Show alii r i y y levery thursday vi I 1 IAM AM ift HALLIS EDITOR JAMES 11 II WALLIS VALUS publisher lisher estered as a second class mattw latter li the pok pit tonice office at ernal utah on n scarth 13 19 1909 under thie tb act of barcli 3 1879 one year strictly in adriance 2 50 mo strictly in advance me MA in 00 IN POLITICS OrTI optimistic IN disposition AVD AND FOR A BIGGER ANH AND A GREATER UINTA COUNTY MEMBER KEMBER UTAH STATE PRESS association cl CHRISTMAS CARD 3 A SELECTION with or without your name at the VERNAL EXPRESS PRESS phone 24 important notice to insure tho in of the bligh larch daddi of training that liac diac M mule mide ide it 60 out ding school in ill Ill inter tIt tinn tain area the L 1 I 8 busina 4 collop college find bindi 4 it osary to restrict ro strict enrollment 4 1 i m n the flip il 1 iv buting the period 2 to macli 15 those de desiring to enter during that nenod should li file now L L D S BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 70 north main street bait lake cy atah kmatch 1812 heres good news MR I 1 SANDER has been chosen as distributor for STANDARD ANDARD S OIL 01 L ai ITO x 1 I 1 PRODUCTS S in in the UINTAH BASIN ETHYL STANDARD PENN MOTOR OIL pure pennsylvania get its ita extra mile abille GASOLINE age its purity its all round tor for lour our car the me finest brer ilum gasoline ever offered to utah motor next time lime try iry standard ethyl lubricants fp Ep ellal ial lal products for every purpose from tan lao to rear axle every E very one made to do STANDARD GASOLINE its particular job Joli particularly well more western motorists use it than any other you 11 like the way your car responds rei ponda STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS to this tame tested FOR HOME AND FARM whatever your need from Stands standard rd oil MOTOR OIL Cle cleaning anine fluid to poultry hot spray aull ruid raid many useful helps in the finest nest of western oil enjoy L new economy tar lar family of standard oil Products for in motor operation home and furm farm STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF california |