Show Dainty Delicacies Served Seive Try a CaliFornia fruited dainty that is delicious and satisfying Y enjoy it La Social Sundae the thc French delicacy is winning popular approval Try it I of Our DRUG STORE STORI The Th Pure Drill So Main m M tj RESULTS IJ ec m I Ir r c t I I your our Physician cx ax 5 when ho YOu Toil get thom them quickly It t E fill 1111 your I our ness nd for tor compound 1 S and deIhr thin 1 promptly r y t y PHONE v y y Y T 3 T Y Yu u r IF F J HILL DRUG CO COThie Thie M oMM xO n T Two wo Days ays till Decoration Day anc and a lot of man e bought a straw u hat yet What do you th of that Sto Store e f full ll of the them too I i 8 to 10 II 1 I t J 71 IMN f 17 Jt HA VB YOU No Jo Saints borne be withoUt i sot lot or ar th standard Church publications on thu tho cantor or In the tho II library 1 fur the now New Nelv lIaR Halt JAlI tW iiii i I FOR SALE RV OI HA ChAIRS CHAInS CHEAP Theater ilL At ELGIN ELOIN DAIRY Fresh Churned Butter Churned Today Sold Tomorrow Sweet Cream and Buttermilk Fresh Ranch Eggs 48 E first South Phones 46 n n UNION Dental Company SOUTH MAIN ST HONEST WORL HONEST PRICES Extraction of Teeth Teth or No Pay Py All Work Guaranteed Phone Phon nell Bell 1126 XI C Dd 1126 I McDonalds highest the tho highest priced ch always sent to 10 the young lady Like thc most mott appreciated I Package COco COc McDonalds Snit Salt Lake TAla Coco ts Is tho DI o ot of corteo is 19 there costs less than hale t quality II a cup CliP lIs a 11 cent it t M 11 Donald Wa n 1 t S SC R south Routh Tenth East EaRt street May In 27 of at heart diseaSe Ails H 8 ot of Abe bo and Marcia horn born Doc D 1803 III Sail Salt Antt CIl City Tue funeral will bo be hold held dI at I 1 P m In from tho 11 rl reid l are aro to attend In In city IU All fl Ir No ii 11 ot and WOOdhine Circle the the tho w 0 W Me axe sp P No it i also ors of at this W III r O OH t H I 1 Floral n a 1111 loj Jo IJ DAILY NEW PT I g Some New Shapes 11 Just ArrIVed We Vc have just from the of tile the latest It III soft Tints Hats the ilic most nifty styles We have ever seen arc just in in time tinie for Decoration Day selling Rich Olive Otter Tobacco Brown Fawn Gray and Cc Cedar ar colors Prices and o Sprightly dressers see them Dress Gloves Kid Gloves 2 S and 1 c and All the staple color Dress Gloves Cor boys of all hits store viiI be open evening am closed all day Saturday JEWELRY HAIR SPECIALS ROLLS ell 11 ns gold 2 hair bed In all rOI tr on n ere 11 With h 11 caret card special per ier nets regular c cr card 1 Oc 00 lr r plus nil regUlar See These Remarkable Values Offered for F Friday Only to Hosiery 4 NECKWEAR 2 5 e J 1 Handsome Lace Lae and Em ci I hosiery In black I nl Big gr pc cl II 1 values ues for f Ij day dllY It lit pretty I RT 4 I Itaco taco lace stocks new Gibson of dc cle line Fine lisle p II ti JL tt I thread hose specially IV J mull bows regular ih y to SOc Oc values pr I ce d lS as a above b ove w Glove Specials 4 Kid Gloves ilmis vale oter 16 button ou l ld In o fl gra Ta and anet in all time best tun es onlY to be out lit price Lisle Gloves Hille lisle gloves In short hort or 01 Ion bug Regular 29 while I rown roon COR C 0 R SET S E T TOILET ARTICLES Muslin size full tull 1 Pound bars duo IIno duoS SOli I In white 19 UNDERWEAR S I Ireon l har C COc toe Oc full 3 pound bars Jar line fino soap Haul per pOl 35 Odd lots or of Ladies Iral G a D I Crit In low hII C ers luau trimmed an or high bust with ln hose Talcum tucked IJ o go Princess hips and one eme pair hf IJ Powder 2 o 12 1 C G u to ho 39 supporters I r regular top jora tot rOI Of aC C closed out Jut at t 1 19 1 looth 1 9 15 per tul o C r 1 yolU 0 1 liS ot food footh rOo fito Con el lace II hId ty at O or V neck 11 64 In onlY 39 10 bo d C 10 ull C out at ff Four Great Values For Decoration Day In Our Garment Dept New 1500 Voile Volle New 4 SHIRTS with Cotton Jacket Silk DrOl C 0 r 4 A Ai T I SUITS DRESS ES J 2 4 nJ An attractive style M and n Smartly ot of tine wiry VOile Checks re I suIts In of box with top coot coat t tiP combinations lit I of II fl nd cluster side t trimmed l amid dr dressy 91 anc the Iho new lOW Irineo ChaI or gf tucks vIII In pointed tunic effect with velvet velet 1111 uno satin tUn styles o Of t m bilk oltis collars tl 11 have inlaid collars mini or cry Silk AUk drop cus nod at o hf 1 Wild I aM kit 10 alUm willi luul This Is II n a pt lot ot cC 1100 ow panel In III front ot nii de deep p flounce Tills skirt liMa coats atI ann priced at tills tiara with told wl lt sell lien nt at low figure ro for l on ell u mini lI UP boo h I styles wills willi iaL r run i |