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Show Karl Truman and daughter, Colleen. Mrs. Marybelle Eyre has moved home from Salt Lake. She Is working In Cedar City. Visiting at . the home of Jeff and Marie Marshall was Marie's parents from Beaver, Bea-ver, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hutchings. Lynnea Marshall and Flor -ance Wood were InCedar City visiting and shopping with their daughters, Denlse Wood and Lacy Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gress-man Gress-man were In Las Vegas to attend the wedding of Jane's son, Barry. Many friends and relatives attended. Jo Lynn Dotson Is home from school and will spend the summer with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Dotson. Many friends and relatives attended the wedding of the daughter of Mae and Edith (Murdock) Armstrong InCedar InCe-dar City Saturday evening. In celebration of Lou Griffiths Grif-fiths 81st birthday on Saturday, Sat-urday, April 16, Elaine and Wanda Colt and Delores and Denlse Beard hosted a dinner din-ner at the Ponderosa Cafe. On Sunday morning, Lona Fowles hosted a breakfast at the Ponderosa Cafe. We all wish Lou a very happy birthday. Connie Marshall 386-285 1 They had a very enjoyable time. Over the weekend, Gene Carter and daughter visited with Gene's family In New Harmony. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arshel Evans went with their daughter, Jeniel Roberts, to New Mexico. They moved their granddaughter and husband hus-band there. "Food for Thought" When a young man sets out to learn somethingof hisown free will, he marks himself as an exceptional man. And he begins to rise in the world. Doug and Elma Blackburn returned home Sunday, April 24, after, spending a few days in Provo'. While there, they attended the graduation exercises ex-ercises for their grand- daughter, Jan Christensen. Jan received her BA degree from BYU. She will start teaching next fall In Payson, where she will teach the 2nd grade. Jan Is engaged to Mike King of Price, Utah. He also attended the graduation gradua-tion exercises. Jan is the daughter of Wayne and Ann Christensen of Billings, Montana. Douglas and Judy Erick-son Erick-son of Beaver are the proud parents of a new baby daughter. daugh-ter. She was born April 22nd in the Beaver Hospital and weighed 7 lbs. 12 ozs. She has two brothers and three sisters to welcome her at home. Grandparents are Pershing and Audrey Erick-son Erick-son of Beaver and Dalton and 'Bun' Fails of Miners -ville. Beryl and Katie Roberts of Oregon visited last week with Ross and Eleanore Marshall Mar-shall and families. They had been to Provo to pick up their daughter, Kristy, who has been attending BYU. Wilma Davis spent a few days in the Milford hospital last week. She is home now . and feeling much better. Pat Dotson is in the Beaver Bea-ver hospital where she is being treated for a back injury. in-jury. Ross and Eleanore Marshall Mar-shall spent a day last week Visiting in Payson with some friends. Kent and Pam Swindle-hurst Swindle-hurst spent last weekend vis -iting with Pam's parents, Tex and Vie Marshall. Susan Albrecht will be spending a few days in Salt Lake this week. Susan's brother, Jonnie Cartwright, will undergo surgery and Susan will be spending some time with him. A birthday party was held on Tuesday , April 18, for Stephen Albrecht, who celebrated cele-brated his 7th birthday. He is the son of Doug and Susan Albrecht. Royal and Ina Wood and daughter, Lara, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jameson on Sunday. They make their home in Henderson, Nev. Cub Scouts was held on Saturday at the home of Tom Makin. The boys participated participat-ed in selling tickets to the Scout-O-Rama In Cedar City. Loretta Myers is home from the Milford hospital now and doing much better. We are all happy to have you home, Loretta. Tuesday, Bernlce Gilllns gave the Cultural Refinement Refine-ment Lesson in Relief Society, So-ciety, which was on Panama. Helping with the lesson was Brenda Gilllns and Connie Marshall. Kaylene Carter was home from school over the weekend week-end visiting with her parents, Max and Anna Rae Carter. Two weeks ago, Larry and Mary Beth Bailey visited J Las Vegas for a few days. Margie Marshall celebrated cele-brated her birthday on April 26. Happy birthday, Margie. On Tuesday, April 27, the young men and women of the Mlnersville Ward helped in cleaning the church farm. Madge Carter has returned return-ed home from visiting in Calif, with her family. Kathryn Carter, -daughter of Ma x and Anna Rae C arter , was chosen as one of Beaver High. School's cheerleaders for the year 1977-78. Kathryn Kath-ryn will be a senior next year. She has been very active ac-tive In many school activities. activi-ties. Dodie Davis, daughter of Heber and Kathy Davis, was chosen as one of Beaver High School's JV cheerleaders. cheerlead-ers. Dodie will be a sophomore sopho-more next year. She is very active in all of the school functions. The people of Mlnersville are very proud of both girls and wish them the best. One day last week, Shirley Shir-ley Myers' daughter, Tamra, flew from Blackfoot, Idaho to Cedar City. Shirley drove down there to visit with her. They also visited with Tonya, another daughter of Shirley's. Shir-ley's. It was a very enjoyable enjoy-able afternoon for the three of them. Tamra returned home that evening. Mrs. Marie Marshall and daughter, Evelyn, attended the Fashion Show at SUSC Saturday evening. Evelyn modeled clothes from Mar-iane's Mar-iane's Style Shop in Parowan. Visiting at the home of Jack and Pam McMullin over the weekend was a friend of theirs from Calif. Blaln Bobyin and his friend were here looking for a place to live. Bob is a plumber and will be living inMinersville. Daisel and Wilma Davis visited in Salt Lake on Sunday. Sun-day. They were there to vis -it Dalsel's brother, Van, who is in the University Medical Center. Calvin Albrecht celebrated celebrat-ed his birthday on April 25. A family party was held for him at his home. Barry Marshall, son of Kent and Mary Fae Marshall, celebrated his 7th birthday on Tuesday, April 26. A party was held for him that afternoon after-noon at his home. Attending the funeral of Bill Peterson's father In Salt Lake was Bill's father and mother-in-law, Mr. andMrs. |