Show hilj yd of 6 banana roa 41 there fire are shout 0 A wild species of nf bananas in ninny many char har filling alon it ale 20 cut cul it hierl it ea ilie lle lid ones onca are 11 id ly over tropical at rica asia alfi ati oralla and many tat its they ran anne re in stature from four to forty feet some ore are with milli oll out t edible fruits others are beau beati in folli tita some leaves leavea are green li with lift rt ril 1 I nil I 1 ribs and veins tie bato ha leases leaa striped with rose and white a nother another li Is blot tiled with fill irregular latches of brownish brownl gh hldi I 1 lit color the large lare ORB way may haye have been the flatt of note for it Is 1 represent ed in ancient 13 sculpture Bu liture loil 1011 angeles times |