Show I w 1 L a Ii r AUDI FIAry nn 1111 AmerIcan n 1 t M f girt vho ho nut i A In III her own by William In 17 i where o w IO e cho en by Sir Sira a ir Ir III U to play youthful liS lii next totY vj with 11 1 mn ar r Salt It ka bill Is 3 the nw MW Play lllY 44 i Thy ot of a 11 I It drama ty by the fl well known Morton 4 a Hu Is probably th yuu youngest ne t tor un on the her hor HUr aU hu hI ver very d decided liay Is t 11 oo OM tho ot of an 1111 artist In U 4 t who MB a walt wait found In hIS up like a 11 kitten rho roth growth arid love story ot of that waif the theme thelno ot of th the story Ilia It Is pleasant to the tho BU port lug IlIg cast contains lomo names them hera Mr Ir and r both wel re 10 i this Chis city S j auth deep pIca sure t of L I I It program of 01 the great n II I I t be Mrs I Ic c per The t cut lou Itt at Ih 1120 w I I it York ork on the on ot of flee PIC 11 1 aol I Ithe the Now York letter nd the tho tic column or of the ea M Mt t Indicate It un an in to lH be Mra HU heleH 01 jur ur Now Nw letter II 0 10 0 4 lite OJ C of t I t i S fM th receIved a Ie IC or iI front Hoben d oC tho 1110 j t fund S S r Drown his hll trIns Tige and the that thaI the Iho two wilt be rr fur three and two week l 1 who has b beli n shen the tho name nume of nt the thet t Vt S littlest on the Iho sta 1 h hui the tho l role or of wIth the I cf It his arch Tte tha th dot I Ii sill stil hy by Air AU rhe ri U hI hy by who hId 1 the rotc roll a 4 The THi matInees ore sure to be 1 highly gy 1 It 1 tilt tile child ci nH as f th occur during durin holiday will bo be Oil ROIl and S I t This tour or at all s 1 III all of nr th ii I Itis or of this rein reinY Y thO IIII to 10 the tho r C lId In 10 theo the hilt ot of 11 wIlt will t t its 1111 grou I 1 the tho thoI thet t 4 I t tot t no nn III I t tio tart e the Is lAY n t t I uy rt rell and 10 0 thoroughly RI n In that from its 11 ant were Inc log JI pout of nt th the tury lury ot of tle te Nw j mIl toti situ MIHI head I 1 r the th ea cast t 4 The Tho Grand arand has so much In Its bill next week that It will no J change 1 OM 04 usual bUt to tio now II I S I iS Of oC At 1 cripple Creek II alit tit run 4 iii 1111 tilt nIght he IY Il ii hI 13 1 me ot of K 11 J t sue sueI i not tM the holiday matinee I Will liIl be a U afternoon ThI I play ot of course courso Is hI bid In the Che well l MIt It thu story 4 life in III the Iho early White While it 1 any of sensation In It the tue management o n a big Pro r mountaIn sots being belnA pe pc tr lillO tin ci willie I Ic Ihl I Il C is 8 to 10 I b of the nast I vort rl At Al rk will t 15 p b by a st It anti the are nrc will pl to the 1 f p Although the tho bill ot cf m rl nude nuda V 1110 which d the rih cuin Ihl this I I has been belli 1 tt II S I 1 till hm 10 lIre lr lre L l e nl or tiel ti I will willI I u over ilver top lOP It In II I 11 attraction is II Il a von wo trul en S the t I H fOr 1113 94 S I wll vil be a 11 1 fi HO Au nl rill urns Cool Other clUes cities hint him tO 10 be y the heM best Oltie Ollie anti hod brother UIO thio liners will 1 w to eli all lovers lor act Is just jur 1 it little or lr senie H di dexterity They have hae 1 a 1 oth I Brothen niI Sawtell clue to tl deliver lher a twentieth century I I dancing Their set Itel is n a dreuy dreu I one In IA fact It for several soral changes Willa unit lun song I d tire the tho vaudeville sets AntAl for lor higher things In the hl hIgh lul 11 They are to a pl 1 a ah 1 Well dOli that Is h 1 t iI Fox ant and 1 II i a tOnI tum that S Ought to tu to ren n bel here 3 ani antI 00 C It Is said to hI be the show on earth h car carI I M all OM It do does two performers and id tWO to II a log nod It c cat cL Jones a colored of 13 have the reputation of about the tho limber pair of on the thit 1 l lj vaudeville state file fht wIlt will III line with a 11 m itou picture itra t h J nia mn Frolic ot of C I The rho of at the an S that tIit for Cor Christmas dI mall n ne 11 ius is 18 tilt the custom el