Show BIBLE DIBLE SCHOLAR COMING of Writ to tn Speak Next Week r Dr Richard Greene ireene oulton Moulton the ot of Chicago who c ell eti 30 or snore to the subject ot of libie literature will lecture here hilI the ot of tile tho UnIversIty of Utah lItah 11 next week nr Dr Moulton does cloes not treat on the theological aspects aspect tIt Of the tue Bible dOcs he any attack or from the ot of the higher crill dim lIe SRI says that thit It Is ho on ones ot of the tho of nt the a ages fI anti I Is worthy of the tho most careful study for the sake ot of Its literary value alue In addition to 10 II a series of 12 1 lectures coy COV eming portIons of the thO lit hit In Inure or less leu detail lie ho has rewritten the Ith punctuatIon paragraphing e etc c TIme Mod Modera oll ollern era ern Bible liS as It j Is coiled IS regarded as 1111 U a to 10 literature Dr WM wai at the tho great university of Cambridge In his work In In the thO nus IUS pice ot or tile tho University ot of ho Is III known as a 11 genIus Dut not until he undertook the task Mattheis Arnold ArnoldR R set t make the tho Bible loved as his popular success come conte cometo to him Ills object ct hue haM been to deeply le In Lerest men and woman Ith literature To heur him render his lecture on The Tho Literary Study ot of the from Theola Theology and CritIcIsm Is IR looked for Cor forWard Ward to IS as on an experience not soon loon to tobe be forgotten |