Show WHERE GEESE ARE SHOP grocer and I know here the they shoo shoe Geese They shoo shoe them In the country round roundabout roundabout about Warsaw In iii the tho district They do this bc because tI tho geese gecse have 1 a along long annual journey to Jour lucy to the tho goose You ace In the tho late all and early winter it Il goose market Is IA held at ar arsaw saw anti geese gecso to the number of congregate In the town The Re lSe march to fo opt t Some SOine como comae from and Ind miles away The Tha aver ago distance the they come corne from rota Is C milos arid to protect their feet feel on this long journey they thoY are arc shod To shoe the tho geese the goo first makes them walk bock back arid forth In moiled melted tar With IL coat of at tour out all their feet teet they thoy then walk through thorough riM fine The result Is that they aro shod ahot with n a KOOl gool strong shoe of unix mix mixed ed tar and sand that protects them well wellon wellon on their journey to the tho Warsaw goose goose |