Show LEws Of WEEK fROM BOISE CITY Man Falls Falis Out of Window to Pavement and Escapes With life RELIEF COAL TRAIN STORMED I Arler ArriVal Ono Dna Company Campau Took I In 00 Cur lands Cleaned Ill ull I Correspondence CorrespondenceS Idaho Dec S B I ot at this city met with an acci accident dent Tuesday afternoon which cost him his lit b by falling from froma a wIndOw Oil all the second floor of at tho Sonna Ionna bIoc to the n of over oer O 0 teet lie Ho was In the wIndows and hat hati just stepped out onto the ledge when he lost his anti and came thundering down dawn upon the pavement HIs iii Ute was only on spared by his hI good In striking the upon his feet Besides fractures upon tho skull and Injuries both legs were broken above the one so badly badI thit t the bones protruded through the lesh ts Is beIng cared for Cor at tho locaL hospital C tin nn old soldier of tile was this wetle to the thu INI OW S HELD fum Collins charged with burglary had IsIs his Im preliminary II a tow luw ago alCo und oVer Ocr to await thu tho of tilt th court His Land nt at I OO In default which he was to the thu county mu Collins Is l the Itle man who the front window In tan lIIn shop on the nIght of December and tooK from tho show ease all al that ns within reach and this Included etl n a great of Jewelry ete The rhe rob iery bry HIS as considered 1 very bod Oh from tho th fact that It wal rIght under the glaze glare of the tho I on Main street lie captured day by the tho pOlice and he had In his pockets many of the tho stolen III U leli at t the time ot or his hili arre t RECEIVED have havo received by Maj R It RII ItU U II Turner ot of the tho do at the tho po poet t Boise Dolse for tor the tho of at the now all nu II Iy the tho War department tu b bs In 11 the tho very near fu f U tore Contractors from surrounding H ha have participated In the bIdding The lowest bId Is t m ani and the tho high fit ri The Id ha hav been sub to th at ton lOll TIo Tho pro for the construction of at headquarters barracks guard house According to the plans these Improve will cost about TM The club committee op to COI or tim tho governors ball bail has now submitted Ita ItaI I Inns lans The time set Is 18 January S 8 und Iho Is the Natatorium The fhe corn com Is III now at work taking lions tIOn to finance the tho The Tho moneys sought arc however for forI or I dual purpose for Cor tho goer gayer nors nori InaUgural ball and for tor the reception to the coming legislators Some Iii 15 or 20 members of at the BoIM bar got together r recently and decided 10 LI give n a in honor of JUdge i n II this city sho was elected In the last election to fill the tho chair on ih supreme bench hench left lett vacant by the tf ot JUdge term lIAS IMS ENOUGH Judge was the tho Demo cratic for or governor In j tho last hut bUl wa with IL a rood majority b by Governor Prank n It When recently as Ic 10 his probable candidacy two h hwe itE the tho judge had this to ay No o fir Hr I nor never did have hlo nn any ambitions r In that respect ct I 1 dont are to be governor ot of tiny mans staid It l Is a thankless job When I nm am ugh In the tho supreme court I think I 1 thai take It easy eMY for 11 most of at tho winter In Boise Dolst In the spring pring I expect to 10 gO back to the ot of law I 1 Will establish a law MI In halley Halle get some young lawyer ass liS with ml inc let him to do the hay work and I will vIll te Ie ILe e t lime In looking after my sheep shelp In RELIEF COAL TRAIN Tn oal situation hero has hns blen reo re the least hit bit by the tho arrival on of II 11 CM cars of coal coni Th corn com fore fiere absolutely e to take In any advance orders One must go In erson or telephone at the time limo the tho cool II on hand notwithstanding this hits tact one hour after the offices opened on day morning th there re WI was not n a ot of the II 21 cars of coal to be ba hail Ono One company took tOO OO orders ordera lu In 60 6 minutes The Ite surveyor general ot the tha state has bas prepared for on an flint of the state ot of Idaho all and cent ent It In to the department of the Interior at lashing Every Everything on the map hs has been brought down to the tho present date dale nOISE L D S a SUNDAY SCHOOL are nrc being made In far tor the tho greatest ChrIstmas In every that this city hu hoe even seen een early nil the clubs ledges together with nil all the tho churches are plans for entertainment on that day At the Saints church 1 a m st time I anticipated Sunday School Supt George W owls and President Haber Q Halo hale the tho work well In hand hall anel are being given very ery help Mlp from the th au auxiliary x r organIzations alII anti memo mem vetS era Besides a good rous roul leg Ing Social Ial convention ot of the saints and their interspersed with the fOllowing toe program there will great mythical friend ot oC the Iho chit dren ren Santa Claus b loaded down with gifts for every chick and under 15 l years of oC alto age Follow ng OI g l I the program furnished by the tho LIon Sunday school tinder the on of nf Supt LewIs o OPening Song All MI Present I rayer yer Elder V 1 P Roderick Address ot Welcome D nil Heber Q hate lIal r by 1st Intermediate SundaY Sunda S School c Cla Class s lIss Derth 1 Miller lIller s rumen tal S t b and Ind Mrs tr Stall Ong et atlon b y Primary Sunday Bunday School Class Classet Q Nellie Plant Lewis Mrs Halo HaloE E oaK olt and Crowther and Plant Miss Itac Lewis 0 Recitation Reese Song Miss Mos Marie arle Solo Robert lobert Reese o of presents by Santa Claus Clo Closing Prayer Ider L L E Bails DaUs |