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Show I l DAVIS C O U N T Y Published weekly 'by Clipper Publishing Co. Inc. 76 South Main, Bountiful, Utah 84010 Publication No. (USPS 149-180) issued weekly newspaper each Wednesday at Bountiful, Utah, in the interest of Davis County, and colonies formed by former residents. Entered as second class matter at Bountiful, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1979. Second class postage paid at Bountiful, Utah. Address all correspondence correspon-dence to 76 South Main Street, Bountiful, Utah 84010. Subscription Subscrip-tion rate: 500 per copy, $1Q.OO per year, mailed in county $15.00 per year outside. ' '". ':'':. : . John Stahle, Jr OwnerPublisher i. R. Gail Stahle Assistant Publisher , . John M. Rogers , .....Advertising Manager Judy Jensen :..News Editor Martin L Lee, Jr. ...Production Manager News, Advertising, 295-2251 : Circulation, 292-2058 Classified, 292-2022 -You Said hV292.2062 ' OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-5:30 Mon.-thru Frf. DEADLINES ' CLASSIFIED ADS................... ; I.....:......... FRIDAYS P.M. ' "DISPLAY ADVERTISING ! ....-WED, NOONPROOF THURSDAY 5 P M: .,; . ; COLCfl 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE - j . NEWS ARTICLES & PHOTOS 1 i WED. 5 P.M OBITUARIES , ,. , ACCEPTED UNTIL 11AM. MON. - PUBLIC NOTICES - . .FRIDAY 6 PM. " 'V.:.: '''i.-'y -':'-! V "- '.-.-'"t ""' |