Show showalter motor co WISHES TO ANNOUNCE W 0 PETERSEN formerly with fred A carlson inc of salt lake city utah specialist in body repair work and an expert mechanic has been added to our mechanical staff efficient courteous service at lowest prices genuine denul ile ford parts firestone tires 71 val KIM tv christmas carbs caos carry a greeting of warmth and friendship with or without bour 5 our name imp imprinted imprint tinted pd see our beautiful Hand painted and french cut greeting cards VERNAL EXPRESS phone 24 vernal utah PHILCO PHIL CO RADIOS save by buying your radio now for r F christmas christma s call for demonstration I 1 BLAINE C HARDY anul tuh itah phone 1 I 1 4 0 program for Week of december 8 to 14 MONDAY AND TUESDAY gene St Port porters erts best story 19 A FRECKLES D ft or t ath carol stone and tom brown news neva and cartoon WEDNESDAY AND buck jones and murial evans in 64 the throwback Th COMEDY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY t special picture ALICE ADAMS with kathorine katherine hepburn and fred macmurray Mae Murray comety comedy CO COMING aung dee dec 1517 greta garbo and fred crick march in ANNA one half horsepower gasoline motor to trade for lumber WALT AN DEP PERSON phone DS CAR CARD oi OF TIIT THANKS to all those who in any way helped during the extended illness and death of our beloved mother familiarly known to all as I 1 grandma jensen we se wish to extend our appreciative thanks RICHARD 1 JENSEN mrs CARRIE MURRAY mrs mr 3 MAGGIE Girr da TIRES FOR SALE OR OK TRADE set of casings WM DO FOR GRAIN FED raim bouillet boull let rams AMASA C CAU well DS 12 FOR SAU SALE or will trade tw for caal em eier ready radio ROMA EATON dy aks CARDS A ame SELECTION with or without our name at the VERNAL EXPRESS phone 24 J ir classified Clani fied ads GOOD GRADE COAL delivered ill V ered anywhere in the valley call ARCH JENKINS phone FOR SALE OR TRADE A AI 1 cost coal FARMERS MINE phone mark pope WILL trade first class clan sewing ma iachine chine or monarch electric range tor or lumber W S HENDERSON mitt t have im several modern cabins now open to rent for the winter or by the neck eek or month W S HENDERSON top prices paid for WOOL HIDES PELTS and FURS bee e me at CAROL JEAN F r W WINWARD 28 FOR runt RENT HOUSE and LOT in vetnal vernal THOMAS MANTLE da carloads broke or range horses mules and colts colta wanted wan td fred chandler horse and mule market charlton chariton iowa IM NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING the annual meeting of the stockholders of the ashley upper irrigation company will be held in the hintala county court house monday december 9 at 11 a m at said meeting three directors will FUI be elected to sene ene for one year any other business that may property properly come before said meeting will be transacted L P CIMIS christensen secretary da will take WHEAT or CORN in trade PERRYS PERRY S MILLINERY SHOP do das NAVAJO RUGS INDIAN JEW ELRY chikayo chimayo purses purges ideal for christmas gifts mrs walter daniels roosevelt 20 LOST LM slate 81 ate or smoky colored horse eight about 1150 pounds poun badale marks 1 7 years old also light rey grey saddle horse wt about 1000 pounds branded bar 8 6 on left shoulder reward notify RALPH phone it takes lakes TIME to 10 make OLD friends ds we wc like to make new friends it is pleasant to watch atch this bank grow as new hamem are added to the old ulmes on our books bocks but old friends occupy a special place in our affections it takes time lime to make old friends and they become for us the constant living reminders reminder of the years hack back of a in our service to this community 9 UINTAH 0 A 1 STATE BAN BANK kr I 1 A STRONG RAW BANK |