on In Uw the circuit evening will t S I II I OTI Wednesday De Dec 5 the tho I of David new r on street tret New the II as laid In the of U a aI tf t I large e number of t 1 r friends n admirers an arid members of h his exec exel execUtive I start A on the drama unit air UI its h I lelor 11 the dramatic history of the theda da clay was delivered by lk Howard and the was laid by Blanche Bates nate by Miss lI 9 nod Mr n laCo two Mr David who is 18 In WiTh mumble to bit ti Miss came nil all tM the WilY way from Crom Boston to At the tho A great assortment of luck pIe wes Wal deposited In the Iha corner and lOt tt th the of oC thu 1110 careno ales alt thre thiren cheers for Cor Work on tho new theater is III and it Il I Is expected that the wIll III lie he tinder root roof iti In March C S I TIm The announcement that George Mitts oC IC comes 10 it the thO Salt Sail Theater and It a to 0 those vho ho enjoy that form of The ot It Sulu with Ion bug record ul at New eW York Is wall and aldy known here hert Aile thu tho author no second Introduction t 1 tho thit public He hus bug hell It cut II n a humorous writer It loV I a and popularity I U I Ithe fh the drama to 10 b be lIy by the tho Lyric company next week Is the I O lalM Oil title ot of th strongest hilts hili ever In a 11 Popular th the III it iu It bee nil ll the blarney and wit fit that belongs to the I Irish nature tho situations Math ore 1 strong tt th 1111 ok amor nr r the phi is of t such It a 05 I to III hold th the interest ot of the while h he Itt at 1111 mIrth or oter OHr the ear 10 1 ts or of wh lIk the char III th the A I wilt will he bo given the usual mat lime dy 1111 the ludy mat mut 0 or t I r GOSSIP Moody author nt nf Tue treat t Dh itle Ide ha to 10 nt ac any contract tu to write I a to order John Hare tho h actor I Is Isto to come to this In Isa In 1111 Mr 11 hare will vilI take the part or of Napoleon Mrs is II on the tho stage In i York In a t ketch callet Between the Nightfall on ants tIme the Light The Tho company rhe Fhe Story a drama which lute hns closet closed its lis listOU tour tOU anti beet J ha rewritten her hor BIllY tho rho OUter Woman or tr imd litIS will Moon loon her tour tur with It a strength sited ened company compan leter t Ii to hC be tho Piece at Al thom Duke ot of Yorks In Miss I PaulIne is III to Co cilia Iotus In the title part vall The Tho e of oC Paul In Ino o NV which CharIe Is II under th the if f th Shu has hils bon been rout lt e en gans n ns Pal tu to rho Cate C Gratts Ius writ n fi a fur Cor the III ls Is which I Is said to contain tul oh sItuations Thes also have havo a new Ia from 8 cars new play ro for mooch Wal h Va vai named hently It Is to 10 be d The ht fload Mlis Wah will be o wen In the tiny tor or frt time at the tho Astor Aslor Theater early oar In the Iho now yell yeut V manager ot of Marie ule Cahill terminate nell nellI starring taur In The E lit IC Mr I I after aUel him himIn In CI t now b by J Thomas Orrin Johnson who hue hus scored d I a great In the tho leading rolo of I rIO fill Daughter vf of Men lt will appear with Grace Olar Ellton In III the tha of I poetic mire time ilia I 1 which will I lJ be for n a of X n n p p p j ii i iI I j JJ I I 1 1 Ill I I C 1 I tit r rI I I I I e a 4 I Ii r L 1 JE l lI I I z zI I r tt v 5 i iI iF I F I E SCENE SOENE PROM FROM THE T ILLUSION Ot OP BEATRICE t 1 till thiC alt Lukl atil lur lu Mitt lIt IJ 1 i 1 n I JF Y v oNN nt at the er ow ew I 11 Big BIA typo bill bimi tudy and often tle RC I 01 trim Mn so bullY tuly oboist Sh M r I Ir ilium Is II I hIli bitt they how 10 IA lIuk I 1 r it H holh J ut 1 ti great lit C the ot of anal says thins Is III only line In Iii th t It whom ho envies Ill Mm I sit nt III Or I N S J Jho Slie lie ho Is 1 a visitor J 1 Morgan J 1 Ci a c a 0 recent tumult null III at tilt Atol stor ow York ork of Charles Kleins nw new play The Tho of oC Men Ion deals with the of capital and labor Inbur WI William ilia III A hiM for tor forthe the ot of two road