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Show yTf "" """, l,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,. 1 I 111 I II 1 100 HELP WANTED 540 TIME SHARE 300 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 670 LOTS FOR RENT - tTO WANT WORK 550 CONDOS FOR RENT 31 0 SPORTING GOODS 700 SSS-no orr 115 YARD WORK 560 ROOMS FOR RENT 320 RECREATION VEHICLES , '50 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 120 SERVICES 570 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 330 AUTOS FOR SALE 800 RECREATION PROPERTY 125 SNOW REMOVAL 580 HOMES FOR RENT 400 TRUCKS FOR SALE 810 COMME RCIAL fRO PERTY 130 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 585 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 410 VANS FOR SALE JJf Bl ZZtTL, c 200 HORSE-STOCK 590 STORAGE FOR RENT 500 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE DUPLEXES POH SALE 210 PETS 600 WANT TO RENT 510 LOST AND FOUND S"K5i25riAi 220 MISCELLANEOUS 610 CONDOS FOR SALE 260 TRADE -J oTcCnAv 230 PRODUCE 620 OPEN HOUSE 270 WANT TO BUY tccmc cnciuloc 240 FOR SALE 260 TRADE 630 MOBILE HOMES SSJSSKJSaAv 250 GARAGE SALE 270 WANT TO BUY 640 LOTS FOR SALE "70 HAPPY MOTHER S DAY 520 INSTRUCTIONTUTORING 280 HOME APPLIANCES 650 MONEY TO LOAN . 5 ? FATHER S DAY 530 TEND CHILDLREN 290 HOME FURNISHINGS 660 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS VISA Master Charge Classified Ad deadline Friday 5:00 P.M. PART-TIME receptionist in busy oral surgeon's office in Bountiful. Tue.. Tnur., and some Fridays. Experience helpful. 298-2242. 11 1 SOCH HAS opening for part-time laundry worker, Saturday thru Monday 6:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Apply 401 S 400 E., Bountiful or call Mary 295-2361. Ill . "LEGAL SECRETARY PART-TIME experience required. Call Debbie or Greg 295-6841. DOLL HOUSE NOW HIRING stylist with clientele. First month free. Great location. 292-8177.111 ("- y HARDEE'S CENTERVILLE HARDEE'S now hiring for ful-time grave yard cook. Also hiring for day shifts Monday thru Friday. Contact Dave 292-5951.1011-1115 WELCOMING service has open-lng open-lng for salesperson to help sol advertisements. ad-vertisements. Flexible houra. Call Marda 295-9558. 927-rtfn BEAUTY SALON stylist needed. Full and Part-time. Excellent bene-, bene-, fits. Must be able to work flexible hours. Apply in person from 10 ' am.- 5 p.m. J. C. Penney personnel. person-nel. 621 -tfn , UNIQUE CAREER MEMORIAL COUNSELORS . needed. Men & women, Bountiful -Area. Good commissions, retire- ment. Paid vacations, Ins. Only hard working, caring people need apply. Call for appt. Mr. Holt 969-3456.1 21 4-tfn. , .....,.- . o ) YARD CARE. Hauling, trimming;; (ose bed tiling, mowing, & edging. " We beat anyone's price for yard -care services. Call 295-6932. 298-7671.1025-118 LOVELAND LANDSCAPE WOULD LIKE toielp you get all : those landscaping projects done : before winter Fall planting, sod- . ding, deck work, retaining work, sprinkler work, eta Call Dan Love- -land at 298-1 831 or 298-4227 for a free estimate. 1025-111 RJM MAINTENANCE SPRINKLER systems installed. - Conversions to automatic, repairs. : Landscaping, sod, wood, fences, . Installation and repairs. Aerating, lawn edging. Tree and shrub removal. re-moval. Free estimates. 298-5850: 67-tfn . j " 1 STEVE'S TREES COMPLETE TREE, hedge and shrub service. Removal, pruning topping, trimming; shaping, planting. plant-ing. Call anytime 298-8838 for free estimate and best rates. Satisfac-tion Satisfac-tion guaranteed. 1 025-1 1 1 PRUNING AND FALL cleanup. Get things ready for winter. Call Dan at 298-4227 or 298-1831 for a free est. 1025-111 -r - t w ) ' HOUSECLEANING r 1 THANKSGIVING SPECIAL $8HR HOMES, Industrial, deep cleaning. Ironing, 8 year business, free estimates. 451-6809. 111-29 CARPENTER TO finish basements, base-ments, remodel kitchens, bathrooms, bath-rooms, etc. Abo painting, shee-trock, shee-trock, ceiling texturing, wallpaper, ceramic tile and plumbing. All ba- , sic home repairs. Dave 292-01 85. 111-22 ' . NANNY AND domestic help available avai-lable starting immediately. Boun-tjful Boun-tjful area. 295-3929. 