Show WESTERN ATHLETES IN TRYOUTS TODAY Chicago May 1 will bl be the tola ot of the tho tryout of oC tha middle mot ost famous for the learn which will t lInt cent America In ii the Iho games In London thuS sum summer Iller Ali 11 or OC tim tho bini tIne Ono ot if the Iho middle states will com compote polo In the tho even event Is according to 10 tho Amateur Athletic Union Winners ot of tInt the races ottil jumps today set their marks el clio llo to tho ho lIa an record II to the tho A America team loam Most ot of the le itt In tite tho tryout are ot of the tho present college generation hul bitt thero arc matti who have beet beell out of C school for or the ot of tito tho I IJohn is John of Iho of lie will compote In the tho hurdle races the tho discus throw tIto tho shot put who vito has hoel It a worlds world in III the tho last two Olyn plan hiatt n It hard ricO tin him In the Iho meter run with Hamil old rival nit liS tin an ent nt will l itt the tho 1500 m aider tor |