Show IN HONOR ON A Of THE PROPHeT JOSEPH Special Services Will be Held In Various Wards Tomorrow Evening FINE PROGRAMS ARRANGED Will ho bo lit or IlO For or services In of the birth of the tho Prophet Joseph Smith wIll be 10 wl In the tho varIous ward tomorrow evening Ex Excellent programs have been arranged tot Cor the tho occasion WARD WAnD The ono one hundred and first anniversary of f th Prophet het Smiths bIrth will ho bo tel celebrated In the en tit ward meet on Sunday tM thit upon the tha program will ho 10 Anthem Let the Mountains Shout for Joy Yard Choir The Hear C J Solo Glory to Mrs Beatrice Thoman Incidents In thu Ufo of tue tho Lottle 1 1 lovett Solo 0 8 DivIne Gordon Song nr Toni Tem i ipie pie lyon hor r I Morris Anthem Wo 0 Thee 0 Clod of I Creation Choir Vard Choir Spry chorister Edna II 11 Corry Caroy organist I SECOND WARD WAnD Services In commemoration ot of the tho birth ot of tutu tho Prophet Joseph Smith will willbo willbe bo be hold held nt at the Second ward meeting tomorrow evening and an ex cx program has hall beon arranged for forthe the occasIon rho services will ho be hogin gin mit It the main feature of which ho An address by Apostle John Johnhenry henry Honry SmIth A feature ot of the tho musi musical cal program will he be a solo entitled Jo Joseph eph Smith by John who composed the tho song WARD WARDA A service ot of one OM hour will be con can In the vard lush op T A presiding The mu music sic ot of the tho occasion will be both Christ Christmas Christmas mas auth memorial In Its character tho choir R a special and the tho soloists being Emma Lucy tates Coo Opo D 1111 anti John D speaker er of the evening wll bo be Elder Junius I F Wells who has hUR becu In charge ot of the tho erection of If the tho Joseph Smith monument nl at South Vermont t IN TIm TILE TWENTIETH In the tho Twentieth ward special ox ex os commemorative ot of the tho birth ot of the tho Savior and of the tho Prophet 1 ls wilt ho bo held both aunt the tho aus auspices ot the 0 or of the tho Sunday school At the tho morning n Max Morn Morr will tell of In the tho Fatherland and Jane Cutler will n a brIef sketch of Tho FIrst tim tho Origin of Claus whilo Bishop Homney If well voll enough will on oil the great prophet of tue latter days with ho had a per acquaintance Alexander Craw Crawforth forth will an b I request t The King of Eternity Miss Margaret Hull itoh The Child Childrens rons Friend Special IOU mu music sic will also IJO ho gIven Ilven b by tho kindergarten and primary depart me In the tho evenIng Eider Ehler James E Tat Tal will bo be the princIpal speaker of at Christmas will ho tile hIs theme A strong program the tho theone one shen by the tho ward vard choir nt at Forest Iulo Dulo last week will ho ren rendered ered I ai follows under the tho direction of Con Conductor Conductor ductor I J 3 Watt Tatt Anthem iii Our Namo To B Stephens Choir 0 It Is duct and Jno Della Cope Copo ansi Choir Organ Orsan Solo Prof J J to the tho lInn Nazareth John James mitt Choir Quiche words by Mary Iary F Kelly IJ by Prof J J from a popular air M It toss Itose anti Choir Anthem Send Hend Out Thy Ih Light Choir WARD WATlO o to 10 the tho Ian Choir Christmas Carol Choir My lly lather Father Knows Shail It tO tie In Choir Choh Solo Bolo selected Chits Cha Kent Kont With Mo Me Ladle QUartette fl V II H Kin King Solo The Tue Dawn ot of flop Annie Owen Roberta Anthem Tho Fito Chair J D Owen chorister Helena Walsh organist CA CANNON NON WARD WAllO Sunday night meeting In the tho Cannon wArd begins at G 0 BItter H 11 S wIll speak on the tho life lito ot of the Joseph Smith and meter Elder Jail 1 1 on the tho lito hite ot of the tho SavIor The Js is Invited |