11 1-15 CHIMNEY CLEANING TOP HAT Chimney Sweeps. Li- censed, Insured, prof. No dust, no mess $35.00. Put Insert $15 extra. : Open 7 days a week; 6 am-11 p.m. 295551. 1 11-8 .... TYPING WORD PROCESSING. Laser printer. Reports, theses, office overflow, any typing. Reasonable. . Prompt Janalee 298-9237. 111-8 j r .c ROOFING QUALITY GUARANTEED craftsmanship, crafts-manship, new, re roof, repair, win-terproof win-terproof your roof repairs, start as low as $19.50. Call today 298-4687.1025-111 MATURE COUPLE for early evening even-ing office cleaning. SL downtown area. 292-1564. 1.11 JANITOR. LATE night shift, Bntfl area, older couples welcome. 292-1564.111 EAT A BURGER BOUNTIFUL IF YOU are a winner, come work for an aggressive company, Hiring day help. Starting pay is $3.75 per hour. Apply in person, 95 East 500 S Bountiful. 111-8 - PART-TIME flexfcle hours. Direct care and LPN. New group home by Lakeview Hospital. Call Carol 292-6301.111 PRECISION HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE INC. NEED EXTRA money? Part-time work available cleaning houses professionally. Why not get paid for what you do daily anyway. $4.50 an hour to start. Must have own transportation and be dependable. depen-dable. 298-4482 leave name-, number and message on machine. 111-8 DAY AND eve shifts, part-time in our office. Must be 16 or older and have a good phone voice. For interview call 298-9507. 1 1 1 HELP WANTED days 10-2 Mon. thru Fri. Work In our office developing develop-ing leads over the phone. Need to be enthusiastic and have a good Kione voice. Cal 298-9507 for tervlew.111 NIGHT TIME driver 11:30 p.m-2:30 a.m. $4.65 per hour 298-0358.111 ARBVS ON 2489 South Main in Bountiful is hiring for day and night shifts. Employees starting up to $4X)0er hour. Apply in person. , " CHILD CARE position open. Wonderful opportunity for part-time part-time work. Prefer mature women who love young children and enjoy a Ittle extra Income. Young World 292-3006.111-8 . OLDER, MATURE woman over 25 part-time evenings and weekends. Experience helpnil but not neces-8ary.292-0107.111 SWISS SKIN cars company looking look-ing for area manager to set up your area. Large financial rewards, Mercedes Benz bonus, direct " sales experience preferred. Inter-, views 943-1 196. 111 WOMEN OVER 30 to work part-tfme part-tfme on house cleaning teams. Call Ramona 295-9757. 1025-111 - ROBINTINOS OF Bountiful b now accepting interviews for two night shift dishwashers 2-3 nights per week. Excellent part-time job for high school students. Apply after 4 Thur. and Fridays. 1025-1 1 1 RNSLPNS PREMIERE SKILLED nursing facility faci-lity in Bountiful. FuD and part-time. It's worth the move to Life Care Center of Bountiful. 460 W. 2600 S. 295-31 35. 1025-111 NURSING ASSISTANTS PREMIERE FACILITY in Bountiful needs quality personnel. AH shifts available. It's worth the move to Life Care Center of Bountiful. 460 W. 2600 S. 295-3135. 1025-1 18 SIZZLER STEAK v SEAFOOD SALAD DAYTIME DISHWASHERS and daytime salad bar help needed. Apply Mon-Sat. 2-4 535 W 500 S., Bntfl. 1025-111 HOUSEKEEPERS PREMIERE FACILITY In Bountiful needs quality personnel. Full-time positions, day shift It's worth the move to Life Care Center of Bountiful, Boun-tiful, 460 W. 2600 S., 295-3135. 1025-111 , DEPENDABLE, MATURE gentleman, retired, preferably, to operate snowblower when necessary, neces-sary, 295-9510 before 8 p.m. 1025-111 SECRETARIES: EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS cash now! We urgently need all office skills -for immediate temporary assignments. assign-ments. Apply at Victor Temporary Service 345 East 400 South, SLC 521-0762.1025-118 EMERALD DUCK Housekeeping. Immediate openings tor permanent perman-ent part-time jobs for hard working, dependable employees. Must be available Mon. thru Fri. Daytime work only. Start $4.00 per hour, raise to $4.50 when trained. CaD Jane t 292-6611. 1018-11 15 . . . - n NURSE AIDE POSITION available for 3 to 4 nights per week, 1 1 p.m-7 a.m hi smal nursing home. Great benefits. bene-fits. Other part-time positions. Abo available 295-3003. 111-8 " IBM TYPE computer operator with ' perfect knowledge of Word Perfect . 