Show NOTICE TO MATER USERS state engineer orlice salt lake city utah november 1 1933 notice Is hereby given that hat fl len n J 8 hunting margaret P par r leer ker and cora mcandrews cAndres Mc tr Andrewa carp care cora cara mcandrews vernal utah have made application in accord ance with the WAS laws of utah to appropriate prop 5 61 1 sec ft water from orn river in uintah county utah said bald water sater will be diverted at a point which tears bears W 1300 1390 ft and B S ft from the ea cor SM bee 11 T 8 13 R 20 E 8 13 L 13 and M and conveyed by pump plimp and canal a distance of 10 it ft and there used from ap ril I 1 to november I 1 of each year aa sul supplemental leme antal supply to 3 60 it acres es 0 of f land embraced in 11 A NE 14 BE bea be 4 SW 34 of see bac 13 and WB W 1 SM sec U tp 8 n R 20 E 8 L 13 and M As aa much of said ald water as a may be ba necessary will be u used qed during each ent entre entac re year for incident incidental tal culinary purposes s this MIS application Is des laria ted in the state engineers engineer a office an as ne file no all protests the granting of said application stating the reasons shall be submit wl ted in affidavit form and in du accompanied by a fee of pIc atAe and filed in this office with in 30 days daya after the completion of the publication of this notice T 11 II state en date of fizet pu bli cation nov 7 date of last pub december 5 1935 NOTICE TO WATER state engineers engineer office salt lake city utah nov 14 1933 notice la IA hew her by given that mary E ir armston roosevelt rUx sevelt utah has made application in accordance with the laws law of utah to 1 57 5 7 see ft of water from oreen river in uintah counte utah said baad water will be b pumped from oreen orcen river from april I 1 to N november I 1 of each vear var at a point which bears beara with south 65 tie air 0 0 min E 2185 2195 fett fert from the B S ow see sec 2 T 8 B R 20 F RTH and M and conveyed by bv ditch 2 fett fet and used a as a supplemental supply to irrigate 1209 1209 acres of land embraced in lots lota 8 6 and 7 of see sec it 11 lots lota 1 3 and 4 of see sec 14 and lots lota 4 end and 5 ot of sec 23 T 8 B S R 20 E SM and ht this application Is desern designated abed in the state engineers office as me file no all protests pro against BRal nit the granting of said application stating the reasons reasor LS shall be submitted in affidavit form and in duplicate accompanied bv a fee of 1 I 1 00 and filed all in this office within 30 dava after the completion of the publication of this notice T 11 humpherys engineer date t of first publication tion nov 21 last last publication dec 19 1935 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers ollee ball bait ie city utah No november ember 26 4 1938 1935 notice Is hereby raven given that joseah T arrowsmith unwed utah has made application in accord once with the laws of utah to ap appropriate prop 16 sec arc ft of water from reader creek in daggett county utah said water will be diNer diverted ted from april I 1 to No november ember I 1 of each year fit at a point 2 2000 it west and ft north of the bridge on the vernal marilla manila hl Rhay crossing cart creek in mckee draw said bald point of diNer diversion sion being approximately at the center of see bee 30 T I 1 N H R 23 2 E blia A 11 the ne water will be conveyed a 5 miles mile by ditch end and released into bear creek at a point approximately in the SW 4 of sec 6 twp tap I 1 N it 2 22 E and nt and re diverted at a point which bears ft east cast and WO feet south from cor no 8 forest homestead survey no arid and used to irrigate acres of land embraced in said forest homestead survey no located on unsun eved land which lf sur surveyed eyed would be senet sr pro 30 nake SM sc S c 31 and waw sec 2 19 T 2 N it 22 E and it this application Is designated in the state engineers engineer a office as me fuei no I 1 all protests against the grant of said application stating the reasons rea ions shall be submitted in affidavit form and in duplicate accompanied bv a fee of ili 00 ard filed in this office within 30 davs after the completion of the publication of this notice T IE H state engineer date of first pub dee dec 5 1935 date of lt last pub jan 3 2 1935 1936 |