Show The I General Demand i or of the of tue tho World has huas always been for a pleasant an and efficient liquid laxative of known n a laxative which physicians could for 1160 because its corn com component parts fTC to them to be and truly beneficial in effect acceptable to the tho system and gentle yet et prompt in action In lint demand with its ex cx combination or of Syrup of Figs its Elixir of S Senna nna the tho California Fig Syrup Cu Co proceeds along ethical hues and relies on eli the or of the laxative for Its remark slut ahl t Is ono ouie or of 11 II nj or of Figs and Elixir of Is given hen the tho preference 1 by y the tho To 11 get gc its beneficial effects buy huy IIII by the Cali Cornia Fig Syrup Co only and fur sale saleby saleby by all bailing druggists fifty cents per r Spend 10 Cents Vo VoA nl A D S HAT CLEANER r f WI ho hurit soiled your old lULl la ha throw II I away 10 hNIS anil 10 III ou lIsts it NI W II Vh Mil antI saved i 8 lit thu alne Druff Co Where hero you OU get gel jit ht you Ou uk cur nut Ilot just its I I Dr Lyons S PER Tooth Powder Cleanses preserves and the teeth and Purifies the breath breathA A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Ett ill in 1866 by byJ byI byc J 91 c I I h F fJ fEST ST UI OJ u Desires Desire hatter for or her skin hah than Soap and ancl Ointment kills more p people ople than than nn other dl ThIs Is duo to the beIng so Insidious tiit It gels gelsa II a good hold on Ih the system m before It I Is recognIzed d y Cure will the or fatal fatsi dl It if taken in III time limo F J 1 Drug Co o oThe The Tho Never VIlE BEST Is not lIot entirely free from on the Iho high elevations fevers while on the lower loer levels Joels malaria Is encountered to R a greater or less extent accordIng to To 0 climate at factions lassitude malaria Jaundice fever feel and agile arue gen generah II erah ral debilIty the most effectIve rome reme d dy I is the tho greet altera allem tivo lIo and blood purifier tile antidote for every form of oC bodily lIer and Sold under guarantee at Z C 1 M 1 I 1 Drug Dept tio So Main tt cOc u u Pure Teas are arc heal nerve soothing so o th i 11 gd delicious c I ici o ii s FOLGERS GOLDEN GATE TEAS I Colon a 14 I l 1 I IU S Ta EA A Gun Gunpowder I jr powder CEYLON EYLON C CD Green C ro 0 fl flare are arc pure Packed flavor tight in car cartons cartons tons to protect their purity and flavor J 3 A CD F Co CoSan San of oC 1 i HOWS oS TillS l fi WP offer One hundred Dollars Ite Itc wart ward for any Case or nt that can not nol be cured 11 ty hails Cure I F J 1 CO do O 0 We the Iho have known Jo F J 3 henY haney for tor the Iho In Ii years oars and 1 PerfectlY honorable In lilt hi and ly h attic to cury out un any obligations mAde I tur his O I MAUN lala Toledo O 0 Cure tire Is taken aken Inter nail dIrectly the tho sill an mUCOuS surfaces or oh tho sI lcm SCOt Hent ire freu 7 be c per bottle Sohl flold ly by nU nil TAke Family lilis for conti constipation patton pation p h I PHONE 65 Jom lor the Correct Time a em Farmington hotel Near Lagoon now to no nc nil all vIsItors I Rooms noI newly furnIshed Hates to 10 boarders lors For write or telephone Prop Stomach Troubles life ml and greatly Increase the to contract rothel diseases el Our Ribbon Powders give gio relief for indIgestion sotir stomach heartburn otc etc Or On trial will to any uny e Iloth phones 47 the number H 41 Coo T Brico Drug Co FRENCH HAND llANO LAUNDRY F E 3rd South SouthAll SouthAll All kinds ot of work ork done Curtain and Shirt a lI specIalty All Allwork work done ly by hand Phones md Ind Bell lelh c e et t I I I TRIB 5 J JI 1 1 x A 1 cure for time 1 and 1 PRICE 1250 A A