Show ASHLEY FOREST dorest NEWS the continued favorable fall 96 weather eather has made it possible tor for farmers to cut and have nied at the mills a great deal of lumber for improvement of farm buildings also large quantities of poles and fire firewood axe being hauled superintendents john 8 bennett 0 of f manila COO camp and frank R worthen warthen of moon take lake camp ere at the vernal office on saturday on business in connection with ork projects pro jt bearg carried on at the two camps due to careless and destructive practices of a few in cutting christ max maa trees it has haa tk been en necess necessary irv to require all those wishing christ CT rist WAS nuli trees off the forest to get permits free permits are issued to thome wishing liln lh ln christmas trees for their own on use A small chu rire ee Is made where trees are cut for sale to others |