OCR Text |
Show :K GIVE BLOOD SH T 2Ty ti ' '7.'H ' "' if ti - fan ,..'"" their service to Red Cross Blood Crusade, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on campus. ' (d Cross Blood Drive Begins Unmarried male students between be-tween the ages of 18 and 21 are required to have minor releases at the time of donation. . Your body replaces blood very rapidly. Don-ate that pint that your body will never miss. You cculd save a life. s,,wWc? ., 0SE students who ,, , will be Tuwaay, 4kj - and tty-J1 M. mU Red Cross Wood- mlcal Id be campus for eps 'spring Wood drive. k pAdofi blood wttl be pkw dud i rd iued ft it :1ting hii blood group ,oiflf i,s permanent record. Im. '' mil f CU) A STUDENT or any-, any-, j his immediate family , Hood while the student L ,-ini the UniversRy, the Wood 'Will be replaced without cost in any hospital receiving blood from Red Cross or from the American Association of Blood Banks. Colleen Winget, Virginia Par-rish Par-rish and Jill Thiede, Army Sponsors, Spon-sors, Angel Flight and Spur representatives rep-resentatives respectively, are committee chairmen for the donor days. Working with the committee will be Navy, Air Force and Army ROTC representatives. repre-sentatives. AS IN THE past, trophies will be presented for the groups 'best represented by percentage participation par-ticipation in various organiza- |