5.0. Experience in book pubBshing -and other related dutins a phis. Part-time to- start, with furl-time v later on for right person. 295-7490. EARN GREAT MONEY - S DOING EASY and enjoyable ' home assembly work at your hours. Leant how. Cafi recorded message for details. 24 hours, (801)756-1401 ext H445. 1 11-29 .;" PHOTOGRAPHERS FULL-TIME $60 to $120 a day, paid daily. IH finance you ki the home portrait business, we train If : . you are a self starter. Please call !-,. 8-10 am only 485-0468. 111 HELP WANTED, meat cutter's apprentice, full-time work, 5 days a V; week $5.00 per hour. Cal Paul or - -Bob at 292-8284. 111 '' ' ) PHOTO 6TUDIO RECEPTIONIST RE-CEPTIONIST , MUST HAVE class image and be good with people. Requires intelligence, intel-ligence, minimum bookkeeping, and self motivation. Part-time Tuesday-Friday 1-5 and Saturday 10-2. $5.0O-7.60hr. Apply In person per-son November 3 from 1-5. Gibby Photography, 503 W. 2600 S., Colonial Square, Bountiful. 1 1 1 NOW ACCEPTING applications tor deli clerk, baggers (must be 16 years or older), grocery clerk, afternoon- and graveyard shifts. GM freight clerk, apply at the camera bar, Skaggs Alpha Beta. Bountiful. Ill , COPY ROOM ATTENDANT IMMEDIATE FULL-TIME opening for a mature, dependable copy room attendant. Requires ability to type 40 wpm, lift 50 lbs. work hard, work fast, and work accurately. accu-rately. High-speed Kodak copier, bindery, and inventory experience preferred. Must be able to work days and some evenings. No students. stu-dents. Send resume and cover letter let-ter to Shipley Associates, P.O. Box 460, Bountiful. UT 84011, or apply Tuesday or Thursday from 10-11 am at 390 North Main in Bountiful. Equal Opportunity En ployer.111 OFFICE MANAGER SKILLED NURSING faciity needs experienced office manager. Must be familiar with MedicaWMedicaid laws, journal entry accounting. Qualified personnel cad 295-3135 Equal Opportunity Employer. . NOW HIRING HOUSECLEANING SERVICES, 1 to 4 days a week. Must be reliable and dependable. Cal B92-1382. 111-8 YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFEREN- " CE FOR VENTILATOR dependent children and adults. Reward yourself, your-self, accept a challenge. So. Davis Community Hospital Specialty Care is now hiring. RNsandLPNs for at) shifts, excelent benefits, competitive wages. Call Nancy 295-2361.1025-118 WORKERS NEEDED, permanent positions available working in Cnhouse, full-time and part-. part-. Only mature, motivated people peo-ple need apply. We wil train. Pineae Greenhouses,' 675 North Main, CenterviHe 295 6594, ask for Mark. 1025-111 - TWO PART-TIME floral packers needed to work approx. 3 days a week each. 298-7622. 1025-1 11 HOUSEKEEPER, needed for el-deriy el-deriy gentleman. Cook, dean, attend at-tend to personal needs. -Call 295-2251 or 451-5784. 1025-ftfn ' "ACTORS-MODELS" 100 s of , openings avallablel immediate castings. To $50 hour! No experl-encel experl-encel 942-8485. 10-18-118 CASTING DIVISION of Utahl Needs 40 people. Movies. T.V., extras, models. To $80. 484-2987. 1011-111 PBODDCnONIASSEME hmedate Openings Interesting tempcraxy assignments avciilable ' in your area. Yd) offers good pay; a flexible schedule and benefits, inducing: Q Holiday Pay Q Vacation Pay Q Special Bonuses , Days -3 to 12 Midnight Call Today for more Information ; SE RV lE People Call today, work tomorrow! V 295-7571" 273 West 500 South, Suite 7A Bountiful, Ut 84010 .... Netmteaicy.Bwwtfct :' US. I Bqu 4 ntortt d tm wool af bM and tUt k h to Km UST Fa iMnuKijfcrt lent ml KxM ncaty INNER PEACE HYPNOTHERAPY CLINIC A MEW APPROACH TO PROBLEM SOLVING & GOAL ACHIEVEMENT Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind and ilknrs you to . re-program your subconscious mind to change behaviors and attitudes. Hypnosis Helps Weight Loss Stop Smoking Self Confidence Monaglng Strew Habit Control t Athletic Performance Sales Family Communication Health Finances Memory Recall ; MAWCY MATTERS t':f5y-M ' Master Hypnotist ctZJWjl .Hypnotherapist ' Teach Self Hypnosis I Mmbf Bountiful Clumber of Cowmerc Days ' a (Mfctfflui Ki.ts ,btnR"u,, 4S3E.11C3N., : -North Salt Lsk Skrt Amw fc Rwd Smtot now |