and a don dosen c m rc beIng In for tor the hi p And nd yet the pia play I Is but bill a poor melodrama rama made dP tip if f a ot of fitce tM nomads and rd It tells 1110 St et tb the invasIon ot of by a foreign tot fOl supposedly the and d 4 islets tot the utter nl of th Lit It portrays tilt the force It its veritable fools fool and it Il I Is s surprise to m me Welt II ci AI to IS others that the Insular till ad u sa tIM they asi re put up rr fur A fiGment with thIs ruthl and C attack on their sacred 11 clOts 1 Th The play however comes Om ut At the when hn KI Kaiser Bill BIllits 11 its the English from duke dulle to tn rom corn monel genuinely and there I Is constant contant talk of tta the J peril Th The author who un d to conceal h hIs IdentIty en n df dei the title of I Is Mj Hal OUY I Du Maurier eldest son ot of the lala ate flu Maurier the Iba famous artist and nd author of nr au Ju Iu MJ flu Du brother end and a actor ator now cp ap as John In What Ev vey Woman Knows produced It fur fr Prank tharies h ha secured th the rights so you will shortly SIc It a EXTRAORDINARY The tUnner of tile the 0 P Old Play Ia era rII Club to eo and nd the members ot of the Merry MMry WI Widow om corn omay ay at the served n to draw at t to the record am II a producer ot of musical Ilay During bl his 31 21 years of management ho hoh hohas h has been n rM responsible Cm no I less than UIn 41 light lIht musical entertainments The Tho lI lII list listis I is tar far too Ion long to give Iv here but It In elude dud many piya pa which have In the transplanted from hous hoa In London These The Girl Th Geisha A Kitty Orey grey The Th A Country Girl Three Mal MaId MalA MaIdA A front nl KAy Kaya The Th Orchid t Lad ld Madcap lId 1114 spit rho GIrls Girl of nf Gottenberg It will ill he seen n from this lIt list that Geo George itt h has been It a ft fir ore In the musIcal corned comedy world In London and th the news new now that h he wants wanta a and will not put on the next play at the Gaiety theater the famous hou house In hM ha been for so In long with h his name He I is credited with the ambi ambition lion tion to tn introduce DavId aI to a London and hAIl ha alTI an n flounced that h hi considers the AmMI AmMIan can an actor the greatest att character actor In th the world orld CURTI |