hire the J Stol Stoll Solo Sole genc t WH SOME OF OUR TEAMS riot Got In Ih the muil 11 the got t through n ie 11 livery was III that ilia I WI we lilt to 10 1111 gi vi you ou Ii IrTh It NOW po DON 1 lOi rr Western Fuel Co Coco CoC co C II 11 Pros Pre I W J Iter Ti 73 S Main St HI i I I h I i I I L White pAle thin thinS I Consult your doctor A k II FIr I S h DAd BAd skin WeAk LosIng flesh Con your doctor No o appetIte Poor Ioor dIgestIon Discouraged n I S C j I your OUr odor none nona I ro cc to 10 Ie IC S orJa OJapa arl 11 a us Wit Ws hive haY no ne tol Wit Ws bUah JOA C Mm D Ds gui If sot UTI thu All our u 11 une Pt M Pta a KNITTED GARMENTS 1 fl 1 j I I K i 1 j j from up upI 1 I I P r Wear and aud Hosiery lillo I II I 4 J I i i Ensign Works u I I 32 Richards St I t iIII The Twin Falls Country Cotry Acres Carey Act Lands Open for Entry Under THE TWIN FALLS SALMON RIVER PROJECT At Twin Falls FaIls Idaho June 1 1st st 1908 I j Registration tion Books open May 25 1908 Registration Books close May 31 1908 t Drawing takes place June 1 1908 For lor booklet giving full information write R H M McCOLLUM Secretary Twin F Falls i Investment tc Co ltd TWIN FALLS IDAHO Sole agents for of Land and water rights Carey Act Lands can be located by power of attorney Blanks furnished on Application t tAll All Deposits For Drawing Must Be By Certified Check I JL IW n I I ml j rr I Ii hi hiI I Jr I I 1 i t f i I II Ii It Ij i I I t i it j I I II t I f i I I r l j I i f j hi i q qI I IiI tk MANTELS I j Tue fhe finest line ever 1 1 1 4 in Olk Ir IrI I j p no I I PI PId ace d In in I I orne corn com d r 1 J JI 50 i pete I frona rom p up 1 I c i See wat what you Ire arc I J select rom corn a I catalog t L J ELIAS MORRIS 1 J SONS COMPANY 1 i oud ta o Tempt Temp Block j I 1 i NOT UNTIL fou I t us UM restore that suit ot of rim I nr U those floe to j I I I theIr natty a III 11 yU I 10 No USI try 11 mg i lift methods In Vogue I V It ich h hij p shops 1101 Ve c do I all I work OIk v 1 I i Ii Chicago Cleaning Co I i I 37 P 0 Place SPECIAL CLOThING SALE NOW ON ONH t fot hm io t ilett CI nI tit lit jill 1111 t h rt styli ItA S wo l J au ab till nil Wool Your Choice 1000 The Ih biggest blet hut th the i citi Talk a 11 loo III them THE HUB i iro ro rn nt First South ii Salt Lake LakeHouse y y House Cleaning Co Wagons 1 x r 2 ar ore doln doIng 1111 work f body horty IIa o 0 IUlO Il ii Cry ery t large of oC for forlet 1 J JIM IM let Get 1011 nir orders 11 Ip cathy Ily it x t I f you wish the best wagon In the city Phones Itch Dell hid Ind 1481 y h t i Coaster Brakes p rY Bicycle e t This Week r 50 only for Grasp this opportunity while you have the chance Thai Eng English fish lish Pump worth for one SOC Best Pump made Meredith Guthrie Co I I MAIN STREET Lost Last week of a Tickets on Rand R and S Motorcycle l Ii Im Imp ImO I r O p THREE DAYS LEFT TO DECORATION DAY I OIl l You Buy in the House 12 1 Off I i a Week oi 4 r Month The Western Co I II I 5 17 11 1 1 I SI iI hI 11 1 H hN l I 11 fur III till nil ui e hIte ouI 1111 fIll III flue III 3 1 iii h I I n got 1 mule 1111 dull nl ii II I of S1 0 1111 ar II 1 1 ho u ti in 0 III hillY I Inc I Out Our ol of Suits Silk Coats Coals nul Mens Suits Stills I till Ihl i 1 r P 1111 1111 ard Il I lalI tM roll III III iii h liI II isu ii n mm cull Oll 1111 III lillI 1111 WI III ho wn j I h I 1 It H Fm to I h i JIll IIII 11 11 h I is lm ht I I mr fW I WAi CONTAINS NO o ot f OLEf 4 1101 t U J HARMFUL DRUGS Cures Coughs Colds Codo Croup La Grippe Asthma Throat TIN TI GenuIne Is Ii In the theand and Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption It EOR Ot SALE DY BY P F Y 1 lULL DRUG COUP ANY SALT LAKE CITY |