Show BO davi 0 something about banned books and nd red indian oratory CANAL tC FOLLOWING iny hunsuc attempt to clap eyes on the loch ness monster in these local waters I 1 turned again to the alic study ot f human beings not at fill all difficult in fit this section of the horld orld where geniality among travelers traveler Is tile ati order of tile day among ninny excellent and I 1 tourists tour lyta it wa as my iny good fortune to swap with ith mr arthur 3 simons of his him a customs and I 1 belse headed fur for tile alie isle ilu of ake ak e un on a holiday after a time we cot around to ilia he regulations the incent flood or of questionable books that la Is to say I 1 did having livard that tile the percentage of banned books wa waa a on the increase that may inny be true euld SI morim but clia tile the to them thein la Is on tile the warm no I 1 ran can till you that much from experience as gil all the books regarded ed na as ore are obliged to pass through my daurt of the ur or through tny my hands if there Is ft a decision n to be ninilo made in I 1 egland there I 1 li I 1 no duty on A legitimate hook book if it readies reaches us ua properly vi wrapped rapped 0 und n d sufficiently stamped it pops tigh a hitch I 1 hale no doubt that a great many volume a gnap BO culled family reat real ing ng are passing panning through the malls bialla the th night of what id lour hure ahen it a houk book baand by good couil taste rood good taste triny bo lis Is brought to your attention are you on tho fur for stich ei ich 11 h re again said simanto trained in the civil service as 1 tile right of bearen it if we lieve reason reabon to ti belleve flint a particular ancl ace contains contal nii polon anil and we take the trouble to investigate viii nine out of ton the pur liar eel li Is found to contain something quite ba an harmless ng as ft from the states or a novell novel I 1 ly Y tia houna from inland england with us a book la Is merely a book ant in the nl bonce of exterior it la Is as ai such in its orlic imil annl aral ifer what tio you in diun an by suspicious exterior discovery by instinct 1 I lint int la is a mutter matter can pt ev plain Is something psychic about the way may a book li Is for in mailing allIng tuini var mar tile the of writing only tile the flint are with mitt the HIP attempt to tilde hide something that li Is not entitled to be revealed all have inevitable tell tole lae characteristics which under tap ali ese of an expert cry blond for action on tile part of both the customs house and gmt pmt ottlee nince d dp each jealously exorcising its rights right in either crime if the contents are d tile book Is not dell delivered vered who dec declines il clde liles the issue it if there be oriel fine I 1 in my own department there ere two wo min can te ile arnth sentence lon aen tence it if they mm in boult lout t it li ii my to do so BO it in our privilege to lin vin any book in any 0 tint at we regard BS as unfit for ito he mail burning bad books now ilow often do you take summary fiction 1 I say buy that eliat on tin an average 0 of f once onca every IS ii months e fini it to perform the thumbs dom down n act all such mien books orp arp burnal by tile the department aea atonally sto nally there la Is a but nt ti t often welther Nelt lier the ad or ohp ali addres dd reHr cures to make anke I 1 I a many I 1 that attoun notor lcy y in one country tire are iid ii d ns n prints in anetter thim Inc increasing rensIng me of vim again there are Inthe ent 0 I 1 that atif t their ills hl background or if f their truly artl calup are cunail fled as aa rf f art I 1 hie lie ton lion of ahr ae Is by ganv experts r us for them plenty of defenders como come forward in tle tie sitting room of f a fimlay botell f tile the first ilaw class at inverness one of tie lie mo at in scotland li ii an B the norlis col lection of furniture designed to fa elli tate the gentle art of lounging us as practiced adiong anion of ahr ahm british isles islen my mr inventory reads I 1 rofas S 5 double enty easy chairs if leath nth pr r and cloth 2 backed chalm 8 tabour ets IS 15 I 1 in 5 writing dk desk 1 fireplace 1 the of the room con vin shorted comfort roni fort Is in 22 ty 11 31 feet the number of items itami tota leil 4 41 4 it contain contal nel pi earr eiery lbrown slouching convenience except a fc teamer clair chair ant an a ham hatm awk A man calling tl it stints could coal have rient the whole bolle day there without repenting something ever on annd calculated to fit tile the most catta Cf Tta |