Show S Fame in Greatest Danger Danger DangerS Secret S of Years Revealed at Last LastOur Our 0 tic London Leter Letter Special Correspondence I ONDO Dec Earl of LONDON wrote the immortAl L works attributed to 10 Shakespeare This Is the bomb theli which as the cable has hns al alt America was exploded II In the Iho world of letters last week by Dr u of it Il II it It not alone literary which are arc aflame with Iho ho thee ry men and women of al all degrees lre are I interested II ill Iho ItO ro ye Shakespeare lived In the had the ovid a heen told lohl that Iho tim who gut fot drunk lt it the tho fa could QuIl 1 nevet have base penned the matchless tragedies that beli bear hIs hiM mono hut of ni all these thc theories rles only OlO one created scholarly and worldwide attention Anti nd that thal emanated tram from the Iho United Mrs rr Galup Gallup ald and aro sll still impe In the tho world as to whether or orIll Ill Francis Bacon acon was the secret nu au author thor of Ih the works known us S Shake I It was largely Iho ho erudItion standing of Donnelley that tirade marlc the Bacon theory It a question of at rel real 1 It I Is now Dr reputation whIch has aroused such keen Interest In hil his new theory I as to the authorship ot of the plays Dr Di m Is renowned 1 as Germanys greatest and scholar lie He is III I a son nn of the fatuous painter George Amol Among hi his Jost sliest notable works are street t tIn In literature arc The Tho Dron Secret and Js history lOr of English Literature III I this later latter strange to IY say In view of hil his attitude his he the cause lf f the ot of Avon Aon agaInst the hf the theory theon Thil This week ho publishes hi his work Tue Tho True ruo Shakespeare In which he makes th the that hI hit his has lat last dIscovered the Iho se eret ret aol that Roger Earl of s ot of 1 Philp Philip Sidney Is the Iho author tat eminent German literary crile critic Dr hlll has comae out wIth ni an Announcement enthusiastIcally supportIng the nl flow theory Ho says aI ProC Prof Is IB II literary Columbus JIH Ills discovery Is a ant In the tho realm realist nf as lie discovery I of hy by r wal wits anti Pt 10 al HK His conclusIons to 10 10 tim are oro ir II rc WillIam Shakespeare or of o donAvon hAi has been enjoying Ull ll d fame for years Now has exposed thin tho sham the truth to light are several eminent r scholars In England n aol generally who are also in III Ih their lr support or of the Iho Hut Ian 1 authorship hut But lalY moore coil If tat n I tire opposed ed to It anti remain supporters ot of the Avon Aon bard Th These sf are headed b by such omit 11 alt Dr DI Dr Israel Irot of Irot Prof ot of Dublin Hal halt Caln Caine und and Ski Sid nay MY Lee lc I It must bo be said l that Dr book II Is R a very plau on one vet there are quite a fow fot In Ih the armor he ha has built Jul around the Earl Barl of Rut Hut Hutland Rutland land landris ris orIgin or of hs his theor theory Dr u cOnfesses was ns suggested to 10 hIm by a book entitled The ho New Shake ao Gospel Time author Is I a Ocr Ger titan named flamed Avor of Munich The ar I lit that no mere drunken cornS com edian wih with Ito little scholarly learning knowledge of tor foreign hm Countries such as Ialy Italy Prance mind Denmark could have havo a the tho Shakespearean works Uh earl ut of was not only n a scholar but a a lIe He WIH horn Ot Oct 6 1576 When 20 years o or ngo hI he began the grand tour jt Europe Ho He visited France anil Ial Italy stayed ot al Vienna VenIce Man too tua noel studied HOI law at university and on returning to tn ln LOndon on settled down Iown In Grays Inn con his lul law stud studies and hil his writIngs Shakespeare declares Dr have made his nl nh tour lour ot of Ialy Italy f as nn an actor and the ProfessOr or asks where did Shakespeare obtain hIs profound knowledge ot of law ant legal matera Lord accompanied the Iho J or of Essex In In an expedItion to 10 the Azores lr Ih thereby reby gaining the legal experience wih with which to The rho Tempe t He also fought In Holand Holland titus u cx Ihl the Dutch reference In pIn plays und Ird Rutland WIS was for tor le life to 10 the Tower In 1601 but after two years vaa pardoned During the per rier tot Iod ot of hl his Imprisonment no nn single drama app appeared In 1603 1003 01 went to 10 Den mark as o the tho of King r I It at the chrIstenIng o of the tho crown Irown prince thereby gaining th the lo ho cal color for Hamlet According tz Dr J this l the I or of the tho terrace It at Iho ho ot of J The Tho url earl nel ito nt at the tho court JI much h significance I is also attached to 10 the tho fIlet fact that Ihl he tWI two Barons fellow students ot of the tho earl nt at The last Shakespearean dramas and The Tempest op In IGI The Earl Carl of Rutland lp dlo lied JUle June 25 2 or of that year ThIs Dr Is convincIng proof taken laken III ii e with other that It was wag wih who wrote the plays that rP ceased ed when he tIled Dr develops hi his with great lie Ho In detail why Larch Jord 1 behind th name of Another ahil many other oilier ot of the lou ious threads which ar are In tilt Ilip new theory Dr point to 10 hi tact fact that Rutland WIS only I 36 when lie he they so O Ito ho too busy fighting studying law love mak InI ing ImprIsonment and so on to write such works ant They assert that It the enl earl thin tho author he roust must have hae written and Ju let hot 1 IT years old end before tie ho to They also declare tint the who wrote the plays must have have hen en 1 a man for the tho plaY I a WIde ot of War scenery expressions and flowers Lord Huland Rutland they SA lived practically al all hll his tte In London or at Cal Castle whIch Is In LI neul itoh Ire le Dr B II is coming to very er nel next Year In n In order to folio follow up by boN here hl his He d dp I dares clure Proof must lie In the or chives 11 historical papers of the hou house o Cl Manners which t now I is no lo HUlland longer pr 11 an but the dukedom n of at Dr hns sent I a specIal meso mes I SliMe to tn American nM Shake scholars asking them to follow tho ho lute of In his 1 hk book A As for the professor himself lf he said alc when interviewed I I shall shah live Iho and die ite In the belIef that I Earl arl ot of was belet the reel ot of Iho those wal works work v hill hh 1 ie e the world I fhe bik or course courM wIll 11 bo be hed a month lit In he S IlA I |