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Show 1976-1977 trapping seasons were adopted by the Wildlife Wild-life Board with no changes from the previous season. UTAH WATERFOWL REGULATIONS SET Utah's Wildlife Board set the 1976 waterfowl regulations regula-tions and season dates in their latest meeting. Dates and rules will correspond closely to the guidelines governing last year's waterfowl water-fowl season. In making recommendations recommenda-tions to the Board, Division of Wildlife Resources' Waterfowl Supervisor, Al Regenthal, indicated that fly-way fly-way across the nation had a ' good harvest last year. He said that wing surveys of last year's harvest verified good production, and that breeding populations of most species appeared to be in fine shape. DUCKS Duck hunters will enjoy 93 consecutive hunting days from October 2, 1976, through January 2, 1977. Shooting hours will again be from one -half hour before sunrise to sunset ex- cept on opening day when " shooting begins at noon and , on November 6 when shoot- - - ing starts at 8:00 a.m. Bag and possession limits will be seven (7) ducks dally and fourteen (14) in possession, posses-sion, . except redheads and canvasbacks. Those limits may include no more than two (2) redheads or two (2) "cans" or one (1) of each which may be taken per day with no more than four (4) singly or in the aggregate in possession. COOTS Coots will be legal hunting during the same period as ducks. Bag and possession limit is 25. AM ERICAN, RED -BREAST ED AND HOODED MERGANSERS MER-GANSERS Mergansers may be taken during the same 93 consecutive days set for ducks with bag and possession pos-session limit of five (5) and ten (10), singly or in the aggregate. Bag and posses -'ion limits may not include more than one (1) or two (2) hooded mergansers in the bag limit and possession limit, respectively. CANADA GEESE Goose hunting will be open from ('October 9, 1976 , through December 19, 1976, for the general season. n i" r h The Wildlife Board met recently and established regulations reg-ulations for the 1976 upland game seasons. November 6 and September 18 are the big days to remember pheasant phea-sant and quail open on the November date and all other upland game seasons open on September 18. Other regulations regula-tions remain essentially the same as last year. Pheasant season will open November 6 and run through November 14 state -wide except ex-cept Utah County. State and federal lands will be open to hunting November 6 - December De-cember 5 under the same regulations as last year; In all areas of the state the daily limit is two birds and the possession limit is four. Quail hunting will begin on November 6 and continue through November 14 statewide, state-wide, except Utah County. Washington County will be open for quail hunting from November 6 - December 31. Bag and possession limit statewide is five and ten respectively, except in Washington County. Chukar season for 1976 will be in effect from September Sep-tember 18 - January 15, 1977, on a statewide basis. A bag limit of five and pos-sessln pos-sessln limit of ten birds will be the rule. Hungarian partridge opens September 18 and will run through January 15, 1977. Statewide limits will be five birds in the daily bag and ten in possession. Sage grouse seasons vary according to location, and hunters are urged to be aware of the regulations. Opening Op-ening date of September 18 is constant statewide. Sage grouse hunting will be legal hunting from September Septem-ber 18-24 with a bag lim it of three and possession limit of six in the following counties: coun-ties: Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, Sevier and Wayne counties. See proclamation for other counties. coun-ties. Forest grouse, including both ruffed and blue grouse, will be legal game statewide September 18 - November 30. Bag limit is four and possession pos-session limit is eight. Wild turkey season will begin September 18 and last until October 3. Season limit is one turkey and special permits must be obtained at one of the Division of Wildlife Wild-life Resources offices. Cost will be $3. Hunting will be restricted to Beaver, Garfield, Gar-field, Grand, Iron, Kane, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington and Wayne counties. coun-ties. Cottontail rabbits will be open for hunting from Sep- -. tember 18 - January ; 31, jj 1977. Bag and possession ' limits will be ten and twenty respectively. Snowshoe hare season will open September 18 and run through January 31, 1977. It will be conducted on a statewide basis with daily lim its of five and possession limits of ten. The recent publication, "Utah Furbearers, Harvest Report and Management recommendations 1975-1976," 1975-1976," indicates that the harvest har-vest of Utah's most abundant furbearer, the beaver, was just slightly more than one half of the 1974-1975 harvest. Mink harvest was down compared com-pared to the previous year, while muskrat trappers (on state -owned waterfowl management man-agement areas ) took 1,074 more "rats." A total of 2,422 beaver were harvested in Utah by 2,053 licensed trappers -70 on nuisance permits and 299 by Division personnel. According Ac-cording to results of harvest har-vest questionnaires mailed by the Division of Wildlife Resources, only 157 licensed trappers were afield actively attempting to trap beaver. In 1974-1975 a total of 4,345 beaver were harvested in the state. The average price per pelt dropped from $10.61 in 1974- 1975 to $7.94 during the 1975- 1976 season. The report also indicates that complaint calls to the Division concerning beaver nuisance and damage were higher by approximately 20 percent during the past season. Fifty-six trappers spent 1,366 days trapping mink in the state during the past season. sea-son. They harvested 368, according ac-cording to questionnaire returns. re-turns. A total of 16,298 muskrats were harvested on the state's waterfowl management areas. Recommendations for the |