Show U 11 In the of oC 1 l IT butt ono one of tic tho hI the tho western muting world nA removed ruin or of Iy activity io was 11 one of old tCp ted by his friend HIi It im If through throughOut Out his h nf car anyone fiver wor an him lie HI vas eIl OWL with tho those e which go 10 t make u citizen II 11 V li l to hll hil family And to to there worthy or of V Loin n as ho wan frequently culled vim cm 0 native of Now York H when hon but it memo bean attracted tt tetI b the alluring of if gold discoveries In whoa Ihu th mines of the tho Com Coui Comstock stock lodo io ho to the tho worM world their richness he went there antI while the Iho of Fortune Fortuno was vas not cis ag to him as I to MillO lit In those stirring times yet ho ha fated very ory well Mr III Snit Lalo City ill IS and ni associated Robert C Chambers helped him him develop and In the conduct of tha On maine at Park City which bc beers timo distinction lit having been one ot of the great Br of oC the and which to thin tiny II l Ol as being a 11 ot of Immense alue IIo He continued In tho ho service of the tho O Ontario all an lOll long on II Mr nab ms olivo alivo and Lud something had to do with Its affairs the control el to the thc ThLin bergers it few yearn aarli ago agu lie Sas ought familiar with ith affAirs In Ito tho states and not with th the which nile haul had brought upon him hini remained active III his hili chosen work to 10 ilic hour when the summons came V t wife lie he mar rId 1111 In this City thIrtyfour year ago died lii III lbs early nineties but bul lie he I Is h by three Ions t daugh to th the oC fV this thi g gois s out omit In iii hour of their rhe which I I Friday will ho bo lit or of Ledge No t 3 of Ma eons ol 01 which the tha was WIlS IL a V |