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Show Helen Gillins 387-2612 On Friday, Mrs. Cuma Goodwin's granddaughter, Jolene and husband David Burger of Provo, came for the weekend. On Saturday they attended two sessions at the St. George Temple and on Sunday afternoon, at the 2nd Ward Conference the congregation had the pleasure of listening to two musical numbers from David and Jolene. They are both music majors at BYU. Jilene is a talented flutist and has had the number one chair in performing on the flute many times. David plays the ' piano and organ. They left Monday morning for Provo and will be going to Wisconsin Wiscon-sin for a visit with David's parents. Uncle Bill was happy hap-py to have them visit. Mr. "and Mrs. Stan Roberts were in Salt Lake Friday for Stan to attend a meeting of the Governor's Advisory Board. On their return trip home they visited their children, chil-dren, LaRayne and NeilKel-lett NeilKel-lett and daughters inMoro-ni. Phillip's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. Clair and Helen Gillins and Al and Theone Mosher of Minersville enjoyed Saturday Sat-urday at Zion's Park. . Springtime colors of green and yellow flooded the IDS recreation hall for the wedding wed-ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Williams. Out-of-town guests included: Charlie and Olive Williams of Homedale, Idaho; Austin and Arvilla Williams of Garrison, Gar-rison, Eleanore and Robert Rowe of Ogden and their children, chil-dren, Jeff and Jolene; Candy Williams, Sheila Patterson and friend Julie Ross of Orem; WaltandMabelHeder; . LaMarr and Lurleen Lund of Washington; Mr. andMrs. Jimmy Gardner of Price (the bride's, grandparents); Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caboll of Salt Lake (also grandparents); grandpar-ents); Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sumner Sum-ner (Rente's parents); and Rob and Rhonda Fisher and their new baby, from Orem. Bridesmaids included Tammy Chavez, Diane Dav-dison Dav-dison and Mitsi Knorr. Doug Stewart was best man, and Gary Sumner was also in the line. Mitch Fisher em-ceed em-ceed the program, which included in-cluded songs by Tammy Chavez, Cha-vez, Shelley Fisher and Kim Brox, DanFergusen, andMr. and Mrs. Walt Heder; a reading read-ing was presented by Gayle Gale, and a skit by Nancy Gale and Darlene Carter. Last Sunday, Jim and Margie Mar-gie Sherwood went to Salt Lake so Jim could have a medical checkup on Monday. While there they visited with their children, Linda and John Conway and children in Tooele. Mrs. Arleen Louder and son Doyle have left South Milford and are now making their home in Phoenix. Doyle has employment there. Mrs. Florence Barnes has had her sister, MarySingle-ton MarySingle-ton from Caliente, visiting her from Friday until Sunday. On Monday, when Opal and Theman returned home from Opal's visit at the Milford Medical Clinic, they found a note from their brother Dick and wife June Thompson Thomp-son of Sandy. They were on their way to Los Angeles. The Walkers were disappointed disap-pointed in not being able to visit with them. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bailey Bail-ey from Cedar City were here for the weekend with |