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Show Just everyone who sees your eyes in beautiful bloom with Maybelline Daffodil eye shadow! One of three exciting shadow bouquets Daffodil, Peach Blossom, Pink Peony in the Maybelline Blooming Colors collections. Just blend, shade, and shape using two soft petal colors, highlighter, and the contour shade in every compact. Try them all Daffodil eyes, Peach Blossom eyes, and Pink Peony eyes. Be blooming beautiful! Only $2. BLOOMING COLORS eye shadow collections. y: fe, ' The finesHnen'yri For an . . . After Show Treat I You Can't Beat . . . I GARRET I Fri. - Sat. Eve. till midnight 9 268 So. Main Ph. 359-1322 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE 1W JETSTAR 88-Oldsmobile. Needs Hor repairs- $400 or best offer. Call 355-1442 (evenings). ,UME set of Encyclopedias. ill , ilew conditon but 1928 edi-.L edi-.L lsoJtwo lrons- "e is sprav. St mi AtY, and the other is leam a"d dry only. Call 277-9219. '1S.UNBEAM ALPINE - 5 year war-cSf'-A"- radi0- Michelin tires. 484-5406 after 6. ASStereo AmPl'f'er must sell. 5 Woo;, guaranteed. Pio- 4K-7116 $ - Ted- 466"5165 or yAIR - SPrinS Machine. H"t., excellent condition. " tn '1f "i. Ca,rpet' new brakes. 1H1 w, nl back window. See at Jasatch Dr. or call 484-8455. 'uwifastbaclc 327. 325 hp. 11 "H4i0UJH - Convertible. 383. i lion lPedr' 'ach radio, positrac- "ew brakes. Call 266-7873. Ti GIRLS ,pl."'i'Jing "i,h 'lo.Hci. Groove ... E "d Di' mki"9 " "i'l" 01 o iolary of Mi ,S350''"'lh '"'.l n, '' Administration ond 11 Fom"",-'''" 'l P'i,i0n 'tiof., '. . U" Umtt ond summer il for o Personal n(.i.w co W-l 9 ..m. . 3 p.m. 68 Z-28 CAMERO. black vinyl top. radial tires, other extras Call after 5 p.m. 467-7684. 64 VW just rebuilt engine. Good condition. condi-tion. 278-9901. Ask for Dan after 5 p.m. $770.00. ELECTRIC 12 string guitar. Hofner, hollow body. Call Jim 278-0078. 1951 PONTIAC 51.000 actual miles. $150 or offer. Call 322-6347 (8:00 to 5:00) or 324424. Peggy. CAR OF YOUR DREAMS '67 White VW. $1200. Call 467-0913. '59 TR3 Engine good condition. Body needs work. $350 or best offer. Call 322-8772 or 322-8924. 66 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, condi-tion, $895. Tuned exhaust, radio. Call Dennis. 278-5435. CERTINA DS2 diving watch. Super waterproof. Super-beautiful. Super-inexpensive. Super-inexpensive. Call evenings 484-2668. MY FINANCIAL RUIN Your gain 1970 Camaro. Loaded-air. Moving to New York. Must sell by May 15. Call 521-7417. 1314 East 3rd South. COSMIC POWER 4 LIGHT Has a "Far-Out" Light Show FOB PARTIKS or STOMPS as low as $15.00 Call Dous: at 485-3292 'NEED COftEGE CREDIT to groduote, moke up o class, ovoid scheduling conflict, con-flict, use your summer vocolion while working, sotisfy a prerequisite, fill out your General Education requirements, meet August graduation deadline? Call at 1213 Annex for your FREE copy of the U. of U. CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPOND-ENCE STUDY BUtlETIN (230 correspondence corres-pondence courses available) or phone 322-6485 to get yours by mail. FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS Men, kitchen, utilities pd., quiet. 264 South 10th East. Call 322-4434. 333 DOUGLAS 1 bedroom apartment. apart-ment. $80 plus lites. 328-9958. CHRONICLE ADVERTISERS DESERVE Y-O-U-H PATRONAGE I SERVICES INSTANT TYPING - new RENT-A-SEC types papers, thesis, letters, etc. XEROX l-3( Union 160, 355-0087. TYPrNG Electric typewriter, carbon car-bon ribbon. Experienced. Mrs. Nec-ley. Nec-ley. 4671320 after 4. Specialties: bibliographies, tables, theses. WANTED TECHNICOLOR Interviewing for Ulah sales consultants. Guarantee. Call Technicolor Home Entertainment. 364-5361. MALE STUDENT to share apt., private pri-vate room, walk to U. $46.50 covers everything. Call 322-1873. PUBLICATIONS Council Members Tuesday. May 12th at 3:00 In Union Bldg. 322. WANTED Part-time cocktail waitress 2-3 nights per week. Call Tory's Lounge 466-0374 before 7. GIRLS, girls, girls no age requirement, require-ment, no experience necessary. Fun work full or part-time. Call 466-5331. 466-5331. EXPERIENCED Seamstress with own machine to do pants alterations, dition. Call 355-0121 after 5. Call Jordan. 364-6171 (10-6). Vote NO on the Strike. Petition to get SDS off-campus. Petitions available avail-able In Cafeteria. CLASS NOTES - we pay you to type up own notes - XEROX l-3 Union 160. 355-0087. MODELING No experience necessary. neces-sary. Form & Figure Photography. L. Hunt, Box 516. Provo, Utah 84601. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Get away from It all. Work on a ranch this summer. We have a large clientele who will need help this summer. Drop by and fill out an application. 424 South West Temple. PUBLICITY MAN Full or part-time. part-time. Handle advertising for Theal re Circuit. Must have creative ability. Experience and knowledge In newspaper news-paper ads. promotions exploitation and copy wrillng preferred. For appointment cull Jeppesen 355-5391. SUMMER IN EUROPE: Guaranteed Departures New York to Amsterdam Amster-dam RT $239, June 12 lo Sept. 8: N. Y. to London RT $23!), June 16 Lo Sept. 6. TOM, 322-6374. LADIES 3-Speed Bicycle In good condition. Cull ar)5-0121 after 5:00 PERSONAL ATTENTION Student ft Faculty Tlght-Warls: BRAND NEW ! First line and premium tires only! $12.95 and up (plus tax) (All sizes for Foreign For-eign & American cars). Just off campus ... at Cheer Corner 2nd Ave. & "R" Street. GIRLS! Stop Skimping! Earn and have fun with new company. Call 487-0509. SAVE THE STATE! Help elect Pete (irundfoHsen slate Legislator! (."on- ' tact - students for Grundfossen 322- ! 6866 or 4H5261. APPLICATIONS for Summer Editor & Business Manager are due Tuesday. Tues-day. May 12th by noon. UNION Barbershlp $1.50 Haircuts. ItlRTII CONTROL HELP and PREVENTION Anonymous ' Single or married. Call 32X-7K8I, City Hoard of Health or 359-8741, N.W. Community Action Center. |