Show CONFER HIGHEST DEGREE The dei reo lit III was last 1011 night In the tho Salt Lake oh Judge C W Morse ot of thIs cIty F Y V of at Wallace Ida anti E 1 W Stone Stano of oC Che Chey cone enne These Masons ln onO were ell granted degree honors hOllors lust fall 11 by bythe the supreme UI at D Dc DC c but bu us as the they unable to b pres present ent the to 10 lw be eon can canIel erred Iel here helo The ceremonies were oro Coil can ducted h the largest number ot of mOil hold holdIng I In Ing tile the degree ever eel hero herol I l were F M 1 Footo Foote ot of sovereign c II N 1 1 Diehl mild T S 5 V Ii 11 mInIster or of F 1 C J J |