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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle Published Monday through Friday during tha collq y.ar .icapt dunnq l.st wMk by th. A..ocitd StudnU ol U Unrelty ol Utah. Entrd in th Po.t OfHc at Salt jdltorial copy Is 12 noon dally. Utt.m to th Editor muit b fypwnttn and not mor than 300 word. AU diiplay adv.rti.mg mu.t b .ubmitted by 4 p.m. two day. prior to publication. q.iild ad. mu.t b paid for in advanc IOp?,.TBfHICX GLEN HETRICT Editor.ln3l Bu.m. Managr ASSOOATE EDITOR. Sand, nw MANAGING EDITOR ZJZZSS ! Sl"" p- O. Bion ' IT David BrUco. 17-" , -WHunt., ! fZJtl07 : JW Andaon SSSLmSS: " D- Wlld PoUtioal Editor . .andra Tlford ' i !F?ph:n-- -' Dick Howard. Ulk Williaoa AMociat Busing. Uanag.r . Phil Edmund. L T" : v ' V! |