companies to lu play The Tho Men lIn ot of the lie Hour flour thu nOl new b by George II 11 now at the tho Theater lh ell tel Ness ew York Thu rho now will lit III BOlton ChIcago lit III Jail Jati nary A 4 London dl reports that Sir Charles ut tt the annual ot of the tho doNI n his earl coarl I ment ruin tito tho stage It Is t i the Very or thin things h hi saul that hAt thata 1 a short time hue hence wIll MOO Me III my with Ith I from the career to 10 which I 1 have haVo to meny happy haply yO yours lr The Tho merlean hn hns ul at last come coals tub his own and in III great port parl till the assistance or of the tho enl ent Th The live realty Import silt lint ot oC New York are aro The Great The Throe ot of I VI Us The Love Route Houte The Girl ot of the Golden end 1 The N New York by slid all under independent manage I I 11 ho io Ir ml II lit at the tho t hen the tho league save SUO It Its bazaar nl at the Waldorf itt III Non IW York last well week un In tOlo exhibIt was tit the fancy work knitted by I F Dailey as he up corall in the tho third ot of The Great areat where h ha burlesques time tho HIto of t the Great 1 Di 1 yule b by of I to dully daily I rust ho IT I ht th proper here Mr learned to knit ant and y n lIon thE and rr dating th iii Of thu fen tt lIt In search Much lit tt Jet Get nl II a oI hook Book line litre art ar a low few dauth of 1 the birth lit of dIsgust wisdom mr teeth Americium sovereign In hl seek to It a course courle already upon n a perMon orson of low more Interested In than In me A John the 1 In pIn play of lt thAt name nam E n 11 Sothern It Is aId haM a part Let er suited te Ie him the majority or jt the tho roles rolo ho he no sue So o too of Julia In th same play who makes or of Salomo 1 a radiant Ir creature M fascination trivIal light and full fullor or of tite or of youth The tart presents the actress In n a no non 1 phao or of h her r mt art The English Drama society proposes tO give 1 a series of IC of the old Chester plays play In ha city It tit Of Chester and have secured the conent ot of time the mayor myor and other local The fhe dealt of Chester however sni Ills his hn have entered 1 it vigorous protest against any such on time tho that they 1 be 8 offensive to 10 mati persons It If not blasphemous Much uch ill 11 wilt wUl bo lit rrell UtI up probably on both sides before the matter Is settled ll William J 1 plays the tho load ln mt mate lot III Clyde CIde T uth says I I story with tIm The Was WIlA and the per wee 6 tor or ono one night only All 11 the hits town people the show shots and tit time weekly paper er was held open or th the notice me next stab In the criticism read was WollI In town hail last night II Mt Ir W S Dd his company There Thure has hIlS been n a long discussion ns as asto to whether Dao or Shakespeare wrote thu tho to Ic It ann oon be ea easily II crItical no now 1 Let Iel the gravee ot of time two Iwo writers lie be opened Tim IM one who turned l over oer last laRt night Is the th Joseph Jefferson time actor once told tolt this II lO r to 10 1 a I 1 coming d dOwn wn in 10 the elevator ot of the tho stock alack cx ct change 1 an and nt at One e ot of the In flOOrs it II amen whoso whose lalo faco I 1 ns as vell all as I know yours YOUr got In It lie nut me wry very warmly at once slut It II wn was a 11 number r of years year sine had met and sas very ar gracious and friend I li Hut But I 1 place him for tor the life of me I asked ke him M R a sort ot of teeter how h ho happened tu to be In N New NewYork w York nail lm h n W let with II a touch or of surprise that it h hiatt there thera tor or 4 yours Finally told I him In on an tsy A that I recall his name lIe He looked nt at mo me for tor 1 a too mo moment ment anti and then Ihen he saM very 11 quietly that his name wa was U S What Ih till Oi 10 Joe his friend asked Do he replied with 1 a smile Wh I got out lit itt the hits next floor for tor feat IiI Iti ask lIk him It If lie hu had ever been beun in 10 tlc the wan |