Show AFFIRMS CONTEMPT CAsE bASE Supreme Court Ill ts OS lIS lI 1 I TIle rho supreme court yesterday ay at ar tinned the judgment ot of the Third die dis district dietrict court Judge Morses division In holding JI James mes Martin the tho New NW York attorney ot of Russell Sago Sage Raphael for tor contempt till for endeavoring to the tho courts orders when lie he attempted to sell nell the tho branch ot of the Rio railroad nt at auction against the orders of at the tho court II II I tribunal holds that Judge Morse was correct and tite tho assessment of rt costs against Martin The opinion written ly by Justice PrIck and concur concurred concurred red in III by the justices Justice PrIck also wrote two other opinions down own yesterday which w vero rl aleci concurred In Ono One was In 10 tIle case ot of Fred respond respondent ont ent against Jo John n and amI Mary McGrath The opinion directs that Jt If will deduct 0 from the judgment which he secured ot of IL a new trial will not bl be rite rho case clUte grew out ot of I IL contract to ti build all an addition to toI toa I a belongIng to tho Time the lower court was In the tho case ot of the Furniture Manufacturing company against P A Sorensen The company Sorensen for mr the tho ot of goods sold Hold und ROLl delivered Sore lisen claiming an offset on cc ac account count ot of alleged to the tho goods lie Ho offered the tho lIet hut but the c sued for 1 93 the tho court holds that thal Soren Sorensen sell sen must pay par |