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Show I 1 The Art Show Congratulations are in order to the Art Depart-i Depart-i nent on the exhibition now showing in the Union I railway. Comprising 242 works of oils, graphics, water-:olors. water-:olors. drawings, commercial works, ,and various :rafts, the display is well worth seeing. All of the I ork has been done by U of U students and throughput through-put the show, a wide variety of styles, methods and subjects are represented. While the student show is presented every I year fits in particularly well this year with the program of the Union Art Exhibitions Com-I Com-I mitteg which has presented works of outstanding 1 local artists. j Lately, there has been some problem in present-Jing present-Jing complete exhibitions due to the recent Board of Regents ruling on subject matter of art. ' .,?.ut the screens are covered now, and the Union umlding and the campus are more beautiful for it. |