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Show A ( KiTICAL TIM I- 'Iivr.iay lyo i'uUi -: i-'.'-":.-;-L'.-. -Tf K .;: J'l I.. A !M - !i :tO ": T ANI' Pay. Tar '&ct3 Ht Ihc- ib-:ii- .f 'j.c Jc C.l V- p'! tr.) . ) !ic:r iic.aij Luon-, in '; ti; r-' an 1 bia an:! !-b.::arf To tlir Ftont ? -.vtii ti.. i)ay. i P. T. TrTLr.". .-! I:' .i'i Nn. o. ' .'.fi !':.; :ri yym ;:iai. f1.1 (-'''. t' .) 'y :! ! says: "v,."c y;; l J i ra'a;..-:! , i' :a,c : vy !i;:ir b : ;y . .'.:..'! .'.!', raj lab'aai v;e h.li' r.'1 '!;.v :'; - a .'. a.j - ! ''".a, for1 it v,u, n ra.; i-f ly;-'. a1 a iya: 'i'y::t;::u ciaV :j !' ; y. t. .a:; .yyi-j !!':! wiili amntimiikm :t!nl i'i'i !.. thanks to Chamberlain's CoH , C'liotcva 1 1 1 ; i i"::.bi.'.ioea p..'mrdy. v.e were- n' 1c ro !:c .-p at worlc nra't l;..1! ;) our he:;U1i: in act. I aina-rah- 'nelicvo that, at civ-critical civ-critical time this meuecino tva3 the in-ilireut in-ilireut saviour- of our army, for ii the packers had been unable to work tbore would havo beer, no way cf ir-.-t-tino' K'.'pjjlies to the front. Thi'i-u v.crc no roads that a wajron train could nsc. My comrade and myso.h" had the yood fori tine to lay in a supply of this medicine med-icine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four eases it absolutely ab-solutely saved life.'1 The above tetter was written to thr manufacturers of this medicine, the Chamberlain Med wine Co., Pes Moines, "owa, For sale by all Druggists. |